
schuricharraybolt3[m]: ah oke good to know in case u answer to more people at once00:00
schuricharraybolt3[m]: alt+c works caster this way then00:00
enigma9o7[m]Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I'd imagine it'd work with mkvmerge too, so good job!00:00
gneeriiloeepdeerits a bad thing. Only reason why I was looking for other apps is because mkvmerge either trims nothing or 10 seconds00:01
gneeriiloeepdeernothing is too little, 10 seconds is too much00:01
enigma9o7[m]with handbrake you can control it to the single frame00:01
enigma9o7[m]so that should be more effective.  If its not working, is your source more than 10 seconds/frame?  usually its like multiple frames per second.00:02
schurichi dont like the thing where is everything codelike in linux XD i mean everything in a way have more steps and is a bit more tricky to do00:02
schurichbut i do enjoy a hell multyple windows thing XD00:03
schurichlike multyple homepages00:03
sarnoldgneeriiloeepdeer: so... this is VERY GROSS but the truncate program can just lop bytes off the end of the file. try cutting one kilobyte at a time off the end of the file and see how much that takes off, and iterate until you're done... hopefully you won't crash whatever you use to play the file later :D00:04
schurichand much more widgets and addons that are quite intresting and usefull00:04
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: Maybe there's some sort of uncorrupt program that might fix it when it's done?00:05
arraybolt3[m]schurich: Glad you're liking a lot of it! You won't have to use the command line a lot (unless you end up growing to like it).00:05
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: that'd be awesome if available; it'd probably just lop off the last ten seconds though, hehe00:05
gneeriiloeepdeerenigma9o7[m], you were right, I wasnt doing it right, the app works better than mkvmerge for this particular use. thanks!00:06
schurichi mean whole system of linux is in a way more open as in a way of posebilitys and not limiting user in a way00:06
schurichbut.... to understand it ... it can be quite tricky00:07
gneeriiloeepdeerthanks sarnold , but no need00:07
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: Sadly, that's probably true. I'd guess what's gone wrong with the video thing gneeriiloeepdeer it trying to do, is probably the ten seconds of video are all connected together with lossy file compression, and the earliest un-glommed frame is 10 seconds away from the end.00:07
schurichfor example this topbar....00:07
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: yeah, that's my guess too :(00:07
schurichits nice unlike windows that u can move that taskbar00:07
schurichbut as for example , to move it u need quite of experiance working with it00:08
arraybolt3[m]schurich: Hey, glad things are starting to work a bit better. We are in the middle of support sessions, so if we can try to avoid off-topic conversation, that would be helpful. (We generally use this channel for tech support only.)00:08
gneeriiloeepdeerI just love it when you guys are so helpful :D00:08
schurichahh oke thx for warm warning00:08
schurichanyway let me know in dm if you find way to move bar00:09
arraybolt3[m]schurich: np, there's #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like to continue chat, and don't hesitate to come back if things are still not working.00:09
arraybolt3[m]schurich: Hold on, there's a link that should have helped...00:09
arraybolt3[m]schurich: https://linuxhint.com/install-gnome-shell-extensions-ubuntu-22-04/ Does this guide let you install Dash To Panel?00:10
schurichoh i believe i will be here quite a lot considering my knowledge ... i will need help i think a lot =/00:10
schurichoke i can see some things i dont quite get, let me explore a bit situation00:12
schurichbe back to you00:12
goddardhow can i figure out why i am only getting a max 40MBps00:15
enigma9o7[m]probaly cuz you pay lots to your ISP00:15
enigma9o7[m]that sounds like about double FTTN00:16
enigma9o7[m]AT&T U-Verse00:16
goddardenigma9o7[m]: its only local though00:19
goddardor at least it should be00:19
goddardi should have a max speed of 125 MB00:19
jdmarkany good documents for increasing fps?00:20
sarnoldjdmark: check out the gamemode package https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode/00:21
enigma9o7[m]goddarn yeah ok local should be faster.  unplug your internet to make sure its not related.  i have no idea tho.00:33
clarkksarnold, i-garrison arraybolt3[m] thanks for your help earlier, with my bluetooth headphones immediately disconnecting after connecting. I fixed it by uninstalling bluez, bluez-cups, bluez-obexd, gnome-bluetooth, and pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, deleting ~/.config/pulse and /root/.config/pulse, rebooting, reinstalling the packages, rebooting, and then connecting the headphones. Works as expected now00:42
sarnoldclarkk: woot! hopefully the next time around is less horrible...00:43
sarnold(and I have to imagine there will be a next time, because bluetooth :( )00:43
schurichoke .... i managed to glitch up something00:43
schurichi think00:43
clarkksarnold, yes. I know you're here a lot, so hopefully you will remember the solution in case anyone else has the same problem00:44
schurichanyone familiar with GJS app or whatever it is00:44
schurichi believe it might be ubunt docs feature00:45
schurichit is dash to dock00:45
schurichi cant remove it once i used it now00:45
schurichclicking on X anywhere does nothing00:45
arraybolt3[m]schurich: Can't you just switch it off in the Extensions app in the app menu?00:46
schurichits hard to explane situation since its all new to me00:47
schurichgive me a sec ply00:47
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schurichoke so00:52
schurichits considered as gnome shell actually00:52
