
goddardnautilus file transfer is bad00:08
goddardyou can't even see all the text because it is cut off for the speed of the transfer, you can't pause and resume, and it keeps blinking.00:09
leftyfb!bug | goddard 00:15
ubottugoddard: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:15
goddardleftyfb: not really a bug it is just designed badly00:16
goddardjust look at it00:17
goddardyou can't see the speed its running at 00:17
goddardand it blinks00:18
leftyfbreport the bug then00:18
leftyfbor be content with the way it is00:18
leftyfbor download the source code and change it to your liking00:18
leftyfbthose are your options00:18
arraybolt3[m]Bad design can still be a bug. If LibreOffice put the buttons scattered all over the whole screen, that would be a bug.00:18
sarnoldgoddard: hah, cute. that's probably worth a bug report00:20
oerheksI'd say that dialogue is perfect.00:27
oerheksusing full space for filenames , destination and duration could overspan, so the cutoff is enough info 00:28
sarnoldbut why not just embiggen the dialog?00:31
sarnoldor enshrinken the big X so the text could fit underneath it?00:32
sarnoldor remove the X entirely and put it in the titlebar00:32
ravageat least show a mouseover text of the full thing. i guess that does not pup up?00:32
goddardalso you can't pause and resume00:32
arraybolt3[m]-1 on enshrinken the X, +1 on embiggen the dialog, also add the pause button please!00:32
goddardwhat if your computer crashes00:33
goddardthe biggest strangeness is that it blinks00:33
sarnoldheh I nver thought about a pause button before00:33
ravagegoddard, use rsync if you need to really resume stuff :)00:33
goddardright now Windows you can pause but it can't resume after a crash00:33
goddardwe should be doing better than windows and macos00:33
arraybolt3[m]goddard: Resume after crash sounds handy, but it would require an integrity check of the file first, which in practice would probably take longer than just starting the copy all over again.00:34
goddardarraybolt3[m]: probably depends how it performs the transfer00:34
arraybolt3[m]Or at least not save all that much time (especially if the files are on the same drive). It might save a smidge for copies between drives, but still.00:35
goddardif you are tracking each successful write and logging it as you go then you can safely resume00:35
arraybolt3[m]goddard: Good point, though a disk cache could still throw a monkey wrench in the works.00:36
goddardmaybe a few edge cases00:36
arraybolt3[m](I guess that would depend on how the drive being written to works, but you can't make any guarantees on what the manufacturers are going to come up with!)00:36
goddardid expect we are operating at a higher level and would much care ... hopefully :D00:38
arraybolt3[m]goddard: Oh you'd be surprised what manufacturers will do. I present nVidia as the ultimate example. Or like the other day, poor guy just wanted his webcam to work, so the manufacturer told him to install a driver for LINUX 5.19 (?!) on his Ubuntu system (which was a total fail, ended up messing up his video somehow, and then attempting to fix that killed the GUI entirely).00:39
goddardmight work with mainline 00:42
sarnoldhere's a recent example with storage https://twitter.com/marcan42/status/149421385538773401900:42
goddardmaybe we just need a new file manager00:53
goddardanother gnome bug or whatever you wanna call it01:04
goddardif you mute the sound01:04
goddardthen hit the up or down volumn buttons on your keyboard it will change the volumn01:04
goddardwhen you unmute it it is lower or higher 01:04
goddardit should give you a visual indicator what the volumn is in that little process bar regardless01:05
goddardjust x the icon out01:05
oerheksno, that is patented microsoft behaviour01:06
oerhekssilly patents01:06
oerhekson napkins01:06
sarnoldthey were granted a patent for that idea? that seems blindingly obvious01:07
oerhekslike ' start' in a taskbar01:07
oerheksdevelopment can be doom in a patent labyrinth01:08
oerheksuser want; fix is an user theme 😂01:09
lotuspsychjegood morning01:48
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goddardwhy does ubuntu upgrader remove old wallpapers?12:08
guivercpackage rules most probably goddard 12:50
guivercthanks sarnold 12:50
goddarddo we have historical wallpaper package?12:50
guivercthere are many... I'm a lover of wallpapers & have loads installed12:51
guivercapt-cache search wallpapers12:51
* guiverc thinks why limit yourself to your own flavor, other flavors have great wallpapers too... 12:52
lotuspsychjethere's a launchpad too with the wallpaper packs goddard 12:52
goddardlotuspsychje: cool thanks16:29
tomreynenigma9o7[m]: did you receive my private message?22:29

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