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arraybolt3[m](In case anyone was alarmed seeing ArrayBolt3Quasse, that was just me testing for a Quassel IRC bug, no one's trying to hijack my username or anything.)01:25
rob0well, I am, but I have not yet been caught!01:40
arraybolt3[m]rob0: LOL01:41
edjinhi all01:52
arraybolt3[m]edjin: Hello! How can we help you?01:58
edjinarraybolt3[m], I'm looking to learn, I don't want to get in the way. Thanks for asking.02:01
arraybolt3[m]No problem, and thanks for coming!02:01
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jhutchins1049 nicks, maybe a dozen are actuall active day to day.02:28
jhutchinsMaybe a couple of dozen.02:28
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yuziI have deleted a usergroup using groupdel group08:46
yuzinow when i list groups it gives08:46
LantiziaAre there any X.org commands I can use to do any diagnostics?08:46
yuzigroups: cannot find name for group ID 99908:46
KBaryuzi: `getent group NAME/GID`08:46
yuziwhat does that do08:47
LantiziaI've got a situation where if I VNC in then the screen looks like it froze yesterday at 4pm and it won't take any input (almost like that was the last pixels to be in the buffer)08:47
Lantiziaand other apps (like NoMachine) claim there is no running X server08:47
Lantiziayet no errors in the X.org logs and all the files in /tmp, and ps -A... would seem to suggest it's still running with all apps08:47
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Best way to check for a running X server would be to look for an X or X.org process using something like htop.08:48
KBaryuzi: it reads the group file and displays information based on the keys given08:48
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], yeah it's running :)08:48
yuziKBar, nothing output08:48
KBaryuzi: so? What do you expect after deleting a group?08:48
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Weird. Sounds like it's frozen to me. I don't know what commands would do the diagnostics you're looking for, though.08:49
KBarIt doesn't exist anymore.08:49
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], my guess is it has somehow frozen/crashed in a way that doesn't show in any logs nor has meant the process has died08:49
yuzigroups: cannot find name for group ID 99908:49
Lantiziathis happens ALOT - it's really annoying08:49
yuziKBar, I am getting this08:49
yuziwhile listing the groups08:49
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Sounds right. What hardware are you running on, graphics hardware in particular?08:49
KBaryuzi: how are you listing? `groups`?08:49
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], it's an lappy with built in intel graphics - so the standard intel xorg/kernel drivers08:50
KBaryuzi: what's the output of `id`?08:50
yuzionly 99908:51
yuzinot name KBar08:51
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Weird. You might (emphasis on might) be able to kill the X server, restart the sddm service, and then log back in remotely, but I don't know if you'll have problems trying to VNC into a system that's on the login screen. There might be a way to log in with the terminal, I dunno.08:51
ograhow did you add that group in the first place ?08:52
KBaryuzi: can you share the full output?08:52
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: (Intel graphics generally work well with Linux, so I doubt graphics driver issues here.)08:52
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], oh yeah I can easily do that and then I'd be able to VNC/NoMachine in again - that's never an issue... of course that kills all the apps and I'm lost as to what the heck I was going over 10 different workspaces :P  not to mention unsaved files08:52
yuziKBar, uid=1000(ptr) gid=1000(ptr) groups=1000(popr),4(adm),27(sudo),121(lpadmin),132(docker),99908:53
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Can you run "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link it spits out? That will give me details about your hardware that may be helpful (like the exact model of your CPU, if I'm not mistaken).08:53
KBaryuzi: relogin/reboot08:53
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], https://termbin.com/by0708:54
yuziKBar, yeah!08:56
KBaryuzi: what?08:56
yuziKBar, sometimes all you need in life is reboot08:56
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Odd, I think that processor should have a graphics chipset that works.08:56
yuziKBar, what do you work08:57
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Have you done any specific customizations to your system, especially in the area of graphics (like GNOME extensions or whatnot)? Also, do you notice this problem happen when a specific program is open?08:57
KBaryuzi: join #ubuntu-offtopic for casual chit chat.08:57
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], yeah the i7-7660U as iris built in08:57
yuziKBar, why not here or pm?08:58
arraybolt3[m]yuzi: We generally reserve this channel for Ubuntu tech support, especially when other support sessions are happening.08:58
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], mostly this occurs when docking/undocking or when connecting/reconnecting via nomachine08:58
KBaryuzi: this channel is for Ubuntu support only. Please, stay on topic or join #ubuntu-offtopic.08:58
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], so basically stuff that interacts with xorg on a basic level somehow08:58
yuziokk KBar thanks for help bye08:59
KBarDon't mention it. See you around.08:59
yuziJOIN #off-topic08:59
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: That makes sense. NoMachine might be causing the problem then.09:00
arraybolt3[m]yuzi: /join #ubuntu-offtopic09:00
yuziyeah it was a typo09:00
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], yeah.. like I say vino-server was running in the background too when I tried to connect via nomachine this morning (only for it to say no X display available)... so I VNC'd in instead ... only to find the desktop showing exactly as it was around 4pm yesterday (as shown by the frozen time in the taskbar)... which is when I disconnected via nomachine yesterday09:01
Lantiziaso I think that was the last thing in the buffer that the VNC server received from X.org09:01
Lantiziahowever killing VNC and starting it again (via SSH) doesn't work :P  so I can't even see that now09:01
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arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Maybe it's having two remote servers running at the same time that's gumming things up? (Also, Vino isn't necessarily the best VNC server to use - I think it's been deprecated or something.)09:02
arraybolt3[m]Yep, Vino is now unmaintained.09:02
arraybolt3[m]Has been since 2020.09:03
Lantiziayeah I know that about vino... tbh vino was only installed a month or so ago as a get out of jail for if this situation occurred again09:03
Lantiziathe issue has been ongoing long before I popped that on here09:03