schurichjesus..... linux....00:53
schurichoke so now i found zip file with name "dash to shell" inside downloads00:54
schurichwhich would mean its not part of extension i believe but an add on00:54
schurichwhich i cant turn off00:54
schurichor see settings of it00:54
schurichhere is SS of that addon00:55
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Guest39When I try to run apt-get, I get these error messages https://imgur.com/a/nA5rbCO  Is this a known bug?04:18
konradosWTF... People, trust me, don't click that ^ link04:57
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konradosHey. I have kubuntu v. 18.04. And I think it's the highest time to upgrade (to 22.04). I have lots of apps, I spent hours and hours on configuring my OS. I know I can do `sudo do-release-upgrade` but... here is my question05:02
konradosHow much of my settings will it keep? Like keyboard shortcuts, screen settings, network settings? Also what about my apps, installed? What about their settings?05:03
konradosIs it more like 10% or 90%? I'm asking, because I'm considering completely fresh install. If I am supposed to lose most of the customizations then it is not worth imo.05:05
lotuspsychjekonrados: you need to ltsupgrade jump to 20.04 first05:13
konradoslotuspsychje, ah, yeah, that too, thanks. But what about the... hmm, statistics, how much things will this upgrade keep? What do you thiink?05:14
lotuspsychjekonrados: in most cases lts upgrades go pretty well, but its always reccomended to !backup first and read the releasenotes of the ubuntu release you are jumping to, in your case !focal05:15
ubottuUbuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and the previous !LTS release. Download at https://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes05:17
lotuspsychjekonrados: reading the releasenotes will help you identify cases that 'could' go wrong, known bugs, newly apps, etc05:18
konradoslotuspsychje, - cool, thank you!05:22
elquacko[m]how does this work05:37
elquacko[m]I clicked the irc link on matrix05:38
jdmarkin element?05:39
elquacko[m]how you know? Does it say element over my name?05:39
konradosHey again. They say to update and upgrade everything before upgrading Ubuntu. So I'm trying. But now I have a small issue - `apt update` tells me there are 4 packages to upgrade, yet `apt upgrade` tells me: 0 upgraded05:48
konradosHere it is: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/683ea29065744fe38bec53ec16af3889 - why is that?05:48
alkisgkonrados: don't use apt upgrade, use: sudo apt full-upgrade05:51
alkisgSo as to allow installation of new dependencies etc05:51
konradosa friend told me apt dist-upgrade, which should I try first? Which is less 'aggressive' :) ?05:52
konradosalkisg, ^05:52
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alkisgkonrados: apt dist-upgrade is just a compatibility name for full-upgrade05:53
alkisgThe normal names are either `apt-get dist-upgrade` or `apt full-upgrade`05:53
konradosahhh, ok, thanks alkisg ! Trying...05:53
alkisgThe "dist-upgrade" was scaring some people into thinking it would fetch a newer distribution version, so they renamed it05:53
konradosyeah, I remember I was scared too a few years ago :) Good they changed it05:55
konradosbut alkisg - I have the same result with 'full-upgrade' :(05:55
konrados4 to upgrade, 0 upgraded05:55
alkisgWhat's the output of this? apt policy grilo-plugins-0.3-base05:56
konradosalkisg, - https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/2a1546aa25f94a77918ff7e9e1f4d35a but... I don't need this grilo whatever this is (looks like a lib for 'discovering media...) neither I need this obs studio05:59
konradosmaybe I'll just get rid of that?05:59
konradosOnly not sure what package uses this 'grilo' thing05:59
alkisgkonrados: yeh, it would be a good idea to remove the ppa too06:00
alkisgTry apt purge --auto-remove right now. If it's sane, go on06:00
alkisgThen try apt purge --auto-remove obs-studio06:00
alkisgThen see if that also removed grilo06:00
i-garrisonsarnold: from clarkk experience it looks like the issue is with bluez cache, do you know if reinstalling bluez would delete contents of /var/lib/bluetooth ? If that does not happen I cannot explain the success after reinstalling.06:00
KBarkonrados: the reason is they're phased updates06:00
KBarkonrados: that's why they are not avaiable to upgrade to yet06:01
alkisgKBar: these versions came from a ppa, not from ubuntu repositories06:01
alkisg        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/savoury1/multimedia/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 Packages06:01
KBarin that case, disregard what i said06:02
KBarkonrados: what version of Ubuntu you're currently on?06:03
konradosKBar, 18.0406:03
KBarkonrados: a fresh install would be a better idea06:04
KBar(obv after backing up your data)06:04
konradosalkisg, KBar it's better now - only one package left: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/2812af64d165468db11cd7cf87600b69 - this grilo (whatever it is).06:05
konradosobs-studio removed with purge06:05
alkisgkonrados: try to purge --auto-remove that one too, but stop if it pulls more things with it06:05
konradosKBar, well, I'm considering this, but I have so many apps,  so many customizations... that I want to first try this way.06:06
alkisgkonrados: note that you should be able to update to 20.04 now, but not to 22.04 yet; that second update will be enabled in August06:06
KBarkonrados: fair enough. just wanted to throw out a suggestion, as you're 2 lts releases behind06:07
konradosok, alkisg so... I'll leave it now, and just install the 20.04. considering I have good internet connection, can you make a guess how long will it take?  Because if it's many hours, then maybe I'll do it before going to sleep :)06:08
alkisgkonrados: no point in installing 20.04. Either upgrade to 20.04, or install 22.0406:08
