
=== toolz is now known as Guest8232
holmanbyawkat: Thanks for the work on the PR. I think the last piece we require before merging is the confirmation response mentioned here: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1557#issuecomment-117639226518:02
ubottuPull 1557 in canonical/cloud-init "Test case for parsing static dns when device is present on system" [Open]18:02
yawkatholmanb: ive done that already :)22:51
holmanbyawkat: did that happen today? @blackboxsw mentioned not seeing an email, perhaps it got caught in a spam filter or something?22:53
yawkati sent it the day i received the mail from launchpad22:54
holmanbyawkat: perfect, thanks :)  End of week is here our time, so we'll check back on Monday. Have a good weekend :)23:02
yawkatyou too :) quite a lot of work to get a ten line test case through ^^23:03
yawkatmostly work on your end though :D23:03
holmanbyawkat: agreed :/ sorry for the trouble23:03
holmanbah, no problem for us, just want to get you credit :)23:03

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