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: I've seen multiple people having similar problems with NoMachine - perhaps you can try using a different remote desktop solution as your primary solution and see if that resolves the issue?09:04
Lantiziathere isn't really one :)  other than maybe rdp which has many other bugs09:04
Lantiziatbh I also use nomachine on a headless term serv box - that's the paid version which has it's own integrated version of x.org (so you don't need the ubuntu version of x.org installed at all) and that works just great09:05
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: There's also x11vnc.09:06
Lantiziaso I think it's something to do with how nomachine (the free version) hooks into the :0 display of the physical gpu that xorg runs on09:06
Lantiziabut then again - i get these kinds of issues when docking/undocking so maybe it's not nomachine09:06
arraybolt3[m]That would make sense, but sadly I have no clue how to make NoMachine work.09:06
LantiziaVNC is balls though - sorry :P there is no other way to say it... horrible dual screen support and SLLoooow09:06
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: I remember having similar problems looking for a good remote desktop solution...09:07
Lantiziayeah - even the older nomachine 3 tech (not mostly embodied in x2go) isn't much of an option now that certain apps like firefox don't play nice with it due to the hw accelerated graphics etc09:08
Lantizia*now mostly09:08
Lantiziaor I might be thinking nomachine 2 tech actually - whichever one was open source-ish09:08
LantiziaI *really* hope that wayland/pipewire gets a proper solution going that doesn't depend on following MS's approach with RDP and doesn't depend on something slow like VNC09:09
Lantiziait's OVERDUE :)09:09
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Not all VNC systems are garbage.09:10
arraybolt3[m]I can see some that look decent here: https://www.tecmint.com/best-remote-linux-desktop-sharing-software/09:10
alkisgEh, if "implementing a protocol" is one time hard, "designing and implementing a new protocol" is two times harder09:10
alkisgVNC=simple, RDP=supports remotefx etc for video; good implementations of these should be enough09:11
Lantiziaright but I don't see RDP as an open standard - so for me that shouldn't be completely depended on09:11
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Meh, I disagree there - not all protocols are easy to reverse-engineer, and even ones with clear specs might have annoying limitations. GIMP had great success implementing the .xcf format rather than trying to make .psd work.09:11
LantiziaI'm all for VNC if there is a decently quick version, that is also free, and supports dual screen??  arraybolt3[m] do you know of one?09:12
alkisgThe specs are open, it's not about reverse engineering09:12
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Yeah but again, open != easy to implement. xrdp is still fighting with that one.09:12
Lantiziaplus you've got specs there that are clearly written with a completely different OS in mind09:13
alkisgIndeed, but also new protocol that actually takes care of hard things like forwarding video != easy to implement09:13
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: The TecMint article I linked to has some good-looking ones (TigerVNC looked hopeful)09:13
Lantiziawhat is tailored for windows... isn't what would be the best approach for wayland/xorg09:13
MilesPrower_hold what are we trying to do?09:13
MilesPrower_hold up**09:13
alkisgLantizia: read my last review there: https://epoptes.org/documentation/vnc/09:13
Lantiziaalkisg, you've just reviewed viewers there?09:14
arraybolt3[m]MilesPrower_: This started as a "why is X hanging" problem, then went to "different remote desktop solutions" and has now devolved into a proprietary-vs-OSS debate.09:14
MilesPrower_^ ty king09:14
alkisgLantizia: viewer and servers but only those that were suitable for use with our epoptes tool we're developing09:14
alkisgI.e. only those that support reverse connections09:14
arraybolt3[m]It's also getting a bit off-topic, which this channel doesn't like all too much sometimes.09:14
Lantiziaoh I've used epoptes before with ltsp09:15
alkisgYeh I'm the developer of both ;)09:15
LantiziaI thought the name rung a bell :)09:15
Lantiziawe (staffslug.org.uk) use it to run our PC's for our LUG workshops :P09:15
Lantiziawhen you've got something like Ubuntu MATE though.. that has *no* VNC server built in (which is why I've sometimes turned to older knowledge like vino)... what VNC server should be used that is... 1) free, 2) going to easily connect to the existing displays (more than one), 3) quick! and not laggy, 4) going to support dual screens so that the VNC viewer can know which remote display should be mapped to which local display09:18
LantiziaI have *yet* to find that VNC server :P09:18
LantiziaI'm happy to hear a recommendation :P09:18
alkisgYou can just run x11vnc over ssh, no need for a running vnc server (which also would be unenrypted usually)09:19
alkisgIt does support multiple screens or screen selection with command line parameters09:19
vasilakisfilhello, I have been using ubuntu the past 15 years and I can manage quite well console etc, but still some things I would like to learn more. Is there any course/certificate that will guide me around advanced things, like systemctl, advanced commands, grub/boot etc ?09:21
Lantiziaalkisg, right but that's not to existing gpu displays right?09:24
alkisgLantizia: you just need that command before, to discover the running xorg display: /usr/share/epoptes-client/get-display09:24
alkisgAs long as you export the appropriate vars, you can connect x11vnc to the existing display09:24
alkisgIt also works from windows clients to linux servers (internal windows ssh + realvnc viewer.exe)09:25
Lantizia(mate-panel:19888): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:25:39.192: cannot open display: :0.009:25
Lantiziabut I'm guessing that's because X.org has already frozen/crashed09:26
Lantiziabut that's what I get when running x11vnc09:26
alkisgIf you're running xorg normally (systemd.unit=graphical.target) it shouldn't freeze. If you ran it over some weird vnc connection, then it might be frozen until you connect from there again.09:27
alkisgIf xorg is properly running, you should be able to export DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY and run `xrandr` and see the resolutions etc09:27
alkisgEven when connected via ssh09:27
KBarvasilakisfil: manpages to the rescue. systemctl(1) is well-documented. `info grub` is also filled with useful information09:27
Lantizianah this is normal systemd.unit=graphical.target09:27
Lantiziaalkisg, xrandr just freezes when you run it (after setting display and xauthority)09:28
alkisgLantizia: and what's the output of `sudo /usr/share/epoptes-client/get-display`? It's a standalone script you can download it from github if you don't want to apt install epoptes-client09:28