KBarkonrados: download will depend on your connection, the iso's around 3,5gb. installation takes 15 mins tops06:08
alkisgClean installations of 22.04 are supported since april; it's only the release upgrades that need to hold until august06:08
KBaryes. a fresh install of 22.04 is best option06:08
alkisgPersonally I'd suggest to upgrade, but it's not a big deal either way as you can keep /home/username and the user settings06:09
konradosKBar, yeah, thanks... I have backups of everything, in case the 'upgrade' won't work, I'll do the fresh install.06:09
KBarit should work. it's just you're gonna have to go through it again in august so :)06:10
konradosOK, so thank you alkisg KBar - I will try to upgrade to 20.04 and see how it's going, in case it won't work, I'll do the fresh install.06:10
KBarsounds reasonable. gl06:10
konradosThanks :)06:11
konradosalkisg, KBar I don't get it:( Everyone says to do `sudo do-release-upgrade` and that this will upgrade to the newest LTS. But I can't find how do I tell it to upgrade only to 20.04 o.O06:43
alkisgkonrados: just run it, it doesn't need any parameters06:43
alkisgIt knows what it's supposed to do ;)06:44
konradosalkisg, but it will upgrade to 22.04 right? Which I don't want...06:44
konradosah, ok, doing :)06:44
alkisgNo, it will upgrade to 20.0406:44
konradosok :) thanks, doing! Ha, I'm so brave :)06:44
KBarkonrados: you can't skip releases.06:44
KBarkonrados: so from 18.04 only 20.04 is available06:45
konradosehh, seems like I do need to remove this grillo... : 'Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.'06:46
konradosdid it, and now 0 to update :) and.... it started :)06:51
nulldootubuntu processing very slow when not plugged in charger06:51
nulldoothow can i fix that06:51
lotuspsychjedefine 'processing' nulldoot06:51
nulldootyes, how can06:53
lotuspsychje!details | nulldoot matter06:53
ubottunulldoot matter: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:53
KBarnulldoot: alright. Since you didn't provide details and want a quick answer, here you go: you need more RAM.06:53
nulldooti use RAM 16Gb06:54
konradosisn't this some sort of 'save energy when on battery' setting? I don't know, I don't use laptops :) Although the company I just got job in, wants me to force to use one... :)06:55
nulldootBefore I used windows, the computer's processing speed was very fast, but when I switched to linux ubuntu operating system, I found the problem here is that this operating system makes my laptop handle very badly. slow, moving folders or opening applications... is very slow, that makes me have to plug the laptop charger into the computer, then the performance of my computer can be used smoothly and quickly.06:56
KBarkonrados: shouldn't that be the opposite: "Save power when not plugged in"?06:56
nulldootI want the system to handle quickly and smoothly without charging the battery06:57
nulldootand how can i do it06:57
KBarnulldoot: I'm sorry but this still doesn't give a whole lot of details. You might want to go back to Windows.06:57
konradosKBar,  yeah yeah, I'm a bit nervous looking at my console, so many changes, jeeeee06:58
nulldootno, i dont want back to windows :(06:58
KBarnulldoot: what version of Ubuntu are you running?06:59
nulldootubuntu 20.04 LTS06:59
tanneraDoes changing the power mode help at all? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power-profile.html.en07:00
KBarnulldoot: ^ go to Settings > Power and try selecting Balanced07:01
KBaror anything but "Power Saver"07:01
nulldootsrr but i dont see power save07:02
nulldootI don't want to have to plug in the charger constantly when using ubuntu :(07:04
KBarnulldoot: we get it.07:05
konradosnulldoot, I don't have 20.x (yet :)), and I don't use gnome, but internet says you to press the 'super' (meta) button (activities) and then type 'power' and start it07:08
konradosI have never seen so many upgraded packages in my life, it's hundreds and hundreds... I'll be surprised if this will work :)07:10
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imiin earlier kernels there were an ignore_nice_load floag in cpufreq. can I somehow make my linux-5-15-0 (jammy up to date) ignore nice load?07:32
konradosHa ha! 'System upgrade is complete. Restart required'. I'll be back. I hope :) In case I won't - thanks again, alkisg , KBar :)07:37
konradosI'm back, and it's working just fine :) That is so cool :)07:46
KBarkonrados: awesome! grats07:50
konrados:) Now it's time for 22 :)07:50
KBarkonrados: not now. It'll be available to upgrade to in August07:50
konradosoh, that part is something I did not understand, the website says it's is available now... doesn't it?07:51
KBarkonrados: it's available as a fresh install.07:52
konradosKBar,  Ah... now I get it. OK, so I'll have to wait, do you know what day in August, or how can I find this info?07:53
KBarkonrados: upgrade from 20.04 will be available once the first point release is up. One of the reasons/justifications for this is that older LTS releases are stable, while the new ones might have some irregularities here and there. If it was forced upon on all users, many of them will remain unhappy because of losing that stability. I believe this practice comes from Debian.07:53
KBarkonrados: was scheduled to August 4, last I've heard.07:54
konradosKBar, ok, I'll wait, thanks for everything!07:56
konradosI have a nice day!07:56
KBarkonrados: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-22-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/29102 & don't mention it. You did the heavylifting :)07:56
konradoshm, ok. BTW, I meant: *and* have a nice day :) I need to enter sleep mode now, have been doing my stuff since 22h now o.O But I'm happy as hell. I was delaying this upgrade since 2 years :)08:03
