
bluehoneyI've recently installed a new GPU and got the Ubuntu deb file from the manufacturer, went ahead and installed it. How do I know that my system is using this driver as opposed to whatever old one it used to manage a graphical display?01:31
bluehoney(Ubuntu deb file for the driver)01:32
meethos1how do you expand openssl ciphers? i enabled crypto-policies and updated it, but openssl ciphers -s -v doesnt seem to add the new ciphers i updated01:34
meethos1[('SSL routines', 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate', 'ee key too small')]01:41
tomreynbluehoney: most of the time, you should not use drivers downloaded from the manufacturers website, but use those ubuntu provides. which model are we talking about?01:48
bluehoneytomreyn: MSI AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT01:49
tomreyn!amd | bluehoney01:49
ubottubluehoney: On Ubuntu, AMD's official Linux graphics driver "amdgpu" is automatically loaded for matching hardware. Very old cards use driver "radeon" (r300, r600) instead. See the !man pages for X options, "modinfo -p <graphics-driver>" for kernel parameters. Both drivers are open source and integrate with MESA and !DRI. Drivers "amdgpu-pro", "fglrx" and "ati" are not supported here.01:49
bluehoneyI do have an amdgpu package. I guess why I was wondering was because since the new GPU, "energy screen saving" (Kubuntu/Plasma) initiates, but then afterward the monitor will no longer recover, probably failing to get input. Perhaps a Plasma issue, but I thought it could also be a driver problem01:53
bluehoneyI am guessing if I have amdgpu, then my system by default uses that?01:54
tomreynbluehoney: it will, unless you install some other driver which will prevent the system from using it01:55
tomreynwhich ubuntu version is this?01:55
ravagethe card should be well supported in 22.04. it was released last year and is supported since kernel 5.1301:56
tomreynbluehoney: and what's the amdgpu package you have installed?01:56
bluehoneytomreyn: jammy whatever, the newest LTS. Is there a way to clearly see what driver I'm using? I've seen "lshw -c video" suggested to find what driver is being used, but that doesn't really give good information as far as I can tell01:56
tomreynyou'd need to look through the journal to see how your graphics stack is being initialized to make sure01:58
ravageglxinfo|grep vendor01:58
ravagemay give you a clue01:58
ravageit should be MESA if you use the included driver. at least hats my understanding. i dont have a AMD card01:58
bluehoney"server glx vendor string: SGI01:58
bluehoneyclient glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI01:58
bluehoneyOpenGL vendor string: AMD"01:58
ravageMesa Project looks like the open source driver01:59
bluehoneytomreyn: amdgpu-install was linked to by the deb file from the manufacturer01:59
bluehoneytomreyn: Trying to install amdgpu throws an error?02:00
bluehoneyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:00
bluehoney libwayland-amdgpu-client0 : Depends: libffi6 (>= 3.0.4) but it is not installable02:00
bluehoney libwayland-amdgpu-server0 : Depends: libffi6 (>= 3.0.4) but it is not installable02:00
bluehoney xserver-xorg-amdgpu-video-amdgpu : Depends: xorg-video-abi-24 but it is not installable02:00
bluehoneyE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.02:00
ravagethere is no jammy driver by AMD for 22.0402:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:00
ravagethat was a little redundant :P02:01
ravageso whatever you do. remove that driver02:01
tomreynapt list --installed     should only return    libdrm-amdgpu1 xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu02:02
tomreynapt list --installed *amdgpu*     should only return    libdrm-amdgpu1 xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu02:03
tomreyn^ this rather02:03
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ravagethe included driver uses the AMD firmware from the linux-firmware package. and that includes support for your card02:04
ravageso there is no need for any other driver02:04
bluehoneytomreyn: On removing amdgpu-install my return matches02:06
bluehoneyOkay, so if the monitor can't recover after being set to sleep, that's a KDE issue? It worked fine prior to the GPU upgrade02:07
tomreynpossibly so. you could try switching between wayland and xorg to see whether this helps. or reproduce it and reboot and see what was written to the systemd jounral:   journalctl -b -1 -e02:09
bluehoneyI will try those things02:10
tomreynbefore rebooting, try switching to a tty, or sysrq+s,u,b02:10
tomreynbefore rebooting, try switching to a tty and pressing ctrl-alt-del, or sysrq+s,u,b02:11
ravagemaybe also crawl lauchpad for stuff like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/177083602:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770836 in linux (Ubuntu) "amdgpu+xorg possibly marks displays as off while they wake from sleep" [Medium, Confirmed]02:11
bluehoneyI usually have to power off the tower, but I'll see if a tty does anything02:11
ravagethat was just one i found randomly02:11
ravageit may not be your bug. but it could be :)02:11
bluehoneyOkay, thanks. I'll see if the journal yields anything and then read the launchpad02:11
ravageit is from 2018. so i would hope they fixed that02:12
tomreynif this is a fresh install, giving it a try with gnome just so you'll know it can work, may be reassuring, too.02:12
bluehoney_Not really familiar with how to use the journal, it looks like journalctl -b -l -e runs back to after I reboot02:21
tomreynbluehoney_: oh, we forgot to mention also that you should ensure your system is fully updated: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade02:21
bluehoney_It's updated02:22
tomreynthis -L you have there should be a ONE02:22
tomreyntry setting your irc client to use a monotype font02:22
tomreynjournalctl -b -1 -e    would bring up the previous boots' logs, scrolling to the end of the output (which is probably where things failed)02:24
bluehoney_tomreyn: I think I see what is relevant https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9Vjzqbt6rg/02:26
ubottuIssue 1887 in drm/amd "[drm:dc_dmub_srv_wait_idle [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Error waiting for DMUB idle: status=3 log spam on 5.16.3" [Opened]02:27
ravageseems to be a well known problem02:28
ravagethere is a comment that says the kernel parameter "drm.vblankoffdelay=0" helps02:30
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters02:31
bluehoneyI will try that02:31
tomreyngood find, ravage02:32
tomreynlet's hope the AER errors are not covering up a different root cause though02:32
bluehoneySetting the kernel parameter mentioned allowed what looked like it would be a recovery--the monitor initialized display again for a moment after sleep. However, after that moment it would become inactive again and wouldn't recover. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PS8yBqBxwX/02:51
tomreynbluehoney: it's still there, in line 261. what does    cat /proc/cmdline    say, was the parameter set?02:53
tomreynis your bios up to date?02:54
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep DMI:02:55
bluehoneykernel: DMI: Hewlett-Packard HP Z440 Workstation/212B, BIOS M60 v02.59 03/31/202202:55
tomreynprobably new enough02:55
