
gjollyHello there, could you have a look at this bug and at my last comment? https://bugs.launchpad.net/livecd-rootfs/+bug/1968873. Basically it seems that cloud-init does not support/use sshd_config.d. Do you think it is a cloud-init bug?16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1968873 in livecd-rootfs "Regression: images ship with modified configuration file" [High, In Progress]16:13
gjollyI feel like cloud-init should write its config to sshd_config.d/99-cloud-init.conf or something like that rather than appending to the main config file.16:17
rbasakgjolly: thanks - I commented in the bug.17:56
rbasakblackboxsw: ^17:56
Odd_BlokeGlad to finally see that being addressed!19:42
kovacs-andrasDear Team and friendly folks around here, I have a few Ubuntu servers (20.04 mostly) where the system partition is luks2 encrypted. I could open it on boot time trough a tty, ttyS and ssh(dropbear). SSH works just fine I call cryptroot-unlock explicitely.20:09
kovacs-andrasAnd previously both tty and ttyS worked too.20:09
kovacs-andrasBut now, either tty or ttyS works only.20:09
kovacs-andrasI can't figure out from the changelogs what is different now.20:10
kovacs-andrasI put into my /etc/default/grub this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8" and it worked fine a (months ago).20:11
kovacs-andrasNow cryptroot-unlock only asks for my input on the "last" console in this variable. So I can change the order and always only one of them works.20:14
kovacs-andrastty numbers really doesn't matter for some reason. So in case tty* is the last in the row, it will ask for my pass on the tty. If ttyS1 is the last, it will ask my pw on that one.20:15
kovacs-andrasDo you have any recommendations on what should I change to make all my consoles work again? Should I make a hook/script now?20:20
sarnoldkovacs-andras: this is outside my usual experience.. but I have a vague memory of plymouth being used to do password prompting most of the time; I wonder if this is a matter of plymouth config, rather than the right console= lines?20:35
sarnoldkovacs-andras: the kernel docs mention the last console= is used when processes open /dev/console https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.13/admin-guide/serial-console.html -- that sounds very much like what you've got now20:36
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
kovacs-andrasI used ssh(dropbear) to enter into my running initramfs. Both tty0 and ttyS1 are working fine. I can read-write them manually with cat. But cryptroot/cryptsetup runs only on one of them.21:04
kovacs-andrasMany thanks sarnold! Now I understand the last console listed appears as the primary console. But I really don't understand how it could work previously... and I still don't know how to make it work again.21:15
sarnoldkovacs-andras: yeah, I'm not sure it would work previously either :( that's where I started grasping for eg plymouth, thinking it might have done something different as part of its IO multiplexing..21:17
kovacs-andrasPreviously it worked for me. Now I'm thinking about a dirty hack like this to execute unlock on the "secondary" terminal: sh -i <>/dev/ttysomething 1>&0 2>&1 /bin/cryptroot-unlock21:54

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