KBarkonrados: to sum it up: 1) let's release a new LTS; 2) but actually, don't allow upgrades to it yet; 3) let's iron things out, eliminate critical bugs from the new features we have introduced and prepare the new LTS for upgrading; 4) first point release - major bugs eliminated, the release is stable enough to upgrade to; 5) let's allow upgrading and celebrate. One of the new features in 22.04 which comes to mind is switching from PulseAu08:03
KBardio to Pipewire. Now, I didn't keep track of the process, but imagine if it had a major bug that caused all audio devices to misbehave. Humans are curious beings, and if we were never put such a restriction, everybody and their mother would decide "Hey, new version of Ubuntu. Let's upgrade!!" without thinking of the consequences. And that's how you end up with millions of users on a buggy piece of software who now are angry at the develo08:03
konradosLooks like a good decision to me, isn't it, KBar?08:05
KBarit sure is08:05
konradosRight. Need to take some sleep now, thanks again for everything!08:06
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elquacko[m]Any good guides to making KVMs on ubuntu 22.04 lts on a single gpu?08:21
alkisgelquacko: what do you mean with "make kvm"? You want to use qemu-kvm to create a virtual machine with gpu passthrough?08:22
alkisgWhat's the guest oS?08:22
elquacko[m]is that not the correct term for it?08:22
alkisgCreate a VM is more appropriate08:22
elquacko[m]I want to create 2 win 10 machines08:23
elquacko[m]Is it possible to make the storage dynamic or will it be restricted to a fixed state08:23
elquacko[m]* fixed state?08:23
alkisgI think virtualbox would be more appropriate for that08:24
elquacko[m]Well whichever provides the most performance is good to me08:24
elquacko[m]But don't most people do qemu?08:25
KBarYou can use what "most people" use, or you can use "whichever provides the most performance", you can also use "whichever fits your use case". These may or may not overlap08:26
elquacko[m]Oh I thought the solution that most people use is the most performance08:26
alkisgI don't think most people use qemu for windows but for linux; not sure though08:28
elquacko[m]wait when you asked for my os do you mean the host machine os? or what I want the vm os to be?08:28
KBarelquacko[m]: host means host, your physical OS. guest means the OS in your VM08:29
elquacko[m]Yeah that's what I thought08:30
elquacko[m]Yeah to be clear, my host OS is Ubuntu and I want my guests to be running windows 1008:30
alkisgYeh, I think virtualbox would work better for that08:31
tanneraI'd probably use virtualbox for that, it should allow you to have dynamic storage as well08:31
elquacko[m]For gaming?08:31
elquacko[m]I want to use one of the vms for gaming08:32
KBarI've never heard someone do that. That'll severely hinder the performance. Why not Steam Proton?08:32
tanneraDo you have a second GPU you plan to passthrough?08:33
KBarelquacko[m]: Steam Play (PROTON), Lutris, PlayOnLinux, plain Wine will let you play games for Windows like it's nothing.08:33
elquacko[m]tannera: No :(08:33
tanneraYou will not be gaming on those vms then unfortunately08:33
elquacko[m]KBar: Yeah but some games won't run on linux though08:33
elquacko[m]tannera: damn that sucks08:34
KBarelquacko[m]: most don't, that's why Wine exists.08:34
KBarIt emulates Windows runtime08:34
elquacko[m]I did not know that08:34
elquacko[m]But I still want to my stuff compartmentalized so my stuff is secure08:34
elquacko[m]That's why I still want vms08:35
elquacko[m]alkisg: Is virtualbox the best performance hypervisor for this?08:36
elquacko[m]What's wrong with vmware and other ones people use08:37
elquacko[m]<KBar> "elquacko: Steam Play (PROTON..." <- what about games like valorant and cod08:38
KBarelquacko[m]: check protondb.08:39
elquacko[m]Not that I can play valorant or cod on vm anyways I'm pretty sure we can't do that08:39
KBarelquacko[m]: https://www.protondb.com/app/7940 https://www.protondb.com/app/1018008:41
alkisgelquacko: also consider the opposite, for your windows to be the host OS, since that's where you want your gaming to happen (=more difficult), and ubuntu can be dual boot or VM08:43
alkisgGPU passthrough or graphics acceleration is doable but it comes with many quirks; not all games will be playable08:44
elquacko[m]Did a bit more digging and people say proxmox has good performance08:45
elquacko[m]But yeah why can't I do single gpu passthrough with qemu08:48
willjrhello, I have set up internet connection sharing on a server that is connected to the internet via wifi and shared with the ethernet port. I have used NetworkManager and set the ethernet port to shared. The server is connected to a router's WAN port which is able to successfully get a dhcp lease and provide internet to the clients connected to it.08:50
willjrI want to forward all tcp/udp from the wifi connection to the ethernet connection and need assistance setting it up with iptables08:50
tanneraelquacko: because the gpu can only be connected to one machine at a time08:52
tanneraYou simply cannot.08:52
elquacko[m]darn it08:52
willjrto confirm that connectivity is working, I set up port forwarding on the router to allow https and set up rinetd to forward 443 to a target server specifically - this works, but rinetd will only allow specific tcp ports - I need the server to forward all traffic from the wifi interface to the ethernet interface and let the router do any necessary08:52
willjrport forwarding08:52
duuudeSkipping BTF generation [my module name] due to unavailabilty of vmlinux08:53
elquacko[m]tannera: Alright what about this my host machine can use my integrated graphics and gaming can use gpu?08:53
duuudecompiling a module fails because there is no vmlinux08:55
tanneraElquacko: That might work but then I think you need to use KVM. I found a guide that may help: https://szibele.com/gpu-passthrough-using-qemu-and-kvm/08:55
duuudegoogle says to symlink it but it didn't solve it08:56