bluehoneyI tried both drm.blankoffdelay=0 and "drm.vblankoffdelay=0" on two separate boots after linux...splash, I've rebooted after the monitor didn't work either time, so the parameter isn't currently set02:56
tomreynif you want a quick solution, you could try 20.04 LTS and wait until upgrades to 22.04 are supported02:56
bluehoneyvblank* on both02:56
tomreynyou could also try the newer graphics stack provided by oibaf, if any02:57
tomreynbt if this is a kernel bug or amdgpu bug those wont help02:59
bluehoneyI'll try that, might even downgrade as sad as that would be or try xscreensaver. Thanks to you and ravage, very helpful and I understand the problem better :)03:00
tomreyndowngrading 22.04 to 20.04 won't work / would be a mess03:01
tomreynbut you could try gnome + wayland while you have 22.04. or the oibaf drm + mesa i just pointed to with kde/plasma03:02
tomreynand if those don't work you could install 20.04 instead. but actually you may also need a newer kernel there, so this may not actually help :-/03:03
tomreynbluehoney: oh there's also the kernel mainline ppa you can try newer kernels from03:03
bluehoneyI'm trying the oibaf PPA now, then the kernel mainline if there's still problems03:05
tomreynhttps://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.18.10/ for example - the 4 packages listed on the top03:05
bluehoneyDrivers take effect right after the package is installed?03:06
tomreynno, you may need to reboot, or at least reinitialize the graphics server03:07
tomreyneffectively you could probably bring down X and rmmod (unload kernel module = driver) and modprobe (load kernel module), but you'd be doing this without seeing anything ;)03:08
tomreynmake sure you have 'secure boot' off in bios if you'll try the mainline kernels03:10
bluehoney_tomreyn: Wow, the oibaf PPA updates fixed the issue. How'd you know that could be a solution?03:11
tomreynbluehoney_: i didn't, i just speculated. :) libdrm and mesa, which it provides in newer versions, are relevant parts of the open source graphics driver stack03:12
bluehoney_tomreyn: That's great. Thanks again for the extensive help, my monitor sleeps fine now and I learned a bunch03:13
tomreynvery well :)03:13
tomreynyou could still report a bug if you wanted (but would need to restore the old confiig for this).03:14
bluehoney_Yeah, I suppose maybe I should. Though I don't know how to go about such a thing, really03:15
bluehoney_I mean I know how to remove the PPA and downgrade the packages, I just don't know about the reporting process03:15
tomreynyou'd run    ubuntu-bug mesa03:17
tomreyn(assuming that's where the error is)03:17
tomreynit's a guided process. it does require an ubuntu website account (you can create one if needed)03:18
bluehoney_OK, I'll go ahead and do that03:18
tomreynthat's kind of you03:19
bluehoney_Paying it forward is part of how it all works :)03:20
tomreynbluehoney_: :) if you like, private message me the bug id before you leave, and i can see if there's anything possibly relevant that i'd add based on what i learnt about this issue today.03:25
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adrianadoes someone knows why if i connect my smartphone via usb with my ubuntu, nothing appens?08:24
tanneraWhat  do you want your smartphone to do when plugged in adriana?08:30
adrianai would like the phone ask me if i want just recharge the phone, or use it for transfer files from phone to pc08:32
adrianabut the phone doesn't ask me nothing, so i don't see the phone from pc08:32
tanneraWhich phone? You should be able to set if you wa nt mtp on an android device in settings08:35
adrianaRedmi 9C with Android 10 and MIUI 12. Also when i plug an external usb hard disk toshiba, nothing appens08:37
arraybolt3[m]adriana: Can you try plugging it into a different USB port?08:37
adrianai have three usb port. When i plug the hard disk, i heard an audio beep, but nothing appens on the monitor08:39
arashatthey guys09:15
arashattI have the same problem as stated in this link09:15
arashattI left my laptop for a while after the blank screen my ubuntu guest on vb says "ubuntu can't recover"09:16
tannerasorry misclick no help from me here :(09:17
arashattbut the link I sent you says the solution is to enable 3d acceleration which doesn't work for me. how should I fix the proble. can you help me?09:18
arraybolt3[m]arashatt: It might take a bit for someone who knows what to do to show up. Just be patient and someone will most likely come around.09:18
arraybolt3[m]arashatt: Did you try booting into recovery mode and commenting out a shared drive? Or have you never used shared drives at all?09:19
arashattI haven't heard anything about it. I will get sure and tell you about it.09:21
tanneraArashatt, please share some more info on your build and someone should be able to assist. I use an AMD gpu which worked with a basic regular kubuntu install09:22
arashatt\tannera : ok I use ubuntu 22.04 on virtualbox. gpu: nvidia gforce mx23009:28
arashattcould the problem be with the shared drive?09:29
arashattarraybolt3[m], yeah I use shared drives. but can the be the cause of the problem?10:07
arraybolt3[m]arashatt: One of the users in the VirtualBox thread you mentioned said that they went into /etc/fstab and commented out the lines that referenced their shared drives, and that fixed it.10:08
arashattoh excuse my ignorance10:10
arraybolt3[m]No problem. Glad to be able to help, hope it works!10:10
faLUKEhello. After booting, my mouse is always too fast. I have to manually set it with xinput --set-prop 10 'libinput Accel Speed' -0.5.  How can I fix this on ubuntu 21.10 in order to have a normal speed without this manual set?10:12
arraybolt3[m]faLUKE: Isn't there a mouse speed option somewhere in the settings?10:12
arraybolt3[m]faLUKE: (As an aside, Ubuntu 21.10 goes EOL in a few days, at which point it will cease to receive security updates, so it's highly recommended up upgrade to a supported version of Ubuntu (either 20.04 or 22.04) as soon as possible.)10:13
faLUKEarraybolt3[m]: it doesn't work10:14
arraybolt3[m](July 14, 2022 is the EOL date for Ubuntu 21.10.)10:14
faLUKEarraybolt3[m]: thanks for the info10:14
arraybolt3[m]faLUKE: Hmm, that's crummy. What kind of mouse are you using, a mouse or a touchpad?10:14
arraybolt3[m]This might sound silly, but is there a button on your mouse that adjusts the speed? There is on mine.10:14
faLUKEarraybolt3[m]: there is not10:15
faLUKEthere's a little button. but it seem it doesn't do anything10:16
kristian_on_linuhi, I hope it's okay to ask a (kind of) KDE question here ... I am running Lokalize after a long break, and I forgot how to approve segments, which means they are all bold now. Help?10:35
arraybolt3[m]kristian_on_linu: If you're using Kubuntu, this is absolutely on-topic here. If not, you might try #kde:libera.chat .10:36
kristian_on_linuI'm not, it's just a KDE app that I run on "normal" Ubuntu10:37
arraybolt3[m]Still on topic.10:37
arraybolt3[m](I assumed Kubuntu with KDE, but KDE apps on Ubuntu are just fine, too.)10:37
arraybolt3[m]kristian_on_linu: Is there an "Approved" button in your toolbar?10:39
kristian_on_linuthe toolbar seems to be saying the right thing10:40
kristian_on_linuthis is translation software, usually there is an "approve and go to next segment" option, this is what I can't find10:41
arraybolt3[m]Hmm, that makes sense. (Sorry, never used Lokalize before, so I'm looking for docs on what you're trying to do.)10:41