Lantiziabut that's no different than trying to run anything else either on that display via ssh09:28
Lantiziaalkisg, I'm not using epoptes at all09:29
Lantiziathink you've got your wires crossed there09:29
alkisgNope, it's just its detection script I'm asking you to use09:29
alkisgThat's why I said "download it from github". So that we know it's getting the correct values09:29
Lantiziasorry I've missed that - didn't see you mention github09:30
Lantiziagot it - and that freezes too09:30
KBarvasilakisfil: you can apply for RH Certification Program, but for that, contact Red Hat.09:30
alkisgThen your xorg is frozen from unrelated reasons, not due to vnc or ssh09:31
LantiziaI know :)  as it occurs sometimes when docking/undocking on thunderbolt too09:31
Lantizia^ have mentioned that earlier09:31
alkisgSure but that's a glitch in your hardware/drivers etc that's not related at all to the vnc questions that I was trying to answer09:31
Lantiziatrouble is there is never anything in the xorg logs to show what is going on09:32
alkisgWe can't tackle two issues at once; you need to separate the topics09:32
Lantiziaxorg is still running, as are 10 workspaces worth of apps :)09:32
Lantiziaalkisg, I never split them :)09:32
alkisgOK, anyway if you need anything regarding vnc feel free to ping me; I don't have anything to add to the crashing part, it's standard xorg troubleshooting09:32
Lantiziamy opening line... <Lantizia> Are there any X.org commands I can use to do any diagnostics?09:32
vasilakisfilhmm but I am using ubuntu all day, never red hat and its derivatives, so while I respect the red hat certs, I would prefer something that is ubuntu oriented09:33
vasilakisfilbut yeah, probably the man pages is the way to go09:33
luna__Ubuntu is also having certs09:33
luna__you can take09:33
luna__also look at LPI09:34
Lantiziaalkisg, if I do (as very likely I will.. after my usual hour or two of being annoyed has passed - this situation occurs alot) restart X and loose my apps... I will certainly give epoptes a go and uninstall nomachine if it gives me everything I need.  I didn't realise until now that it could be used outside of the scope of LTSP09:35
vasilakisfilthanks, that looks interesting !09:35
alkisgLantizia: sure; in any case, troubleshooting xorg issues is much easier if you DONT involve vnc at all09:36
luna__don't remember the name of the Canonical certification program however09:36
Lantiziaalkisg, again originally I never even mentioned VNC :P09:36
alkisgLantizia: yeh, I only answered when you mentioned vnc, not originally :)09:36
alkisgEach person here tries to help in the parts they can09:36
Lantiziaappreciated :)09:38
KBar!ask | oxfuxxx09:42
ubottuoxfuxxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:42
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Liblxfor installing the newest version of weechat (or others) would you recommend using .deb files or including the repository of a program?09:59
KBarLiblx: if it's in the official Ubuntu repositories, install it from there.09:59
LiblxKBar: not the newest version that i need. so, i only can use .deb files or including repository.10:00
KBarLiblx: are you here to listen to recommedations? If not, you're welcome to decide for yourself.10:01
Liblxyes, what do you recommend, KBar?10:02
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arraybolt3[m]Liblx: I'd add the repo so you get automatic updates. The .deb might do that... but it might not. Make sure you're using an official source, of course.11:03
arraybolt3[m](I'm not KBar, just FYI.)11:03
Liblxthank you very much, arraybolt3[m].11:25
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Sbur3I want to recover my data from a 4tb sata drive. Dolphin 'sees" the partition sdb2, but I'm unable to mount and open it. Anyone willing to help?12:25
Sbur3I'm downloading "boot-repair-disk" in case that could help12:26
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BluesKajHi all12:34
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mickeyi might be missing something but anything in ubuntu related to vpn clients is a wreck. i dont have any "vpn connections" in the activities menu like people show in some screenshots, openvpn in the network manager doesnt handle challenge responses at all, etc.13:07
mickeyi just want to be able to conveniently connect/disconnect from a wireguard server, and i want to be able to do the same with an openvpn server that has OTP challenge-response.. not asking for anything much, not even adding/editing interfaces13:09
mncheckmon focal I run XDG_UTILS_DEBUG_LEVEL=99 ; cd  ~/.local/share/applications/ && desktop-file-validate foo.desktop && xdg-desktop-menu install --mode user --novendor foo.desktop . at first this worked and I pinned the app to dash after searching it in activities/applications. after uninstalling a similarly named app, foo.desktop disappeared from both dash, and the applications list. it no longer appears after running the former command. I can see the13:14
mncheckmcommand completing properly. even after running update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications it doesn't show up inside the applications. UPDATE I fixed it... I had to remove TryExec=... line from .desktop file13:14
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transhumanisthi I am encountering this bug in make 4.3.4 on Ubuntu 22.04  https://bpa.st/XXRA I am trying to understand the work around . Any able to help?14:55
samy1028btranshumanist: it's been a while since I worked with makefiles.  Which part are you having questions about in the changelog workaround?14:58
oerheksnot sure who gave you that work around, our make is newer,...14:58
transhumanist https://lwn.net/Articles/810071/ the error during compile seems to show it still doesnt find it I was trying to fix it in a more general way ,   this is facebooks fix https://github.com/facebook/zstd/commit/06a57cf57e3c4e887cadcf688e3081154f3f6db4   I am not sure if I can use  this some how as a patch file15:01
ubottuCommit 06a57cf in facebook/zstd "[build-issue] More portable header prefix usage (#) (#1987)"15:01
oerheksoke, but is newer.15:02
transhumanistor how to set the git repository to that commit do I do somethign like git reset --hard on that long number?15:03
transhumanistguess that might work... let me try it15:05
transhumanistOMG all that and just the dev packages were not installed...sigh15:09
sunfroggion my mac im getting virtual box error15:11
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggi: Let me guess... M1 Mac?15:12
sunfroggimy mac is reebooting rn15:12
sunfroggiits an old one15:12
arraybolt3[m]Ah. OK.15:12
sunfroggilet me log into my log user15:12
sunfroggii will get the information15:12
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggi: If it's an M1, probably the error you're getting trying to start Ubuntu will be the most helpful.15:13
arraybolt3[m]*NOT an M1 (gosh, what's wrong with my typing?)15:13
sunfroggino its 201415:13