elquacko[m]tannera: where does it say how to set up with integrated graphics08:57
elquacko[m]It says I need 2 gpus08:57
tanneraIf you have integrated graphics and a dedicated gpu then you have 2 gpus08:57
elquacko[m]this shit seems complicated09:00
elquacko[m]<tannera> "Elquacko: That might work but..." <- When I turn on vm can I use gpu for host machine?09:01
tanneraYes it is quite complicated, I just dual boot instead which works great. It looks like you need to stop the drivers loading on your host machine completely so you will only be able to use the gpu with the virtual machine09:02
tanneraAlso you will need to swap the cable going to your monitor if you are on a desktop to the one on the motherboard instead of gpu09:02
elquacko[m]I don't know if I want to do this09:06
elquacko[m]Dual booting is a bit of a hassle I want to have both systems running at the same time09:06
tanneraYou can use the vm without passthrough but you won't be able to game on it09:07
elquacko[m]I might have to go through with this if I want to game then09:10
elquacko[m]Sometimes me and my friends play indie games and stuff and they probably won't work on linux09:10
tanneraPretty well every game I've tried to run has run09:13
=== ViktorasCAM is now known as sinvet
NetEchoGood morning folks, I seem to have a problem with name resolution and every time I try to fix resolv.conf it gets overwritten when I restart systemd-resolved.service Ubuntu 20.04 LTS10:25
NetEcho+ server10:25
zaggynlNetEcho: I believe it's done in the config file(s) in /etc/netplan10:28
NetEchozaggynl: thank you I'll check that now10:28
NetEchozaggynl: oddly enough leaving it alone for around 10 minutes caused it to fix itself and sort out name resolution... all this thanks to a nationwide 24+ hour outage heh10:29
zaggynlwas that the rogers isp thing?10:30
NetEchomy isp's nameservers appear to still be affected so I was trying to force everything to use
NetEchozaggynl: yup10:30
NetEchodamn near crippled the country lol10:31
NetEchothank god my wife still keeps cash on hand10:31
zaggynlhaven't really seen in in the news, just noticed some posts10:32
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jkktPodman search doesn't work in ubuntu 22.0411:35
jkktHow to fix this?11:35
dngian5x[m]Hello there11:56
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konradosHey, not that this is important, but I'm curious. I did `apt upgrade`, the only thing upgraded was 'mypaint', and I got an information in a popup "A system restart is needed to complete the update process" :) Why? Because of upgrading some graphics editor?12:21
ravagekonrados, if you really want to know why you can install "needrestart"12:24
konradosravage, thanks! Installed and it seems there are lots of things, not related to 'mypaint', so it's just a coincidence, that this notification appeared after this small upgrade :) Thanks again!12:27
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BluesKajHi all12:39
guivercthanks too ravage ; I didn't know about needrestart :)12:46
ravagethanks. and forward to sarnold. i think he mentioned it a while back here :D12:47
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nunyaI am copying files from one usb hard drive to another. When done copying which hd should I safely remove/eject first?15:44
lotuspsychjenunya: if you're on gnome, you would get a notify when you can safe plug out hardware15:45
nunyalotuspsychje: Not sure what besides Ubuntu 20.04 and using Thunar 1.8.14 as file manager.15:47
nunyalotuspsychje: I do get a notification when files are done copying.15:48
lotuspsychjenunya: after your transfer is done, eject your usb HD and you should get a notify from 20.04's gnome15:48
lotuspsychjedidnt test thunar much myself, but i bet it also has an unmount button15:49
nunyalotuspsychje: I am using 2 USB HDs I just want to make sure one isn't still writing when I eject the other, don't want to corrupt files or disk.15:50
lotuspsychjenunya: you said you get a notify when transfer is complete so, after that it would be safe15:51
lotuspsychjenunya: just dont uplug them when you dont get the notify its safe to remove them15:52
nunyalotuspsychje: Thanks! Also do you know of some good file recovery applications that restore to original file name?15:53
lotuspsychjenunya: the best data recovery (in my opinion) would be photorec, but that doesnt restore them in original filenames15:54
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | nunya15:54
ubottununya: testdisk (7.1-5build1, jammy): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by testdisk. Size 401 kB / 1,483 kB15:55
nunyalotuspsychje: I "lost" some data one time and when I tried to restore 50 GB of files they all have numerical names. I had no idea which file was which. It seems like someone would have come up with a solution to this problem.15:56
lotuspsychjenunya: what i suggest, is you setup photorec for only the extensions you're after, like .jpg .mp4 .mov etc, saves you tons of junk recovery after15:57
lotuspsychjenunya: then let your file manager sort them by biggest files ontop, filters the junk .jpgs down from system you dont need15:58
nunyalotuspsychje: They were all the same file type but 50 GB of ogg files is a large number of files to have to rename.15:59
lotuspsychjei know its a feature photorec is missing, a bit anoying, but on the bright side you will have your lost files back16:00
nunyalotuspsychje: Hence the paranoia of ever corrupting a drive again.16:00
lotuspsychjewhat do you mean with corrupting nunya16:01
nunyaI went to open USB drive and it didn't open properly had to use testdisk on it to recover files.16:02
oerhekstestdisk does not restore filenames indeed.16:03
oerhekssad, but at least you have the data to work with.16:03
nunyaIf I was a programmer I'd definitely work on a file restoration program that restored to orignal file name! That is my challenge to the Linux Community!16:05