arraybolt3[m]kristian_on_linu: Well, crud. The docs aren't helping me very much. You're welcome to wait for someone who knows the answer to what you're trying to do, but you may get a faster answer if you go to #kde. Sorry I couldn't be more help.10:44
kristian_on_linuno worries, arraybolt3[m] ... I actually asked on KDE already, but it seems a bit less populated than this channel10:51
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jripponHi channel, I am trying to work out some odd behaviour in updating one of my lab boxes from `focal` to `jammy` - I am told by `do-release-upgrade` that no update is available but everything looks to be telling me it should be.  Anyone got some ideas how I might figure this out from here?  Some (hopefully) relevant output here: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MM8v5v8Zx6/11:35
EriC^^jrippon: you need to use "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"   if you want to upgrade right now, otherwise you have to wait for the 22.04.1 point release to come out11:37
jripponEriC^^, thanks I'll give that a go - this is not a production system so I'm happy enough to use -d (apologies - I really should have found that in the docs, my bad!)11:46
mickeymaybe im missing something, but where do you actually get your packages from? apt seems to have pretty much everything extremely outdated, snap and flatpak seems weird and not well integrated in the system...12:48
mickeylike whered you get nodejs from?12:48
bolnav[m]Hello, where to report that it.archive.ubuntu.com is unreachable since yesterday evening?12:54
ioriamickey, do you want lts 16.16  ? if yes, use snap12:55
nicozbolnav[m] change with another, the Italian one seems to be offline12:56
nicoztry with this en.archive.ubuntu.com12:56
mickeyioria nah, i want 1712:57
ioriathere's no 1712:58
mickeyioria https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v17.9.1/12:58
ioriamickey, i mean, no 17 on ubuntu13:00
ioriamickey, or 16 with snap or 12 with 22.0413:01
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elfgirlhey guys. I hae a couple of older computers that I need to basically do everything as automatically as possible for school13:02
tomreynmickey: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions13:02
elfgirlwell, one is a first gen i3 laptop, the other is bramd new ASUS celeron with flash memory13:03
elfgirlargualy the older one is better. well, probably not arguably13:03
elfgirlcan i uninstall gnome and retain a lot of ubuntu's setup like "settingd"and the wofo manager and use dwm13:04
elfgirli think i need the tiling WM for two reasons; 1. all my classes look the same and it's hard to know what firefox window holds each and 2. the litle ASUS can barely handle gnome's 6 forked processes at ~1.6MB and 2 percent CPU usage each13:05
elfgirli don't want to butcher my installations of ubuntu. i am happy with them13:05
tomreynhi elfgirl, by "settingd", do you mean "gnome-settings-daemon"? if so, this would be gone if you removed all of gnome.13:06
elfgirlwhat will happen is I ; apt-get uninstall gnome-whatever && apt-get install dwm && echo "exec dwm" >> .Xauthority; sort of idea?13:06
elfgirltomreyn: yeah sorry. "settings"13:07
elfgirlit has a lot of functionalities for dual monitors, recognizing sound devices13:07
elfgirlbut also will nautilus and its gvfs automounting stay intact?13:07
tomreynnautilus and gvfs are part of gnome13:08
tomreynyou could just keep gnome installed but not run a gnome-shell desktop session.13:09
elfgirltomreyn: what will it look like if I just change desktops? will I still have the 6 baseline processes? or will this be reduced13:09
tomreynbut i'm not sure that that would still let you use these tools.13:10
elfgirltomreyn: yeah i don't know either13:10
tomreyni'm not sure which processes you're referring to exactly.13:10
tomreynhow much ram do these computers have? do they have 64-bit x86 CPUs?13:11
elfgirlthey both have 4GB RAM, 64 bit13:12
elfgirlbut the RAM is not replaceable in the ASUS13:12
elfgirlso it will eventually get bad blocks or whatever they are called when in RAM13:13
tomreyni bet that you can do anything you can do in the gnome GUIs also using CLI applications or using the proc file system etc.13:13
cbreakthere's kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu13:14
tomreynif you're familiar with dwm and willnig to spend some time to summarize some CLI tooling which does what you would normally do with gnome-settings then this is probably a good approach.13:14
cbreakmaybe one of the others is more appropriate for your hardware13:14
cbreakyou can also install an other WM with normal ubuntu to try it out13:15
elfgirlcbreak: probably yeah13:15
cbreakfor example i313:15
cbreakjust log out, and then on the login screen, select i313:15
tomreynother than that, yes, you could try another flavour, or another graphical desktop.13:15
cbreaki3 is a tiling WM13:15
cbreaki3 is not a full desktop though, so it lacks a ton of ... UI13:15
cbreakI like kde, but ... it uses a lot of ram13:16
tomreynweb browsers will be your worst enemy in terms of memory hogging.13:16
cbreakthere's lynx, links and the like.13:17
cbreakthey are not pleasant to use13:17
elfgirlcbreak: yeah. i mean i basically need the UI I think. thre's too much possibility of a web functionality being disabled13:17
elfgirlthe networking for a univesity is very corporate sorta and what goes on in say firefox/chrome is not standard usage13:18
tomreynbolnav[m]: in #ubuntu-mirrors13:18
tomreyn(or where it says in its /topic)13:19
elfgirllots of automatic networking/double authentication/zoom-compat13:19
elfgirlanyway thanks for your help you guys. i will try just running dwm on the ASUS and see if gnome is still available but more backgrounded13:19
elfgirlhopefully nothing important gets disabled13:19
elfgirli'll back in a couple weeks, studying business and IRC is too much left brain right brain disconnect. but please try to remember my problem set it's really important13:23
elfgirland i guessif e can make it work i could donate 100 bucks a year or something13:24
elfgirli'm saving a fair bit of money on computers doing this. as long as everything works. thanks and bye for now13:24
ravagei know he already left but: https://p.haxxors.com/qpnt7vky.txt13:46
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fabrizioi have an nvidia gforce video card14:32
fabrizioand troubles with ¨tearfree¨14:32
lotuspsychjefabrizio: can you share your ubuntu release and graphics driver version with the volunteers?14:34
fabriziolubuntu 18.0414:34
fabrizioseems to use xorg14:34
fabrizioGF108 [GeForce GT 530]14:36
fabrizioyes it´s using the xorg driver14:37
lotuspsychjefabrizio: could you pastebin; sudo lshw -C video && nvidia-smi please?14:37
fabrizioto solve the amd graphic card was easy14:39
fabrizioon my old laptop14:39
fabriziocan i just copy/paste here ?14:41
tomreynfabrizio: please use   | nc termbin.com 9999     or https://paste.debian.org14:42
fabrizioshould i change to nvidia driver instead of xorg ?14:43
tomreynyou're using the open source "nouveau" driver, i assume that's what you meant by "the xorg driver"14:43
tomreynif you were to use the proprietary nvidia driver, you would have to use the legacy, no longer maintained, possibly insecure, 390 series driver.14:46
