
=== Probie95 is now known as Probie9
=== Probie92 is now known as Probie9
=== Probie98 is now known as Probie9
=== Probie96 is now known as Probie9
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
JonopolyAnyone got a nice terminal based google calander that can recommend ?11:04
lotuspsychje!info gcalcli11:06
ubottugcalcli (4.3.0-1, jammy): Google Calendar Command Line Interface. In component universe, is extra. Built by gcalcli. Size 1,421 kB / 1,777 kB11:06
lotuspsychje!info khal11:07
ubottukhal (1:0.10.4~ds-3, jammy): Standards based CLI and terminal calendar program. In component universe, is optional. Built by khal. Size 96 kB / 454 kB11:08
JonopolyThanks, really helpful will try them bothg11:08
JonopolyThanks, really helpful will try them both11:08
lotuspsychje!info calcurse11:08
ubottucalcurse (4.6.0-2, jammy): text-based calendar and todo manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by calcurse. Size 232 kB / 914 kB11:08
JonopolyI don't think Khal can sync with google calendar12:25
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
arraybolt3[m]Over the weeks since Jammy was released, I have seen so many people annoyed, alarmed by, or confused by, the "Pending update of firefox" warning that Snap throws out every so often. It's made worse by the fact that the auto-update doesn't seem to happen immediately after closing the app. Fix ideas?21:39
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: I think that's the topic of discussion on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1191221:40
ubottuPull 11912 in snapcore/snapd "features: disable refresh-app-awarness by default again" [Merged]21:40
arraybolt3[m]Nice! Hopefully that will get an SRU soon.21:42
sarnoldtying updates to the running / not running status of executables in the snaps feels like it was a mistake. granted, firefox and libreoffice were already not reliable if you kept them running after updating their debs21:44
sarnoldbut when someone can prevent security updates from installing by leaving a program running -- or, likewise, when the security update kills their running processes -- both those are pretty frustrating situations21:44
arraybolt3[m]It seems like since Snaps are squashfs-based and sandboxed, this should be easy enough to make work. It's not the notification that's the problem, half so much as the fact that closing the app doesn't auto update.21:45
arraybolt3[m]If the update would apply in the background, let you know when it was finished, and then tell you to restart the app, that would be great. And while I'm not a big fan of forcing the app to restart after a while if the user is stubborn, it's better than the alternative.21:45

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