oerheksgo for it!16:05
lotuspsychjenunya: or go for a testdisk wishlist bug, ill back your idea up!16:07
nunyaI am not a programmer. I am an amateur hack at best! I have combined a few bash commands into a script a few times for stuff like timed suspend or shutdown and custom luncers through Alacarte. That's as sophisticated as I've gotten.16:08
lotuspsychjenunya: didnt test myself, but this looks interesting too; https://github.com/tfrdidi/sort-PhotorecRecoveredFiles16:10
lotuspsychjesounds like a good idea to me16:11
nunyaI will file a testdisk wishlist bug later. I don't want to do any internet browsing while transferring files from USB to USB drive. My system got frozen like that once. Keyboard, mouse, unresponsive. Only option I knew was hard power down. That's how I "lost" those files. Now I know I should just wait a few hours to see if programs eventually get dumped out of memory if that ever happens again.16:14
nunyalotuspsychje: I will save the link to a text file to check out later.16:15
lotuspsychjenunya: depending on the state of your hd(s) file transfers can always be risky16:16
lotuspsychjethe safer aproach would be transfering data in blocks, one folder at time for example16:17
jhutchinsnunya: May I suggest some reading about filesystems and how they work?16:17
nunyalotuspsychje: that's why I have multiple backup drives for the same files.16:17
nunyalotuspsychje: I have started using that approach, at least one category at a time like Documents folder, then transfer Music, Pictures, etc...16:20
lotuspsychjegood good16:20
nunyaIf I had more than one SATA slot in my laptop I wouldn't use USB at all.16:21
nunyaThanks for the help! Have a good day! My files are almost copied. Time to go catch some waves!16:22
XoloXHello. I want to install Home Assistant Core on Ubuntu. I have an old laptop, screen was broken so I took it off. Put Ubuntu on it. It's just running as a Plex server now. I want to add Home Assistant Core. In the documentation it tells to make a new account for it using "sudo useradd -rm homeassistant". I have a hard time why I need to make a new16:32
XoloXaccount (this is a user account in Ubuntu afaik). It seems simpler to me to keep everything in 1 account. (user: XoloX, password: qwerty). https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/linux#install-home-assistant-core16:32
oerheksXoloX, well, try that? i think you should follow the manual, add that user without homefolder, etc16:36
XoloXWhy do you think I should add the extra user? Just trying to understand the why?16:36
oerhekstheir page says; account is only for running Home Assistant Core16:37
oerheksif you want to combine your plex with homeassistant, do so?16:38
XoloXI guess I will follow the manual. But will I get in trouble because I'm using putty to send the commands. There I am logged in as XoloX.16:38
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jailbreakHi :-) where do I put files that I want to run via bash? I thought it was /usr/local/bin/ but it's not. it's been a few months since I played with ubuntu.17:39
jwashhi guys, new installation of 20.04. i can not reliably connect to the internet. sometimes sites can not be reached, then they can again after a bit17:58
cbreakjwash: weird... did you find out if the problem is with DNS, or the network routing, or the network itself?18:10
jwashnetwork is good18:10
jwashthis is the only computer experiencing the issue18:10
jwashi've rotated dns servers endlessly18:10
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ravagejwash, just out of curiosity: why a new installation of 20.04 and not 22.04?18:22
jwashbecause i had it on a thumb drive already18:28
jwashi'm starting to hate computers18:29
jwashwaste of effort18:29
cbreakcomputers are not evil. No reason to hate them.18:40
schurichhey all19:26
duuudePeople, has anyone encountered this?19:26
schurichi fk up i think , and i dont know how but i cant open either mozila, discord, ubuntu sftware.......19:26
jhutchinsduuude: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?19:27
duuudeWifi being detected but not finding anything19:27
schurichi couldnt open software at first then i restarted PC now i cant open almost anything19:27
duuudeand it works in Windows19:27
jhutchinsjwash: Sorry, wrong questions I guess.  Have you looked at dmesg?  Journalctl?19:28
jhutchinsjwash: And now I get the wrong nic.19:28
jhutchinsduuude: dmesg, journalctl.19:29
Psil0[m]duuude: what exactly19:29
jhutchinsduuude: What happens if you use manual host file entries?19:29
toddcduuude: start with this to find out what kind of wifi card and some driver info https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:29
duuudejhutchins: well, that is not me, just asked if anyone has seen that for the time being19:40
jhutchinsduuude: Ok, it was jwash.19:41
jhutchinsHe's not anwering anybody either.19:41
duuudeI mean, the person having the problem19:47
Psil0[m]So might be well19:50
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schurichdid anyone had issue that he cant open multyple softweres like discord / ubunts software / firefox.....20:23
schurichi even tryed jelly update and nothing as well i tryed changed in log in screen to another ubunts version or whatever that is20:24
tomreynschurich: which ubuntu version are you running there?20:24
schurichi am thinking of throwing laptop through windos.... maybe that helps... =/20:25
tomreynschurich: this doesn't exist. do you need help finding out?20:25
schurichsec plz20:25
tomreynopen a terminal and type:  lsb_release -ds20:25
schurichits latest one20:25
tomreynlet's see your kernel log:  journalctl -k | nc termbin.com 999920:26
tomreynwhen did these problems start occurring - can you correlate it to any other event, such as upgrading ubuntu, adding new software sources, the computer generally becoming less reliable etc?20:27