tomreyn470 series does not support your graphics card14:46
tomreyni think 390 is available from the graphics-drivers PPA14:47
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers14:47
fabriziook tnx i will tinker with the 39014:48
tomreynyes, https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=bionic has this driver. but using nouveau may actually be better.14:48
tomreynyou did not specify what the "troubles with tearfree" are.14:49
fabriziotearfree doesn´t seem to work14:49
fabriziothe movies lagg14:49
tomreynso it only happens with movies?14:50
tomreynthat may as well be a video decoding issue14:50
tomreynmaybe you don't have the required decoder packages installed. or you're using VAAPI, which you probably should not.14:51
ravageis this a laptop with an integrated intel card and nvidia?14:52
tomreyntry running the video player from a terminal and see what it prints when you start video playback14:52
fabriziowell youtube has it too14:52
fabriziodekstop from hp14:52
fabriziointel processor14:52
lotuspsychjeravage: dont think so, otherwise his lshw would show intel too14:52
fabrizioi swore i would never use intel14:53
fabrizioprefer amd14:53
fabriziobut i got this free from work14:53
ravagethe CPU is not your problem here :)14:53
fabriziook !14:53
tomreyncan you run this and post the output:    lspci -knnv | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999914:53
tomreynactually this:    lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999914:54
fabriziowell i maybe need to reboot14:55
fabriziojust changed xorg14:55
tomreynfabrizio: what do you mean by "just changed xorg"?14:56
tomreynhi PhonixGeist14:56
fabriziowell i swicthed driver from xorg to nvidia 39014:56
lotuspsychjewelcome PhonixGeist14:56
ravagethis is still the "xorg" driver14:56
ravageat least from your paste14:56
fabrizioi better reboot, brb14:57
PhonixGeisthey guys.. is there a way to some way lock ubuntu with out suspend or logout? for example when you have a task running or something downloading and you need to leave the pc alone but dont want to stop what is running... is it possible?14:57
lotuspsychjea screensaver with a password PhonixGeist could be an idea14:58
tomreynPhonixGeist: which ubuntu version are you using, which graphical desktop?14:58
ioriaif a task is running, it should not suspend14:58
PhonixGeistsounds good... lotuspsychje (i'm going to tested but...) do you think if i have my login with 2FA usb-key the screensaver will ask for the key?14:59
PhonixGeisttomreyn, Ubuntu 22.04 Gnome...14:59
tomreynthe default gnome-shell desktop allows for locking the screen by selecting the lock icon from the top right icon menu, or by pressing meta-l (lower case L)15:00
fabriziowell the drive change seemed to have done it !15:00
lotuspsychje!yay | fabrizio15:01
ubottufabrizio: Glad you made it! :-)15:01
fabriziohail hail ubuntu15:01
tomreynPhonixGeist: to prevent a laptop from going into suspend automatically, connect the wall plug (if a laptop) and disable suspend when on power supply in settings.15:01
PhonixGeisttomreyn, yea i get it... but i want it to lock the system without stopping any process runing.. I think the meta-l and/or the screensaver could work...15:03
tomreyni don't see why a screen lock would stop a process from running15:04
tomreynunless that directly depends on steady user input15:05
tomreynbut then it would have to do this by its own choice15:05
PhonixGeisttomreyn, yea... i just didn't though on screen lock...15:05
tomreynif it's still an issue: maybe if you tell us more about this process, we can help more.15:06
PhonixGeisttomreyn, no it's ok. is not that complicated... i think screen lock will work... i'll tested out...15:07
PhonixGeisttomreyn, thanks!15:07
tomreynyou're welcome15:07
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jwashHey guys i am online for 10 secs then offline for 30, in a repeating cycle, can someome assist? 22.0s server15:50
EriC^^jwash: anything in /var/log/syslog?15:57
jwash1 sec16:00
jwashntp is failing....16:03
tomreynntpd failing should not bring down the internet connection, unless it keeps changing the system time. ubuntu uses systemd-timesyncd by default. if you want to use ntpd instead, you may need to disable that.16:04
jwashHow do i reset to dhcp16:04
jwashi have a feeling it relates to the wird subnet requirement at installation16:04
tomreynyour question is unclear / needs more context.16:05
jwashi am on mobile, patience16:05
jwashi can not stay connected to the internet on ubuntu 22.0216:05
jwashkeeps going u[)p and down16:06
tomreyntry bringing this system online by other means temporarily, so that servicing it becomes easier. attach a mobile phone with a wire and make the phone share its internet access, or connect a usb wired or wireless network interface.16:06
tomreynyou probably mean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS16:06
jwashdone with isb ethernet adapter, no change16:06
jwashyes 22.02 lts server command line install omly16:07
jwashusb ethernet adapter16:07
tomreynyou'll need to configure this network interface, and make it the default route.16:08
jwashcross fingers16:09
jwashlooks online16:09
jwashis there a tool like nmtui for 22.02?16:09
tomreynwhat is "22.02"?16:09
jwashNope, back down16:11
jwashfail in name resolution on ping16:11
tomreynnmtui is part of jammy's network-manager https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/amd64/network-manager/filelist16:11
jwashthen 2 packets make it, and a fail again16:11
tomreynbut if this is a server installation you're probably not using network-manager, unless you chose to16:11
tomreyndoes    ping    work constantly, though?16:12
tomreynyou want to tell apart network connectivity and name resolution issues16:12
jwashi'm using systemd-network16:13
jwashname resolution is always failing out16:13
jwash1.1.1.1 pauses in connectability16:14
jwashin the same up down pattern16:14
jwashsame pinging my router16:14
tomreynhow is the server connected to your router?16:14
jwash1 hop via switch16:15
jwashive put a vrand new switch16:15
jwashother computer on the switch has no interru[tions16:15
tomreyntry a different switch port16:16
jwashmy kids been watching videos uninterrupted for the past hour16:16
jwashPaused again16:17
tomreyndisconnect and reconnect / reseat ethernet cable connector on both the servers' network card and the switch.16:17
jwashnetwork activity light is blinking, and its pinging and paused again16:17
tomreynmake sure it clicks when inserting it16:17
jwashpositive clicks man16:18
tomreynany improvement when pining the router by its ip address, yet?16:18
jwashsame sadness16:19
jwashup and down16:19
tomreynby "up and down" you mean what exactly?16:19
jwashactive for 2-5 secs, down for 30-60 secs16:19
tomreynso there are ping timeouts?16:19
jwasheven to my router16:20
tomreynso did this start by the time you introduced the network switch, or at a different time?16:21
tomreyncheck networkctl, nmcli, ip link/route/address outputs16:22
jwashat fresh install of brand new system16:22
tomreynyou can run    journalctl -f   and see what gets added to the system log16:22
tomreynip -s link    lists dropped packages, collisions etc.16:23
jwashi asked for nextcloud to be installed, but have not yet completed installation, journalctl and /var/syslog are stacked with notices16:23