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sunfroggiruning macOS monterey15:14
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, I know, I just did a bad mistype the second time.15:14
sunfroggiversion 12.3.115:14
sunfroggiok i will share the error15:14
oerheksso is it a virtualbox error or ubuntu error?15:14
sunfroggikernel driver not installed error15:15
sunfroggiim on my laptop let me send the error first15:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:16
=== KBar1 is now known as KBar
sunfroggithis is the exact error15:17
oerheksoh no, a picture..15:17
sunfroggiwhats wrong15:17
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.15:17
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On linux, open returened ENOENT.15:18
sunfroggihow do i do that15:18
oerheksso it is a virtualbox error15:18
oerheksanswer ^15:18
sunfroggithank u15:19
mncheckmrecommend me a localhost scoped gui chat application please?15:19
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: What's localhost scoped mean?15:19
oerhekschat apps that can connect to #libera https://libera.chat/guides/sasl15:19
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], it should not use IP, at most unix domain sockets15:20
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: You have to use IP in order to access the Internet at all, so this would be restricted to chatting just between users on the same system, which Linux has a bit of support for already IIRC.15:21
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], I want to chat with users shown in command "who" but for security reasons the chat program should be unable to use any kind of remote network. I have a LAN that is disconnected from the internet and I can ssh between the machines, but I don't want the chat program to use the LAN at all.15:22
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: Try running "man write" in a terminal - that should show you how Linux's built-in chat works, if that's what you're looking for.15:22
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], talk is not graphical. I wish for it to show up in the notification are or something15:22
arraybolt3[m]Oh right, you said GUI. Hmm...15:23
oerheksso, a local chat service?15:23
mncheckmoerheks, hm, yes, but I don't know any15:23
oerheksrocketchat perhaps? https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/setup-rocketchat-server-on-ubuntu#1-overview15:24
mncheckmbasically my problem with talk or write is I don't think a GUI user would notice if I write15:24
oerheksit supports ssl15:24
mncheckmoerheks, I want it not to use networking15:24
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: I think Linux gives you a notification when a write comes through to you - you could try it and see.15:24
wezoerheks: I hope it doesn't, ssl has been deprecated for years and is insecure15:24
oerhekswez, from what planet are you?15:24
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], I just did and it didnt15:25
arraybolt3[m]I thought that was TLS that was deprecated.15:25
wezoerheks: The planet where anything below TLS version 1.2 is considered insecure and broken15:25
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: You might need to use "mesg" to enable receiving writes.15:25
wezoerheks: Which includes SSL15:25
arraybolt3[m]Try getting someone to run "mesg y" and then "write" to them, see how that works.15:25
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], one user says mesg y , other user says echo hi | write otheruser . but no notification15:26
sunfroggii reinstalled virtual box15:26
wezoerheks: I suggest you upgrade15:26
mncheckmprobably should have chatted | write oneuser for clarity15:26
arraybolt3[m]Crud. OK, then that won't work.15:26
sunfroggibut the popup for the orace america didnt pop up15:26
wezoerheks: If you are using TLS 1.2 already, then upgrade your terminology.15:27
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggie: Try using the permissions trick oerheks linked to.15:27
sunfroggiyea im following that guide15:28
sunfroggiim watching this15:29
sunfroggiill do it this way and tell u what happeneds15:30
arraybolt3[m]mncheckm: You might be able to craft what you're looking for with the info here: https://superuser.com/questions/31917/is-there-a-way-to-show-notification-from-bash-script-in-ubuntu (Sorry, I have no clue what GUI program that do what you're looking for.)15:37
arraybolt3[m](That do. Really...)15:38
sunfroggiits not working :(15:44
sunfroggithe error is not popping up after a reinstall15:44
sunfroggii mean the allow button15:44
sunfroggiin security and orivaty15:44
tomreynsunfroggi: you are really looking for virtualbox on OS X / Apple OS support. This channel is for Ubuntu support.15:46
tomreynthere is #vbox on irc.oftc.net15:46
mncheckmarraybolt3[m], thank you for caring :)15:47
Release_greetz, when using ssh to an ubuntu box how would we connect to root dir using a sftp client like winscp ?16:05
oerheksRelease_,  enable root login, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config > PermitRootLogin yes16:08
tomreynRelease_: there are few scenarios where you should need to access files of user root, though. is yours actually one of them?16:10
tomreyn(is there a better way to achieve the same, with lower permissions?)16:10
Release_to edit files i usually use winscp16:11
Release_i find easier16:11
Release_then the usual nano vim and such16:11
Release_but it proofs tricky to get to root dir with winscp16:12
Release_with command line its fine16:12
tomreynwhy do you need to edit files in /root ?16:12
Release_for software that runs in root16:12
Release_the question wasnt why ? my question was how to access root with winscp16:13
tomreynand you got your answer, and even someone suggesting that you may need to rethink your approach if you want to handle things safely.16:14
Release_hm ok16:15
Release_i would prefer the recommended way16:15
Release_but i rather use winscp for it16:15
Release_if there is a way to use the recommended way and still be able to use winscp to edit files i would prefer that16:15
oerhekswinscp has nothing to do with it, set permissions serverside to grant root login, simple16:16
Release_i wouldnt want to insist on using a possible u`nsafe way16:16
Release_oerheks but tomreyn said its not recommended16:16
Release_ive also reado that as well16:17
tomreynsoftware running as root is probably bad practice by either the software (it shouold drop permissions, running as a different user, unless it strictly must run as root for one of the few reasons there can be), or those setting up this software.16:17
oerhekssure it is discussable, you must havea reason to do so.16:17
Release_that its changed not to use root login as default anymore16:17
tomreynif you cnan tell us more about what this software does, we may be able to provide better recommendations16:17
Release_i try to avoid runnin software as root16:18
Release_as much as possible16:18