schurichjournalctl -k | nc termbin.com 999920:28
schurichdamn sec20:28
schurichi just noticed that for last 12 or 24 h i dont have that bar that u get on left popup buble bar20:29
schurichand now i tryed to add new and tryed get to the ubunt software to look for one20:29
schurichand i couldnt enter as it just did basic loading of it and nothing20:29
schurichi restarted laptop20:29
schurichafterwords i couldnt open either discord or firefox aditionaly20:30
schurichas i tryed close all extensions but still same20:30
schurichyea "Dock" was missing20:30
tomreynwhich graphical desktop are you using then?20:31
schurichactualy not dock ...20:31
schurichgraphical desktop ?20:31
tomreynyes, like the default (gnome-shell + mutter), kde/plasma, xfce/xfwm etc20:32
schurichugh sorry i am not that much into it20:32
schurichi have cheep laptop20:32
tomreynok, no worries20:32
schurichLenovo IdeaPad 3 15ITL620:33
tomreynthe kernel log shows some problems with getting information from the bios via acpi tables, but no hardware issues20:33
tomreynLENOVO 82H8/LNVNB161216, BIOS GGCN29WW 08/18/202120:33
schurichi dont think i do have hardware issues since pc doesnt seem to either overheat or have some wierd visuals or act wierd20:34
tomreynyou might want to look for another bios upgrade. but that's most likely unrelated to the issues you were reporting20:34
schurichwhats most stable linux ?20:35
tomreynwe only support ubuntu here, and that can be very stable20:35
schurichi think i will change version since this is way too new and as i saw quite bugged in difficult way for me as newbie to use it20:35
enigma9o7[m]the LTS versions don't change too much and thus are more stable than the not LTS releases.20:35
schurichyea but maybe get older version and not update it?20:36
schurichthen great20:36
schurichi guess one more try of fresh reinstal20:36
MaNa2kanyone here can help me ssh into linux lite with windows using putty?20:38
MaNa2kthis is on my local network20:38
MaNa2kive pasted the local ip of the linux machine, but the connection gets disconnected by remote computer20:39
tomreynschurich: just reinstalling won't likely help, unless you did something to break the installation after install20:39
MaNa2k"Network error: Connection refused"20:39
MaNa2kis what i get20:39
schurichi was just dling extensions from software and extansions browsvare20:40
MaNa2ki disabled the firewall on the remote linux pc, but still getting that message20:40
tomreynschurich: what kind of extensions?20:40
schurichclipboard history20:40
schurichdash to panel20:40
schurichdate menu formatter20:40
schurichgnome shell20:41
schurichbattery icon chnager20:41
tomreynschurich: gnome-shell extensions are known to easily break your graphical desktop if they're not well written and compatible to those you already have, and to the gnome version you have. be careful with those.20:41
schurichso shell i delete it ?20:42
tomreynMaNa2k: which of these systems runs ubuntu?20:42
MaNa2kthe remote pc runst linux lite which is based on ubuntu, and im trying to use a windows machine to ssh into that linux machhine20:43
tomreynschurich: disabling or removing these gnome-shell extensions and logging out and back in again should make the graphical desktop stable again20:43
schurichkk thx will try20:43
tomreynMaNa2k: we only support ubuntu on this channel, not "based on ubuntu"20:44
MaNa2ktomreyn, ah i see. but isnt the solution universal ?20:44
tomreynMaNa2k: maybe, maybe not. it's not something most of the volunteers here want to invest time into debugging to find out after some hours that your system behaves different because it's not ubuntu. this happened many times before.20:45
schurichim back20:45
schurichit didnt help20:45
schurichand btw dock thats showing applications doesnt have any application on it and he stays under workplace always20:46
tomreynschurich: how do you tell it did not help?20:46
tomreynokay i guess you just answered this20:46
jhutchinsMaNa2k: If you launch putty from a command line you can add -v options to get more information on what's wrong.  My guess would be miss-matched protocols.20:47
schurichdiscord / firefox  ubunt softwere cant be opened20:47
schurichit loads them and close them20:47
tomreynschurich: try with a new user account, and try running these softwares from a terminal window20:47
tomreynand make sure your disk has not run full20:48
enigma9o7[m]mana2k: just checking the obvious, you did install ssh on the server?20:48
schurichi have like 50 GB out of 50020:48
schurichahhh ye one more HUGE issue20:49
schurichterminal doesnt allow me to write password when it asks20:49
schurichonly thing i can do is click enter20:49
enigma9o7[m]type your password first20:49
enigma9o7[m]then press enter20:49
enigma9o7[m]it'll work better20:49
mickeyany idea about very weak microphone volume with 22.04 on a laptop? alsamixer shows all bars at 100%20:49
mickeyif alsamixer is even related to the microphone20:49
tomreyn!password | schurich20:49
ubottuschurich: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords20:49
schurichenigma i didnt think so smart people use linux....20:50
mickeyit worked well with windows so its not a hardware issue20:50
tomreynschurich: you just don't see the letters as you type them into the password prompt, that's normal20:50
ravagemickey, try pavucontrol20:50
schurichterminal DOESNT LET ME TO WRITE my password or anything else then enter20:50
schurichits always incorect20:50
enigma9o7[m]how can it not LET YOU WRITE IT20:50
enigma9o7[m]just do it anyway20:50
enigma9o7[m]it cant stop your fingers20:50
schurichoke i am dumb and i am sorry for acting agressive .... i am quite annoyed because ii have laptop for 3 days and its allready broken -.-20:51
schurichyea i was writing it but it didnt show -.-20:52
tomreynit's been this way on ubuntu for decades, i think. it's entirely normal.20:52