jwashwhat is the command to upload to a text share from the command line16:23
jwashi can get the outputs online in bursts16:24
tomreynyou can post output from a command to termbin.com by appending this to the command:   |& nc termbin.com 999916:25
tomreynif name resolution is an issue, use this instead:   |& nc 999916:25
tomreynthe command you run won't be included in the output, so you'd still need to explain what you ran16:26
jwashsudo ip -s link16:26
jwashsudo cat /var/log/syslog: https://termbin.com/cwdk16:27
tomreyntermbin only stores the first 1k lines16:28
BluesKajHi all16:28
jwashsee how all those packets have been dropped16:29
jwashin ip -s link16:29
jwashi'm removing nextcloud with snap remove nextcloud16:31
tomreynthat's not very likely to be related to network connectivity issues.16:32
tomreynyou may want to also try replacing the network cable, if you have a spare one16:32
tomreynyour "sudo ip -s link" output at https://termbin.com/xwuf shows dropped packet but not ip address collisions.16:33
jwashAlready replaced cable with a known good cable16:34
tomreynlooks like "nextcloud-fixer" was spamming your system logs about nextcloud not being properly/fully installed, so it's good you purged it.16:36
jwashlet me goto rr and the computer settle for a bit16:37
tomreynif you can post your netplan configuration and networkctl outputs next, that could be useful16:38
jwashhttps://imgur.com/1yJ5Gk9.png this is the behavior, see the skip at 105 to 12916:41
tomreynyour server seems to have ip address allocated, your router having
jwashnetworkctl - https://termbin.com/esd816:42
jwashcat /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml - https://termbin.com/nyyb16:45
jwashno nameservers in the yaml16:45
tomreynwhats the output from   networkctl status16:45
jwashnetworkctl status - https://termbin.com/d04tw16:46
tomreyni haven't seen anything wrong, yet16:49
jwashi'm unsure also16:49
jwashlook at that screenshot16:49
jwashi have no idea what it could  be16:49
jwashi set the 2nd monitor on my son's computer to ping yahoo16:49
jwashit hasn't skipped a beat16:49
jwashit's on the same switch16:49
tomreynyou did change the switch port, right?16:49
climehey, does anyone have a reasonable solution for collection for coredumps in containers under Ubuntu?16:50
jwashand new cable16:50
climei am interested in both Ubuntu container running on Ubuntu and e.g. centos7 container running on Ubuntu (this probably is harder to solve)16:50
jwashhow do i put back on dhcp with a command line utility like nmtui16:50
tomreynjwash: and it worked fine before you introduced the new switch?16:50
jwashfresh install that never has been working correctly16:51
tomreynhave you tried another OS or kernel version?16:51
ravageor just a reinstall of that system with 22.0416:51
jwashshould i just trash it and try again?16:52
ravageit may be worth a try16:52
jwashtomreyn: that's a good idea, i'll try another kernel, then i'll go with ravage's suggestion16:52
ravagethe installation really only takes a few minutes16:52
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/rq2r is a default dynamic addressing netplan configuration16:52
climethe problem is that apport collects coredumps by /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern which is not kernel-namespaced16:53
jwashi set it up static at time of installation specifically16:53
jwashbut i had problems with the new subnet notation16:53
jwashit wouldn't take any more16:53
ravagejwash, if your network has DHCP go with that fist16:53
jwashhow do i re-enable dhcp16:53
jwashit is available on my network16:54
d3vrHello, I've added a new disk to my server. Now the server is not properly booting up. I'm getting a "Timed out waiting for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/..." error. Checking blkid and /etc/fstab, I can see that the UUIDs match, not sure how to go about debugging this further. Any help appreciated16:54
tomreynjwash: you change the netplan configuration to look similat to mine16:54
ravagejwash, use tomreyn's config and use the right device instead of enp0s316:54
ravageshould be eno116:54
tomreyni noticed your device is aliased, i was wondering whether that would be an issue16:54
tomreyndid you add some configuration to rename network interfaces?16:55
ravagejwash, i usually use DHCP in my home network and tell my router to always give the device the same IP16:55
jwashgood idea16:55
jwashthat's how i'll have to handle it16:55
jwashi copied over your yaml, restarted network, same ip16:58
ravagesame ip is possible16:59
ravagebut does it still disconnect?16:59
tomreyni don't think it ever disconnected, it just dropped packets17:00
d3vrHere is the blkid output, /etc/fstab contents and the journalctl: https://gist.github.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c117:00
ravagetomreyn, but he really changed everything. even the network interface right?17:00
tomreynravage: i'm not sure i understand the question. why would he change "everything"?17:01
ravageeverything that could be changed17:01
tomreynravage: the network interface name was aliased, from what i saw on some output17:01
tomreyni forgot which17:01
ravagemaybe we will get an answer on the current status soon :)17:02
oerheksd3vr, step 1; check for a bios update, yours is 2019, current 2021 https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/Z370-GAMING-PLUS/support17:02
tomreynravage: i hope so. :)17:03
d3vroerheks this is on a dedicated Ubuntu server,  I don't have access to updating BIOS17:04
d3vrserver from a cloud provider17:04
d3vrand the server was working fine before adding a new drive17:05
ravageand how did you get it to boot to provide the information? a rescue system?17:06
d3vrravage yes a rescue system17:08
tomreynthe UUIDs for / match in fstab and blkid. since you also specified the partuuid in fstab, either try if you can mount with this fstab after removing the partuuid, or try comparing the partuuid in fstab with that on disk17:08
jhutchinsd3vr: Other than the error message, what are the symptoms of the problem?  Does the new device mount?  Can you mount it manually?  Can you mount it manually both by UUID and by device name?17:09
d3vrIn fact, I'm not even trying to mount the new disk yet. If I mount the root and boot partitions via the rescue system, it works fine. However if I try to boot the existing OS, it hangs and I can't access SSH. I'm not certain, but from the logs it seems like it's failing to mount the boot partition ?17:10
jhutchinsd3vr: You have seven devices available but only three in fstab - is that intentional?17:10
d3vrYes it's intentional, I'm trying to locate where the issue is. So I only left the root, boot and swap partitions in fstab17:11
ravaged3vr, which UUID it waits for exactly is missing in your "Timed out waiting for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/..." information17:11
ravageit usually is the root partition. but it may be any other in your fstab17:12
d3vrravage the first one that times out in the logs is the /boot partition (/dev/sda2 in blkid)17:12
tomreynoh, so not /17:13
ravageyou dont actually need to mount that to boot i think. it gets everything via your bootloader17:14
ravageso you could try to comment that out17:14
ravagebut there are other timeouts?17:14
jhutchinsravage: You should test your theory that /boot doesn't need to be mounted.17:15