arraybolt3[m]Release_: I'm not sure how to make a file transfer protocol be able to get root privileges, that sounds difficult without using an insecure method. The way I would do this would be to SSH into the computer and then use "sudo" when I need to edit a file as root. You could use WinSCP to copy files you need and then edit them locally, then copy them back to a user-accessible directory and plug them in with terminal commands in SSH.16:18
oerheksgroup policies..16:18
Release_arraybolt3[m] it wont allow u16:19
Release_as u arent in root yet16:19
arraybolt3[m]Release_: OK, then use SSH to copy the file from a root location to a non-root location and set the permissions as needed, WinSCP it out, edit it, WinSCP it into a user-accessible location, copy it over the actual file, and you're done. At this point, though, it would be easier to just use nano and vim directly on the server through the SSH session.16:19
Release_that defeats the poropse of using winscp for that arraybolt3[m]16:20
Release_as i mainly use winscp to edit files16:20
tomreynwinscp for editing configuration files is not really a good approach.16:20
arraybolt3[m]Release_: So you'd do "ssh user@computer.com", then "sudo nano /root/myfile", edit away, save, done. (Just throwing ideas out there.)16:21
tomreynor sftp in general16:21
Release_yea ive read that somewhere as well tomreyn16:21
Release_that is may work but may not be always safe and may result in weird results16:21
tomreynif this software really must run as root (i'm not convinved, yet), you should learn about software configuration deployment16:22
tomreynactually in either case you should, if oyu need to make such changes regularly16:22
amosbirdHi! What's the correct way to get current LLVM_VERSION_FULL of a given LLVM_VERSION on ubuntu? For example, I'd like to install llvm-14 but before installing it, I'd like to know if the version is 14.0.5 or 14.0.616:22
arraybolt3[m]amosbird: Try running "apt-cache show llvm-14", maybe.16:23
arraybolt3[m]On my Jammy system it's
tomreynand thus does not give away which minor version it is16:24
arraybolt3[m](If you want more concise output, do "apt-cache show llvm-14 | grep Version")16:24
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: I figured it was actually 14.0.0, i.e., major version bump with no subsequent minor version bumps. Do things no always work like that?16:25
tomreynsorry, i meant it does not give away the patch version, major and minor versions are probably 14.0, but the one after that you won't be able to tell from inspecting the apt version16:25
arraybolt3[m]Well crud. I guess that solution won't work, in which event I'm out of ideas.16:26
tomreynapt changelog llvm-14    should tell16:27
oerheksnext Kinetic will have 14.0.6-1   https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-1416:28
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Trying that, I can see the minor number (the .0 at the very end) isn't always .0 in all version numbers (i.e., 13.0.1 is in there), but it is at .0 for the most recent one in Ubuntu (14.0.0).16:29
tomreynhmm, maybe this means i'm wrong and a debian package version of 14.0.0-something really means the software will consider itself to be 14.0.0 or 14.0.0-something, too.16:29
tomreynamosbird: which ubuntu version are you running there?16:31
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: The llvm-14 package in Jammy has a changelog timestamp of 24 Mar 2022, and the LLVM website has 14.0.0 released on 25 Mar 2022, so I'm inclined to think it really is 14.0.0 that's in Jammy.16:32
arraybolt3[m]I also see many LLVM version numbers usually only end in 0 or 1, and this particular year they've gone a bit crazy and now have it going up to as high as 6.16:33
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: thanks for looking this up. i guess, yes, 14.0.0 + backported patches in jammy16:33
tanul1989Hey, hope all are doing great.. Need to ask a small query. If we are downloading any package in dockerfile or even in the linux OS using apt install.. Then is it always a suggested approach to run apt update and apt upgrade first and then install the packages.16:47
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: Yes, otherwise you may end up with an older version of the package, and I think there's other bad things that can happen if you don't.16:52
jhutchinsRemember, older versions of packages are always bad, they do not include the latest bugs and security vulnerabilities.16:57
tanul1989arraybolt3[m] @jhu16:58
tanul1989yup actually same thing is happening16:58
arraybolt3[m](Sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.)16:58
tanul1989sorry by mistake I wrote16:58
tanul1989in my docker file I'm installing libssl1.116:59
tanul1989but because of not running update and upgrade in start I was always getting the packages16:59
tanul1989having security issues16:59
tanul1989arraybolt3[m], jhutchins, Thanks a lot for the confirmation.. Going forward i will always perform update and upgrade first and then run apt install packages etc....17:00
enigma9o7[m]At least update before installing.17:00
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: 👍️17:00
tanul1989enigma9o7[m], Correct..17:01
enigma9o7[m]If you dont update the database first, you might not be getting the latest version of what you try to install.17:01
tanul1989but without running upgrade the old packages with security issues doesn't remove17:01
enigma9o7[m]But upgrading isn't necessarily going to affect the folliwing package install, that upgrades what you already have installed.17:01
enigma9o7[m]Correct tanul good to be updated anytime, but its not related to installing something new.17:02
sunfroggii couldnn not find the solution17:02
sunfroggii have tired your answers and when i un/reinstall vboc17:02
oerhekswb sunfroggi , solution for macvirtualbox?17:02
tanul1989One last question.. does upgrading has any disadvantages as only update is also helping me17:03
sunfroggiu watched 3 videos17:03
oerheksif that page does not help, seek support in virtualbox?17:03
sunfroggii went to vbox17:03
sunfrogginoone is answering lol17:03
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: An update refreshes the package database on your system so your computer knows what software and versions are available. An upgrade actually installs the newer versions of outdated packages.17:04
tanul1989oops.. Ok.. Then its necessary17:04
tanul1989Thank you so much for the help.. I'll change my docker file right away.. Have a great day ahead.. Stay safe :)17:05
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: You too!17:05
HanumaanUnable to use the boot repair it says create partition or activate EFI partition and it is not possible : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GGcdZydPZB/17:22
oerheksline 821 legacy Windows detected...  and some more tips from that, you seem to have a mix of mbr/gpt and uefi..17:28
oerheksrepair windows first?17:30
oerheksor not repair; do it right17:30
kabudaopen vlc17:33