jhutchinssurskit: Usually your password is not displayed whenyou enter it at a console login.  Your user name should show.20:53
tomreynschurich: it's to prevent someone shoulder surfing you from knowing how long your password is, which makes it much easier to brute force it.20:53
schurichoke , may you tell me command for firefox to open20:53
schurichsudo open firefox ?20:54
mickeyravage even at 150% it's still very low20:54
enigma9o7[m]no, never use sudo on graphical applications20:54
jhutchinsschurich: please don't run firefox with sudo.20:54
ravagemickey, alsamixer may actually have a mic boost somewhere. did you try to enable that?20:54
enigma9o7[m]only use sudo when absolutely necessary, for messing with files outside of your home folder only (i.e. installing stuff for all users)20:54
schurichit say no souch file or directory exists20:55
schurichi wrote just : Open Firefox20:55
jhutchinsschurich: "open" is usually not a valid command.20:55
enigma9o7[m]that sounds like dos20:55
enigma9o7[m]who said Open Firefox?  I said 'firefox'20:55
schurichahh lol20:55
schurichi need to get use to this -.-20:55
jhutchinsWe've all gotta start somewhere...20:55
mickeyravage it says headphone mic boost at 30. not sure why it'd say headphone to begin with, it's built in the hardware but anyway it doesnt help20:56
mickey30 out of 30.20:56
schurichERROR: not connected to the gnome-3-38-2004 content interface.20:56
enigma9o7[m]sounds like snap related20:56
schurichsame with discord20:56
tomreynyes, this should not happen on a fresh install.20:57
enigma9o7[m]well it shouldnt happen ever should it?20:57
ravagemickey, i did not use an internal mic for a long time. but my guess it that it is something special to your audio device/chip. did you look that up? lookup my pci id or name i mean20:57
schurichreinstal ?20:58
schurichi still didnt try on other account20:58
mickeyravage im not sure what you mean. i dont have anything exotic here, just a dell laptop20:58
tomreynenigma9o7[m]: i guess it should happen if you disconnected these application snaps off the gnome-3-38-2004 snap20:58
schurichyea but how did that happend -.-20:58
MaNa2ktomreyn, jhutchins, enigma9o7[m], sorry, was afk for a bit. well no i didnt install ssh on the server lol, that might be the problem. im actually new to linux. but when i type ssh in the terminal i get this random lookin info, so i thought it might be installed20:59
schurichas well my sidebar with activitys and apps is hiden under one of the screen windows20:59
mickeyravage it's an ALC3204 according to dmesg, i believe20:59
MaNa2kanyway you guys wouldnt happen to konw if there any irc community for linux lite ?21:00
tomreynschurich: i think the easiest thing you can do is a fresh install, with a well-made and verified installer, from a well-downloaded and verified iso.21:00
enigma9o7[m]yeah mana its probably installed, you'd wanna make sure `sshd` is running, thats the deamon (server) side of it.   if you just type `sshd` if its already running it'll respond with `sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path`21:01
schurichi think i did it from ubunts website21:01
tomreynMaNa2k: you could start here https://www.linuxliteos.com/support.html21:01
tomreyn!alis | MaNa2k21:02
ubottuMaNa2k: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»21:02
tomreynMaNa2k: there is also ##linux, which is for multiple derivatives21:02
tomreynactually just #linux21:02
MaNa2kyea i joined that21:02
mickeyanyone has an idea? this is killing me21:03
MaNa2ktried asking the question here since it was based on ubuntu, anyway thanks for the help so far21:03
jhutchinsMaNa2k: ssh is the command to launch the client.  Installing/launching the server is different.21:05
tomreynMaNa2k: we'll be happy to support you when you run ubuntu21:05
MaNa2ki see i see21:05
MaNa2kim looking into it now on checking the ssh server. thanks21:05
tomreynschurich: if you'll reinstall, i recommend verifying the downloaded iso checksum as explained on the download page, then writing the iso to usb stick using the "balena etcher" software, which automatically verifies the data written.21:08
schurichyea about that....21:08
schurichi can only use android usb boot maker apps21:09
tomreynschurich: and don't install any gnome-shell extensions when you do. just get used to the system as it is first of all.21:09
schurichreminder i cant open web browser21:09
schurichahh jesus21:09
schurichtop bar on top ? come on..... its not roof to be on top21:10
MaNa2kyeeea, ssh working now21:10
schurichi wount go with ubunt then i guess21:10
MaNa2kjust needed to install the sshd21:10
* tomreyn bbl21:10
schurichwill find some other i guess21:11
MaNa2kthis line did the trick, "sudo apt install openssh-server"21:11
schurichbye thx for your time21:11
ravagegood luck21:11
enigma9o7[m]schurich: if you need a temp alternative, you could install a non snap browser, i.e. `sudo apt install epiphany-browser`21:13
schurichoh yea thx on that21:15
schurichthx this browser works21:20
PeGaSuSso, for some weird reason I still don't have autocompletion on my Ubuntu 22.04 server when comes to snap packages. ive just tried `snap install --classic certb<tab>` which should've autocomplete to `snap install --classic certbot` but it didn't autocompleted21:39
PeGaSuSsame goes for snap packages like firefox, etc. what am I missing here?21:40
transhumanistso I finally figured out how to access guest vms on ubuntu multipass if networking is broken, simple... there is a mount command for mulitpass called "sudo multipass mount" they are built on LXD/LXC or KVM or one of several others and are mountable in these systems as well(depending which platform it was originally made for)21:46
transhumanistnm that mounts a folder into the guest not mounts the guest img22:05
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