dreamonhello. I installed xubuntu on a ssd. now I have two identical HDDs I want to setup as raid 1 only for data usage. how can I setup this?17:16
d3vrBoth the /boot and swap partitions are timing out17:16
d3vrwould it be helpful if I also share the grub.cfg file ?17:16
EriC^^d3vr: can you paste blkid's output and fstab?17:16
jhutchinsd3vr: I know you have too many questions and suggestions right now, but at some point you might test changing the fstab entries to devices instead of UUIDs.17:16
ravageEriC^^, https://gist.github.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c117:16
EriC^^ty ravage17:17
d3vrEriC^^ Yes, I've shared them her ëë17:17
d3vrhere: https://gist.github.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c117:17
d3vrjhutchins I read in the arch wiki that using UUIDs is the most guaranteed method to always point to the same partitions ? And that device names can change ?17:17
ravageext3 is a strange filesystem for /boot btw17:18
d3vrit also doesn't make sense to me why it's not finding the partitions since the UUIDs match? am I missing something ?17:18
jhutchinsd3vr: All true.  It's broken now.  Try something different.17:18
d3vrravage I just used hetzner's Ubuntu image for the install17:18
ravaged3vr, i work for the competition so i will try to be impartial here17:19
ravagebut thats not the problem here anyway. just an observation17:19
d3vrI've uploaded grub.cfg in case that sheds some more light on the issue: https://gist.github.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c117:20
d3vrWill try replacing the UUIDs with the device names in fstab and see if that helps17:20
ravageyep. give that a try17:20
ravagethe boot process in grub seems to work just fine17:21
tomreyntest2: please /join #tests17:22
EriC^^seems it's failing when systemd is mounting them17:23
jwashdecided to just reinstall17:24
tomreynjwash: they have scripts on their internal ftp servers for bios upgrades, IIRC17:26
tomreynthere is also #hetzner17:27
jwashtomreyn: for my intel board17:27
tomreynthis said, i don't think this has to do anything with them17:27
tomreynah, sorry, i addressed the wrong person17:27
ravagetomreyn, i think you are mixing something up. jwash has no dedicated server17:28
ravageyep .)17:28
jwashbooted up on new install17:28
jwashi'll play around a bit and make sure it's staying online17:29
jwashthanks for the efforts guys17:29
tomreynd3vr: i don't think this is realted to this issue, but if you want to bios upgrade, i think hetzner has scripts for that on their ftp servers which can be reached from your server.17:29
tomreynd3vr: see also #hetzner17:30
d3vrtomreyn will look into that once I resolve this issue17:30
tomreynthanks ravage17:31
d3vrso after switching to device names instead of UUIDs, I'm getting:17:32
d3vrTimed out waiting for device /dev/sda117:32
d3vrand dev-sda1.device: Job dev-sda1.device/start timed out17:32
jhutchinsThis sounds a lot like a filesystem driver missing in the initrd.17:32
ravagethat is really strange17:32
jhutchins"Why" always costs more than "fixed".17:32
ravaged3vr, do you have some older kernels in your boot menu you can try?17:32
ravagemaybe the disk isnt the problem here but some messed up kernel update17:33
EriC^^d3vr: what happens when you try to mount /boot after the os has booted?17:35
tomreynnote that hetzner have a custom installer (i don't know how they create it)17:35
EriC^^if you try 'sudo mount /boot' for instance17:35
d3vrWhen I try to boot it through the rescue system, it works fine17:36
d3vrI ran a fsck on the partitions as well, no issues17:36
tomreyndo you also specify the file system type there?17:36
EriC^^d3vr: try a different kernel as ravage mentioned17:36
d3vrLooking into that now, will report back17:37
d3vrfrom looking at the boot logs from before adding the drive, I can see that the kernel versions are different, so that might be the issue. After the drive addition: 5.15.0-39, before: 5.15.0-2717:39
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d3vrChanged the kernel version back to the one I know used to work18:12
d3vrStill getting that timed out error waiting for device18:12
d3vrI have no idea what else I can try now18:12
d3vrAnyone has any ideas? Please?18:12
d3vrI can see this error in the journal, I don't know if it's related:18:16
d3vr`kernel: mtd device must be supplied (device name is empty)`18:16
deegoI'm on an ubuntu systemt where in /var/lib/apt/lists/ , _Packages is a symlink to Packages (and the latter dir. is missing, causing apt-show-versions to not install).  Is this symlink normal? Anyone every seen this before? I can, ofc, mkdir Packages, but figured i should ask before messing w things18:22
deegoI just removed the symlink for now. Anyone ever seen that before?18:24
deegonow, after install, during use, it complains that _apt-show-versions not found for command completion. again, google proved to be of no help18:55
deegonever seen that command. does ubuntu automatically search for unerscore+command?18:56
dob1apt update will try to connect to the ip ipv6 repository, I don't have an ipv6 address, why?19:04
dob1s/will try/tries19:05
mihailHey there. I have setup lockscreen after 5 minutes of inactivity, but when i play games with a Xinput controller, the lockscreen kicks in after 5 mins as mentioned, despite the is activity. Question: how to fix this? How to take account of that input device so the screen does not lock?19:05
dob1[Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:760:ffff:b6:4:100:0:73)   why is doing this?19:05
ravagedob1, i think the it mirror is down in general19:06
dob1ah ok19:06
ravagetry "ping -4 it.archive.ubuntu.com"19:06
ravageshould be the same result19:06
ravagestatement from the hoster: https://p.haxxors.com/qpnt7vky.txt19:06
dob1ravage: it doesn't answer, ok I will try later, thanks19:06
ravageyou can of course just change the it to something near you19:07
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gebbionewhat is the best GUI utility to see what is happening when inserting a cd dvd in the drive? currently ones that cannot be read show nothing at all. It would be nice to see errors instead of just silence20:36
kostkongebbione, you could try with 'journalctl -f'20:39
gebbionenot very GUI20:42
gebbionebut yea i just see errors20:42
gebbioneit would be nice if disks showed more info20:42
gebbioneother than block device is empty20:43
kostkongebbione, there's also dvdisaster. disclaimer, last time I used it was like 15 years ago20:44
gebbioneyea my dvds have over 15 years, doing some clearing up20:45
kostkongebbione, :/20:47
jadenlianwhen i created the private/public keys with gpg this new .gnupg dir was created  with my key info(my guess) so if i were to take an encrypted file that encrypted with this key to a different machine  do i just need to copy this .gnupg directory that was created in my home directory to use the keys to decrypt21:05
transhumanistanyon able to tell me what this error means update-rc.d error cannot find a LSB script for zram.service   https://bpa.st/M6GA21:12
mihailHelp please! I have setup lockscreen after 5 minutes of inactivity, but when i play games with a Xinput controller, the lockscreen kicks in after 5 mins as mentioned, despite the is activity. Question: how to fix this? How to take account of that input device so the screen does not lock?21:14
