
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> hello everyone16:30
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> i'm trying to install the latest version from a sd card and am booting from that card but once i start the install the installer is looking for a cd which i don't have on the system16:31
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> any help would be appreciated16:31
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> i actually have an older version installed but it won't update for some reason16:33
lubot[telegram] <teward001> what version that is not updating? (re @FastBlinker: i actually have an older version installed but it won't update for some reason)17:01
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> i think it's ver 10 something and i'm trying to update to 16.04 but i get an error about a dependency20:00
lubot[telegram] <FastBlinker> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/4e4813e6/file_5196.jpg20:01

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