arraybolt3[m]kabuda: Is VLC glitching out or causing problems in some way?17:34
oerheksarraybolt3[m], we need to ask for details17:35
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: I know, I'm just trying to get a general idea, plus I'm talking in two or three channels at once.17:36
oerheks#debian has this short factoid with a list of information we need as minimum...17:37
ravageI usually wait until I read at least something that can be recognized as a question :)17:37
ravagebut that factoid would be very helpful too17:38
arraybolt3[m]OK guys, yes, I realize the initial response was kind of vague, and y'all don't like answering users like that. I do, if you don't like it, leave me to it. :-P Besides, looks like our talk chased them off, which is exactly what I wanted to NOT happen.17:38
ravage90% of "hi" users leave after 1 minute. we should not flatter ourselves17:39
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx
Hanumaanoerheks, I'm not concerned about the Windows .. I'm concerned about Fedora and Ubuntu. However, at later stage I would have windows17:46
Hanumaanoerheks, should I use mbr or gpt?17:47
Hanumaanand is it with UEFI or not?17:47
ravageif you can always use UEFI and GPT17:47
amosbirdtomreyn: 18.04 LTS17:49
tomreynamosbird: llvm-14 is not available for ubuntu 18.04 LTS. consider a release upgrade. (you might find a PPA providing this version on 18.04, though.)18:22
ice9how to run a script after initramfs is executed, I added it in /etc/initramfs-tools/post-update.d/ but didn't run at all18:22
jhutchinsice9: I think you are confused, do you mean to run a script after initramfs is rebuilt?18:28
oerheksconfused, asking in 2 channels .. again18:31
oerheksice9, and what answer did you get everywhere?18:33
Supervisorhello :-)18:34
ice9jhutchins, exactly18:35
Supervisorhow are you guys18:38
transhumanistis there an easy fix for one CPU core almost always be prefered over the second cpu?18:39
transhumanistthats almost all automated18:39
=== morpheuz6 is now known as morpheuz
tomreynover the second cpu or the second cpu core (of the same cpu)?18:40
Supervisorhas that always been happening?18:40
oerheksif gpu-core 2 kicks in, core 1 is buzy?18:41
transhumanistnm I am reading gnomes utilty wrong  I thought the second bar was the second cpu (below the first chart , but its the swap space, so all good18:41
Supervisoroh ok18:41
transhumanistdah on my part18:41
Supervisorwelcome is0ke318:41
Supervisorim on windows vista rn18:41
tomreynSupervisor: please keep in mind this is an ubuntu (only) support (only) channel. thanks.18:42
transhumanistfor those who helped me out with zswap, zram and compression enhancement Here is my installation instructions (not a script as of yet) https://imgur.com/a/HR4mCKc  before and immediately after stress test with facebook Z multithreading libary running during stress test. also see this : https://bpa.st/FXWA   , wishing I had like 8 cpus instead of two though18:44
Supervisorthis is the most active IRC server18:47
oerhekstime to register, Supervisor .. it is not that expensive18:48
sunfroggiim annoyed18:48
sunfrogginothing is working18:48
oerheksthen more channels are open for you18:49
oerheksjoinm #libera for register help18:49
Psil0[m]Basically message nickserv18:54
Supervisori did it18:54
Supervisorso i always have to login18:54
Psil0[m]Use the command /msg nickserv register or help18:54
Psil0[m]To your email correct18:55
Psil0[m]Login and register like any service18:55
Psil0[m]To authenticate did you get a reply ro rhe help command18:55
Supervisorok i registered18:56
Supervisorbut how do i login everytime i open up the server18:56
gpetteyIs there a way to make do-release-upgrade support applying "-legacy_renegotiation" flag for openssl?18:56
oerheksuse a proper client, that stores your cred.?18:57
gpetteyI am behind one of those wonderful SSL-intercepting-and-replacing proxies.18:57
tomreyngpettey: i'm not convinced that trying to make ubuntu work insecurely to make it work in insecurely configured entvironments is the right thing to do.18:59
oerheksgpettey, not sure why you think that is awesome, normally i would give the url for a normal proxy https://linuxiac.com/how-to-use-apt-with-proxy/18:59
gpetteyCorporate firewall kind of proxy.19:00
kovacs-andrasHi! Is there anyone here with some grub, initramfs and maybe luks knowledge?19:02
Supervisori barely know how to use grub... sorry.19:02
kovacs-andrasI have the following line in my grub config: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8"19:02
tomreynSupervisor: do you have an ubuntu support question?19:02
arraybolt3[m]Supervisor: Thank you for wanting to help us out. We generally refrain from answering support questions unless we know the answer or can be helpful in some way.19:03
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: I know quite a bit about GRUB and some about luks. What do you need?19:04
kovacs-andrasPreviously, when I booted my Ubuntu 20.04 server it asked for my luks2 password on all consoles I have. Now it it only asks on the last one.19:04
sunfroggispeaking of password19:05
sunfroggii am not able to set a lowercase password can i override taht?19:05
gneeriiloeepdeercan you please paste the snap command to execute if I want to force update firefox?19:05
gneeriiloeepdeer'close the app to avoid disruptions'19:05
kovacs-andrasSo cryptroot-unlock was executed on all my terminals, but now it only runs on the last one :(19:05
arraybolt3[m]gneeriiloeepdeer: sudo snap refresh firefox19:05
gneeriiloeepdeerarraybolt3[m], \o/ thanks!19:06
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggi: Do "sudo su -", type your password, then do "passwd <username>" replacing the placeholder as appropriate, it will let you use whatever password you want if you do that (I use a single lowercase "z" for a lot of my VMs and whatnot where I couldn't care less about even having a password).19:07
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggi: Make sure to do "exit" after you're done setting the password so that you don't have a root shell open for any longer than you need, since it could be a security risk to leave it open.19:08
enigma9o7[m]or just sudo passwd $USER19:09
enigma9o7[m]I use one of my favorite letters for my password.19:09
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: That's a better way to do it - I got multiple things in my head at the same time and ended up with a less-than-awesome answer as a result.19:10
tomreyngpettey: this might help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1963834/comments/719:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1963834 in openssl (Ubuntu) "openssl 3.0 - SSL: UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED]" [Undecided, Won't Fix]19:10
gpetteytomeryn: Thanks.19:12
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: By "last one", do you mean TTY6? Or...?19:13
kovacs-andrasThe last in my list in the  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. If it's a tty then it will be a tty. If it's a ttyS then it will be that.19:14