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transhumanistmihail how about disabling lock screen?21:16
transhumanistsettings power options or settings -- power21:16
d3vrStill haven't figured out a solution, posted on AskUbuntu hoping to get some help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1418125/boot-fails-timed-out-waiting-for-device-dev-disk-by-uuid21:20
d3vrWhat could be the reason that it's not able to find the partitions ?21:20
transhumanistcan you run a live disk d3vr and run gparted and go under info on the disk and see the UUID is proper?21:21
transhumanistthis is set in /etc/fstab but if its wrong it will never find it21:22
Bashing-omd3vr: Fid you veriry the UUYDs in the fstab file - sudo blkid -c /dev/null -o list - to see a fresh list to compare.21:23
transhumanistthat works too21:23
mihailtranshumanist, id rather not21:23
transhumanistwell mihail you aught to disable it and see at least if it has the same problem21:24
mihailtranshumanist, if i disable it it obviously will not lock, but thats what i need. it seems to only react to mouse/keyboard, but not the controller21:25
transhumanistok good enough, good luck then, I never had that exact problem, sorry21:26
d3vrBashing-om can confirm I'm finding the same UUIDs21:26
d3vrtranshumanist how can I get that information through `parted` ?21:29
transhumanistsudo sgdisk -i 1 /dev/sda  or /sbin/tune2fs -l /dev/sda1  I use gparted never done it with regular parted print devices list doesnt show anything so I dont know , sorry21:35
transhumanistcan you boot from a live cd and chroot to it, so like it actually works  or just mount it when running live disk and see the partitions?21:36
transhumanistsudo vol_id -u /dev/sda121:39
d3vrtranshumanist can confirm with tune2fs, same UUIDs21:39
transhumanistwell I would try and chroot into the sucker or at least mount it and see if its all accessible also it seems that you already checked the logs, is there a more verbose log option you might be able to set ?21:40
d3vrAlso that's what I'm doing, via the "rescue system" from Hetzner, which is based on Debian I think, I'm chrooting into the disk21:40
transhumanistah ok21:40
transhumanistI might just for the hell of it dump the block id and copy it into the /etc/fstab to make sure that its not like a type I mean the UUID's are so freaking long its easy to miss21:41
transhumanistand you did a update-grub right ? it appears correctly in /etc/default/grub?21:42
transhumanistalso your not using a custom kernel or anything where settings for ext2 ext3 ext4 riser xfs, or whatever are setup right?21:44
transhumanistif you are using a custom kernel I might suggest trying a default kernel21:46
transhumanistand see if it works at least21:46
transhumanistthen you will know21:46
d3vrI'm using the default Hetzner ubuntu image, so not sure if they're using a custom kernel in there21:47
d3vrI did update-grub now again, and double checked the UUIDs just to make sure, will reboot and see21:48
d3vrHow can I verify if it's a standard kernel or not ?21:48
transhumanistuname -r might tell you but usually I know when I am using a custom kernel you can also look at the .config and compare it with a ubuntu .config from same kernel version21:49
transhumanistdo a diff21:49
transhumanistIf i rememeber right at the top of the .config there is a line that IS supposed to tell you but its not reliable21:50
ravaged3vr, the current version is 5.15.0-40-generic. did you try to mount all required dirs like sys,dev,proc in a chroot, update the kernel?21:51
ravageit should homefully take care of all the uuids and drivers needed too21:52
ravagei still dont know what driver could be missing so it does not see sda and so on21:52
ravageso maybe also send us "lspci" while you are doing that in the chroot21:53
transhumanistravage do you know what causes my LSB error in above posting by chance I am looking for a good example of systemd .services file  but even the lines I included at the top of the file are not in the examples but its indicated (for debian at least they are required), I am thinking thats not the problem however21:55
d3vrravage yes everything should be mounted, I'm mounting the root partition to /mnt and the /boot partition to /mnt/boot21:56
ravageok. and you did /proc /sys and /dev too?21:57
d3vrlspci: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c1/raw/c222036a28bf8eb71615c2415da5b3109433929d/lspci21:57
ravageproc usually just as procfs and the others with bind?21:57
d3vrravage yes /proc, /sys and /dev too21:57
d3vrbut wait, they're not separate partitions21:58
transhumanistwhat kind of partitions are they?21:58
ravagetranshumanist, you cant just paste a bash script below a half-finished systemd script :)21:58
transhumanistthe bash script is separate21:59
transhumanistwhat is the systemd script missing?21:59
d3vrso they're /dev/sda1 = swap, /dev/sda2 = /boot, /dev/sda3 = /, /dev/sda4 = /home21:59
d3vrso I'm mounting /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda321:59
d3vrand chrooting21:59
transhumanistthe # comments above I added to the systemd script from what I read they are needed  for LSB compliance21:59
transhumanistok d3vr what kind of partitions are they22:01
ravaged3vr, thats ok. but did you also take care of the others i mentioend?22:01
ravagewhat is the output of "mount" in the chroot?22:02
d3vrproc, sys and dev are in the root partition22:02
ravageno they will be emptry22:02
ravage1 sec22:02
ravagewhere do you mount your root and boot?22:03
ravagei mean the mount points22:03
d3vrroot in /mnt and boot in /mnt/boot22:03
d3vrHere's the output of mount from inside chroot: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c1/raw/788a2a3bfdecf323bca07644ff65c0107be16e72/mount%2520inside%2520chroot22:03
transhumanistis the boot flag set?22:04
d3vrNot sure, how can I check22:04
d3vrsorry my knowledge here is a bit spotty22:04
ravagethat looks ok22:04
ravageif you just do an "update-grub"22:05
ravagedoes that give you any errors?22:05
d3vr```Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'22:05
d3vrSourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/hetzner.cfg'22:05
d3vrSourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'22:05
d3vrGenerating grub configuration file ...22:05
d3vrFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-27-generic22:05
d3vrFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-27-generic22:05
ravageok we wait for you to get unsilenced :P22:05
ravagetry a pastebin22:07
ravagealso the contents of /etc/default/grub.d/hetzner.cfg would be very intereting22:07
d3vrOutput of update-grub: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c1/raw/85ef8ca6360ef44ea1b50acec27e7d12e4840c9b/update-grub22:08
d3vrhetzner.cfg: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/d3vr/480bca06f6db19b655632d92c7ae56c1/raw/81c0b9b6265d9396cc0d917b27b55aa9224d26fd/hetzner.cfg22:09
ravageok. that should be no harm at least. just some settings to fix some of their problems about consoles22:09
ravagedo an "apt update" first now22:10
ravageand then "apt install linux-image-5.15.0-40-generic"22:10
jhutchinsd3vr: It might be a good idea to find out exactly what the differences between the hetzner image and a standard Debian install.  That might give some clues to what you're struggling with.22:11
