[02:10] test === voigt is now known as egello === egello is now known as voigt [02:38] Hi everyone, forgive me the question, I'm new to xubuntu and hexchat too. I installed version 22.04 but unexpected crashes occur (just reset to exit). Are any of you experiencing the same problem? Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place. [02:47] edjin: you're in the right place for xubuntu support. [02:48] there's also #ubuntu, which has the same fuondation as xubuntu, but more people. but asking here is fine, too [02:49] edjin: i wouldn't expect there to be a lot out of the box crashes on xubuntu 22.04 [02:50] so maybe something is special on your system= have a look at your logs (or share them here on in #ubuntu). use command journalctl -b to see what was logged since the latest boot [02:53] tomreyn, I noticed that this fact started after the last program update. I'm suspecting that the video card drivers could be the reason. [02:55] edjin: hmm, without more details i'm afraid we could only speculate. did you submit some of the crash reports? [02:58] or would you like to share your logs? journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 would share the first 1000 lines of the log (which could be enough, but.it's not certain). you could also just share the kernel log of the current boot using journalctl -k | nc termbin.com 9999 [03:02] Running this in a terminal will list where your computers crash logs can be viewed by (X)ubuntu developers: echo https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id) [03:02] the ones that you submitted, that is [03:04] i'll need to sleep now, but maybe we can talk another day, or you try in #ubuntu [03:08] tomreyn, I am providing the commands indicated by you, thank you in advance for your help. I wish you a great rest. Health and peace in your life. Thanks! === KBar1 is now known as KBar [07:47] good morning IRC!!! [07:57] good day BakedGoodz. do you need some help? [07:59] nope. was just looking for chat....found it in the off topic room [07:59] thanks [11:37] heyy yall [13:12] hey [13:13] anybody tips on using xfce on hidpi displays === KBar1 is now known as KBar === KBar1 is now known as KBar === KBar1 is now known as KBar [18:36] hi there, loza annoying bugs with the desktop of xubuntu 22.04! [18:37] Keyboard Application Shortcut assignment: Totally broken! [18:37] User Account manager: Gone! [18:38] Are these Xfce bugs or do they want me to go to debian!? [18:39] Idea, anybody? Whot ami doin' wrong? [18:40] I know its free like free beer, but why is it degrading with every release?! [18:41] An then the snap thingie ... forced to use snap!? [18:45] i don't think you're forced to use snap [18:46] can't comment on the other issues, but do file bug reports if you are convinced there are bugs. [18:46] ideally after checking whether they have already been reported. [20:29] Keyboard shortcuts (manager) still works fine for me, the old gnome-system-tools package is still around so user manager should still be there. === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer === tomg_ is now known as tomg