gpetteytomeryn: Looks like I'm going to need that for *every* external https connection now that openssl-3 is secure by default :)19:14
arraybolt3[m]Oh, the last in the list. I totally skipped over the list 🤦‍♂️19:14
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: OK, well, when things used to work and then they broke, easiest way to troubleshoot it is to figure out what changed when it broke. Do you remember the last change or last few changes you made just before things went wonky?19:15
arraybolt3[m](System updates count as changes, btw.)19:16
tomreyngpettey: most likely. your problem is not openssl.19:16
tomreynwell, not the openssl of ubuntu anyways19:16
kovacs-andras~5-6 months ago it worked just fine. Since then I used only the ttyS1 to unlock my server (luks) on reboot. Now I wanted to use the tty input-output and it didn't work. The config hasn't changed. And it's the same now on Ubuntu 22.04 also.19:16
arraybolt3[m]Crud, that means either someone else changed it, or a system update broke it.19:17
gpetteyNope, not openssl. The problem is the silly decrypt-reencrypt sniffing proxy. Just needed a way to tell openssl to get around it.19:17
kovacs-andrasIt's a HP gen 9? maybe with iLO4. I could make the VSP (virtual serial port) work with ttyS1 and tty0 was the html5-based input.19:18
kovacs-andrasI tired ttys with other numbers too but it was the same. :(19:18
sunfroggiarraybolt3[m], thank you!19:19
arraybolt3[m]sunfroggi: No problem.19:19
tomreyngpettey: i agree (but don't knwo which software the 'decrypt-reencrypt sniffing proxy' uses (could be openssl as well). at least you can now tell the network admins (or whoever manages this system) that a major linux distro now breaks because of their environmental service not just supporting, but actually depending on outdated, insecure, crypto.19:21
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: Silly question possibly, but how wide is the terminal that tty0 gives you?19:25
jhutchinsgpettey: I'd be real careful about circumventing a firewall if you're an employe or contractor for the company running it.19:26
arraybolt3[m](This is me grasping at straws here - the closest bug I can see to what you're describing is that a terminal width of 50 or lower will cause cryptroot-unlock to go crazy for reasons, so I'm wondering if maybe you're accessing your terminal from a smaller screen or with an unmaximized window or something.)19:27
jhutchinsgpettey: I would expect that there's a clause in your employment contract that refers to network security policies.19:27
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: I think they want openssl to accept the insecure connection, not bypass a firewall.19:28
jhutchinsgpettey: An easy way around the firewall if you really, really need to upgrade something is to download the current repos on a system that's not firewalled and use physical media to transport them.19:28
kovacs-andrasIt's not a silly question. 160 cols, 64 lines right now.19:29
arraybolt3[m](Which is insane that they have to do this at all - the company ought to have better security than that unless there's something I'm missing, but sometimes life is what it is.)19:29
kovacs-andras(as tput reported)19:29
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: Well so much for that. Hmm...19:29
kovacs-andrasbut when I change the order of tty0 and ttyS1 one of them always works. But always the last one in the row only.19:30
arraybolt3[m]gpettey: You can do what jhutchins suggested with a nifty tool called apt-offline.19:30
arraybolt3[m](It's a pain to use, but it works. Source: Experience.)19:30
kovacs-andrasI only updated the servers and haven't change it's initramfs config. I haven't found any clue in the changelogs yet. :(19:30
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: Maybe each time a new prompt launches, the old one gets overridden and turned off?19:31
kovacs-andrasIt can be possible. But when I enter the luks password and the system loads further, all terminals are live again.19:32
tomreynkovacs-andras: https://kevin-wang-xin.medium.com/how-to-enable-ipmitool-vsp-login-on-hpe-server-ilo5-e1d2475901e9 actually seems to suggest what you have now is correct.19:33
kovacs-andrasthanks! But the GRUB_TERMINAL=serial part is not working for me when secure boot is on - it doesn't allow to load the serial.mod19:36
kovacs-andrasit's also good to see ilo5 didn't change a lot in this sense :D19:38
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: Is there potentially some way you can send the unlock key through another route? Say SSH into the server, unlock the drive, then access the serial ports however you want?19:38
kovacs-andrasYes, I use dropbear-initramfs too on a different port on boot time which executes cryptroot-unlock directly. It works just fine when there is a working network.19:40
arraybolt3[m]Ah, and therein lies the rub. Working networks can be an elusive thing sometimes.19:41
arraybolt3[m]Out of curiosity, is there any particular need to have Secure Boot on in your environment?19:42
kovacs-andrasthe iLO and the server are on 2 different networks, different ethernet ports and cables19:42
kovacs-andrasMy boot is not encrypted so secureboot makes me sleep better. :D19:43
arraybolt3[m]Ah. That makes sense. Then is there any particular reason you can't sign the modules yourself?19:43
kovacs-andraspure laziness19:44
kovacs-andrasIMHO the serial.mod would be necessary an another input-output trough the HP iLO, they call it TEXTCONS. I don't use that one. I only use VSP.19:45
arraybolt3[m]kovacs-andras: This is very much on-topic for this channel, but if you find that you're not getting answers, you might try over at #ubuntu-server and see what they know.19:45
kovacs-andras*for an another input-output19:45
kovacs-andrasmany thanks! Even questions can help sometimes to make things see from a different aspect.19:46
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g3poandlslIs there a way to set the default GDM3 session to Ubuntu Wayland for all users, other than modifying /var/lib/AccountService/users/* ?19:56
tomreyng3poandlsl: shoould not be necessary unless you uncommented WaylandEnable=false in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf20:00
transhumanistis this the right channel for multipass server questions?20:00
transhumanist(ubuntu multipass)20:00
tomreyntranshumanist: i think there is #multipass, check with alis20:00
transhumanistok thanks tomreyn20:00
=== ootput9 is now known as ootput
LantiziaHey, I've turned on the built in rdp on ubuntu 22.04 (well it looks like it was already turned on after installing)... and then also turned on "remote control"20:11
Lantiziabut from my rdp client (latest remmina) I can't seem to control anything - only view20:11
oerheks No, on 22.04 sharing is not enabled by default. see systemsettings > sharing, and you find those options, remote control20:16
oerheksand more20:17