ravagetranshumanist, cant you put the start and stop commands directly into the systemd file instead of using a bash file?22:12
transhumanistI might try that but I dont know how good examples are scarce so it seems22:12
ravagetranshumanist, and you dont need any comments in the systemd service file at all. you can directly start with [Unit]22:12
d3vrravage alright done, update-grub will pick up the latest version automatically ?22:13
d3vrshould I uninstall the older kernel ?22:13
ravageit should run update-grub22:13
ravagebut you can run it again and it should find the new kernel22:13
ravagekeep the old one22:13
d3vrYou're right it did, didn't notice at first22:14
ravageok so before we try to fix something that isnt broken anymore reboot22:14
ravagetranshumanist, and there is the package zram-config that should create this service for you22:17
d3vrrebooted, ssh not responding as usual, I'll reboot into rescue again and check the journal22:18
ravaged3vr, so that server does not have a remote console?22:18
transhumanistravage I know I was trying to use zswap too and also facebooks mulithread implemenation of zlib seems one interferes with the other22:18
transhumanistI had it working then suddenly it stopped...lol22:19
ravaged3vr, does it ping? or do you really only try ssh?22:20
d3vrravage the way dedicated servers work on Hetzner you either reboot into a rescue system or attach a KVM Console (which you have to order via support, and you get free access for 3 hours)22:20
d3vrdoesn't ping either22:20
transhumanistwait so why are you using ssh why not connect to it directly , perphaps networking isnt working?22:20
transhumanistah its a remote server ok22:20
d3vrYeah remote, and I try to ping before attempting to ssh22:20
ravaged3vr, and you had the console before i guess?22:21
d3vrit's a painful process, and you can imagine the amount of fun I've been having for 10 hours today22:21
transhumanistso there is no tty access to the machine?22:21
d3vrravage they gave me a console right after installing the new drive today, but it wasn't responding to keyboard input at which point they told me to try via the rescue system because there might have been an issue with the OS22:21
ravagethat console does not really care about the OS. i think someone was just too stupid to attach the KVM correctly :)22:22
ravagecheck if you can find anything different in the journal22:23
d3vrYeah well I don't have any prior experience with KVM Consoles to be able to question what they told me22:23
ravageif you want i can take a look at it from the rescue system too. i cant do magic but i can try22:24
transhumanistthe whole idea of KVM console is its below the operating system and do you mean KVM as in monitor switching or kvm as in the kernel virtual machine manager?22:24
ravagetranshumanist, in this case it is a seperate device you connect via USB usually. it has its own network connection and a webserver to provice a remote console22:25
ravage(and also connect it to VGA/DVI for the image)22:26
ravageim sure the latest versions may support HDMI. but servers usually use VGA)22:26
transhumanistI would have them try and remote into it and see if they can do it, perhaps that might ring some bells22:26
d3vrtranshumanist from their docs: https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/maintainance/kvm-console/22:26
ravageah lantronix spider22:27
ravageusually reliable22:27
ravageused that a lot of times :)22:27
transhumanistdo you have another server on that network?22:28
d3vrso in the new journal, the updated kernel is being used, I can see a bunch of ACPI errors, and the usual Timed out waiting for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/3198101c-c38b-44f2-865f-9040cb8d2d01.22:29
transhumanistif so try and connect to the other server , if it cant then, there is an issue, if you can connect to that server and it has a webbrowser try and hop over to it22:29
d3vrFull log: https://oshi.at/Mscs22:29
d3vrtranshumanist I have another VPS from their network, not sure it's in the same DC tho22:31
ravaged3vr, can you remove boot and swap from your fstab=22:31
ravagea comment is enough22:31
d3vrbut like I've mentioned before, it worked just fine before they added the new drive today22:31
d3vrravage and leave the root partition ?22:32
transhumanistACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_PR.PR00._CPC], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)   << whats this?22:32
transhumanistdriver for what?22:32
ravageall that ACPI stuff could go away with a bios update. but i dont think its relevant for now22:32
d3vrI have no idea, I don't believe that error appeared in the older kernel22:32
ravaged3vr, Jul 11 00:17:09 beaver kernel: EXT4-fs (sda3): re-mounted. Opts: (null). Quota mode: none.22:33
ravageso it has your root partition just fine22:33
ravageand im pretty sure we dont need to mount /boot. and swap is irrelevant anyway22:33
d3vrCrossing my fingers hard right now haha, rebooting22:34
ravageit is still a little strange that it reaches the network target but doesnt ping22:36
ravagebut lets see what happens now first22:36
transhumanistseems its missing video config parameters , maybe?22:36
transhumanistin the kernel22:37
transhumanistprobably not relevant but...22:37
ravaged3vr, anything new?22:41
=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l
d3vrLooks like it proceeded to mounting the partition and starting my services but I still wasn't able to ssh or ping the server22:44
d3vralso this: Timed out waiting for device /dev/sda1.22:44
d3vreven though I don't have that in fstab22:44
d3vrfull journal: https://oshi.at/wcVD22:45
ravagei start thinking that your network interface never comes up somehow22:46
d3vrHow would I go about investigating / debugging that ?22:46
d3vrthoughts ?22:46
transhumanisthow about downloading an img file of it and trying it locally22:47
ravaged3vr, i forgot. sda1 is which partiton?22:47
transhumanistactually just have them try and connect to it at the help desk22:48
d3vrtranshumanist tried, they said they don't do software support, only hardware. It's not a managed service:/22:48
ravaged3vr, and you are sure there is nothing swap related in your fstab anymore?22:48
d3vrat this point, I'm just exhausted, I might end up copying all my data into the new drive and using their install script to reinsintall on the first drive22:49
d3vrravage everything commented except for the root partition22:49
ravaged3vr, before you do that i could check it from the rescue system. maybe i find something. you can watch via screen. but only if you want :)22:49
transhumanistd3vr they should still try and connect locally and see if they can connect if not it could be a hardware problem so they have to take it at least that far22:52
meethos1anyone know how to deal with 'ee key too small' error? i tried tuning /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf and installed crypto-policies with no luck23:22
TecklaNot sure if this is just my imagination, but Ubuntu 22.04 inside Hyper-V on Windows 11 feels like it has better graphics performance now  :)23:29
imihow can I make ubuntu to cycle through several desktop backgrounds (randomly or sequentially)?23:54
Gremsimi: You could use a systemctl-timer that triggers a script that uses `feh` and `shuf` :)23:57
descentimi the photo viewer does it i think23:59

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