jhutchinsLantizia: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/access-remote-desktop#1-overview20:17
oerheksif it was enabled by default, i filed a bugreport20:17
Lantiziayeah it was :)20:18
Lantizianot the 'Remote Control' option but the 'Remote Desktop' option20:18
Lantiziafresh 22.04 iso downloaded today and installed in a vmware workstation vm20:18
Lantiziaand the 'Remote Control' option started working after I did some updates and rebooted the vm20:18
oerheksno, not on ubuntu.20:19
Lantiziawell I'm using a fish for an OS... yes on Ubuntu20:19
LantiziaI guess it's not an issue - as people can try to RDP all they like... it comes with a random password so no one can get in20:19
oerheksmust be a vmware thing, not ubuntu.20:20
Lantizialol whatever helps you sleep20:20
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: That may not be a bad security hole, but that's still unnerving. Maybe they changed something with the switch to GNOME Remote Desktop. I'd file a bug anyway.20:20
Lantiziait's not like I let vmware automate the install - this was a manual install from the iso20:20
jhutchinsoerheks: VMWare has no effect on the installation or configuration of the software on a VM.20:20
oerhekswell, you know where to look to change settings.20:20
arraybolt3[m]I'll try and verify it at some point on my own system, just to be doubly sure. If it's true, bug reports will be on the way.20:21
Lantiziai'm fine with it... like I say having the RDP service enabled out the box isn't that bad a thing imo - as long as no one knows the password20:21
oerheksjhutchins, i dont think that either too, just saying it is not ubuntu/default.20:21
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], since our conversation earlier about xorg crashing and vnc/nomachine... i'm just using this VM to test to see how far along wayland/rdp has come basically - maybe make the switch from Ubuntu MATE back to regular Ubuntu20:22
Lantiziaalthough I can't see anyway to do multimonitor here :P  although the VM can emulate two monitors - my rdp connection can only access one of them20:23
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: At least performance seems better than last I tried. I'm using Remmina + SSH on a Chromebook, x11vnc + SSHd as my server, running over a painfully slow WiFi connection, and am very happy with the results.20:26
arraybolt3[m]Last I tried with a different client set, it was an awful mess even with gigabit ethernet.20:26
Lantiziaarraybolt3[m], yeah I looked at xorgxdrp as supposedly that works better than x11vnc20:26
Lantiziabut I was confused how on earth it was meant to both be a xorg driver in its own right (so the x.org apps are drawn to that instead of the gpu) but then somehow appear on a physical screen also - odd20:27
Lantiziatbh this rdp on ubuntu 22.04 is already a let down for 3 reasons... 1) the auth isn't from pam (i.e. you have to make up a new rdp password)... 2) no multimonitor support... 3) doesn't lock the physical screen when in use20:28
arraybolt3[m]Ah, the physical screen bit is sad. My computer looks like I've been hacked into when I'm remoting in LOL20:28
arraybolt3[m]You might actually try xorgxrdp on Ubuntu MATE, if MATE still uses X (I think it does?). Ubuntu has transitioned to Wayland for the most part if I'm understanding correctly, so not much other than the built-in features will work.20:30
Psil0[m]Hey  ab someone gell me20:31
Psil0[m]Using matix no one can decrypt my msgs on fkuffycjat what do I do20:32
Psil0[m]I can't find any room related to matidx help20:32
arraybolt3[m]Psil0: Does your client support encryption? Not all do, Element does.20:33
Psil0[m]I'm using fluffycjat it shows a lock on top and says each dm is encrypted so I'm completely lost if it's the client or my account lol20:33
Psil0[m]Like am I missing a setting?20:33
arraybolt3[m]Psil0: As of 2021 FluffyChat isn't in development, and it does not support encryption without an additional program installed alongside. Element just works. Try switching to them. You can use them in a web browser.20:35
oerheksi find with dconf editor a hidden setting in standard RDP ;   https://imgur.com/gallery/ASYQopq20:35
oerheksdisable default and extend appears :-D20:36
arraybolt3[m]Psil0: (btw I left the broken DM session, but you can always open it up again if you want to test or if you want to DM me - I only left it since it wasn't working.)20:36
arraybolt3[m]Actually, I'm wrong about FluffyChat being dead - apparently a forum fed me fuzzy facts.20:37
Lantiziaoerheks, i'm sure the gnome developers thought we were too simple minded to be allowed to have the choice :)20:37
Psil0[m]Yea so I'm lost20:38
Psil0[m]Do I ditc5 this client or eat did I did wrong lol do wrong20:38
Psil0[m]Makes mo sense20:38
oerheksLantizia, you certainly have a point, and it should not be added to gnome tweaks, just in the main settings20:38
arraybolt3[m]It's supposed to work by default according to the changelog.20:38
Psil0[m]Going through all settings lolonlybdm saysbits encrypted than I getbabmsg dsyingbno one can read 8tbloo20:39
* Lantizia runs gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.remote-desktop.rdp screen-share-mode extend20:39
Psil0[m]What the heck20:39
arraybolt3[m]Psil0: I'd say try Element for now (or go back to IRC, the typo quality coming through Matrix is extreme), and if it works, yay.20:39
Lantiziahmm not quite as I'd hoped - now I get blackness :)20:40
Lantizialol worse than that - it crashes wayland!20:41
LantiziaI think I'm going to have to stick to NoMachine :S20:42
oerheksoh nice :-D20:42
arraybolt3[m]arraybolt3[m]: Sorry if this sounded wrong - I was trying to be funny.20:42
Lantizianini folks20:44
arraybolt3[m]Lantizia: Wow, sorry it's going that poorly. That's just crummy.20:45
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Psil0[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "Sorry if this sounded wrong..." <- Dang okay20:48
Psil0[m]Weird really weird I wish I could figure out what I had done wrong here20:48
arraybolt3[m]I don't think you did anything wrong, I think it's just not working right. "Encrypted by default" should not equal "no one can read my DMs".20:49
Psil0[m]Hmm what the heck okay20:55
Psil0[m]I'm lost nice clientb but this is weird20:55
Psil0[m]I tried logging in and back and trying to entree my key for chat backup thing it would have an option to change something nut nopeb20:56
arraybolt3[m]If you're not really attached to FluffyChat, I know Element works. And since that's the best solution I know and I'm one of the few other people in here who use Matrix, that's probably the only solution I'll come up with sadly.20:56
arraybolt3[m]Would be nice if I knew how to make FluffyChat work.20:56
Psil0[m]Lol well it's decrypting but can't send lol lol20:58
Psil0[m]Let me try element20:58
Psil0[m]Hey can someone try now yaya21:05
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=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l

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