=== Guest8232 is now known as Daniel | ||
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mariusz35 | Hello. Could anyone point me to a way of passing user-data to cloud-init waiting in a fedora server 36 isntance? It's running on VMware 7.03 | 13:49 |
mariusz35 | I've tried to get this working for 2 days, but passing user data as a base64 encoded string in vm parameters doesn't wor | 13:49 |
mariusz35 | and I've found another way where vsphere can apply guest customization, but that doesn't support the fedora OS | 13:50 |
mariusz35 | Is there a good article or tutorial available that describes the methods one can use to pass user-data to cloud init running inside fedora on VMware? | 13:51 |
minimal | mariusz35: I think the problem is that there are several ways VMware can integrate with cloud-init and it also depends on the version of cloud-init being used | 14:01 |
mariusz35 | I've got cloud-init 22.1 installed | 14:02 |
mariusz35 | would mounting an .iso with user-data and meta-data work? like in this article - https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-SD-WAN/4.1/vmware-sd-wan-operator-guide/GUID-46F3C13D-038E-4C92-B639-864B516AE663.html | 14:02 |
minimal | there are VMware and OVF datasources, which are you trying to use? | 14:02 |
minimal | mounting an iso is basically NoCloud (or ConfigDrive2 also?) and would always work | 14:03 |
minimal | https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/ovf.html | 14:04 |
minimal | https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/vmware.html | 14:04 |
minimal | that article is referencing creating an ISO for NoCloud | 14:05 |
minimal | which DataSource are you trying to use? | 14:05 |
mariusz35 | Yes, I've tried passing guestinfo.userdata and guestinfo.userdata.encoding, but that didn't work before. Thanks for those links though, I'll read over those again to double-check if i skipped a step | 14:06 |
minimal | mariusz35: guestinfo only seems to work with vSphere | 14:10 |
minimal | I get confused by all the different VMware products etc so its not clear to me which VMware products work with which cloud-init DataSource, e.g. does "bare" ESXi (no vSphere) work with VMware DS | 14:11 |
mariusz35 | I'm not sure, but I've used vSphere. I've probably skipped a step so my plan is to start fresh and go through the cloudinit doc for VMware datasource exactly step-by-step. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I've seen a lot of articles about cloud-init but never actually found the one describing the VMware datasource itself in the | 14:14 |
mariusz35 | cloud-init docs. | 14:14 |
mariusz35 | Probably due to mostly using google for searching | 14:14 |
minimal | mariusz35: the VMware datasource was only added to cloud-init in August 2021 so there are probably few docs online about it | 14:16 |
minimal | https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/953 | 14:16 |
ubottu | Pull 953 in canonical/cloud-init "Datasource for VMware" [Merged] | 14:16 |
minimal | you might find this useful: https://github.com/vmware-archive/cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo#walkthrough | 14:17 |
mariusz | Hello. I've gone through the following page https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/vmware.html with a fedora 36 server image with cloud init installed to get the VMware vSphere datasource working but I see no signs of my VM seeing the metadata and userdata provided | 19:18 |
mariusz | are there some things that need to be configured additionally to ensure the VM sees the configuration applied to it with govc? | 19:19 |
mariusz | I'm getting "failed to find a valid data access method" inside /var/log/cloud-init-output.log and google only gives me the link to github https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceVMware.py | 19:41 |
mariusz | Which is worrying since I've followed the docs' walkthrough. | 19:42 |
mariusz | and the VM has the metadata and userdata added to it's config in vSphere | 19:42 |
mariusz | update: previously I had the data added, but after restoring a snapshot it disappeared. Now cloud-init noticed the data but notified me of an invalid format of the yaml file. looks like the biggest problem was solved! | 19:50 |
mariusz | Sorry for bothering, no need for any help anymore i think | 19:50 |
quintasan | My user data (https://pastebin.com/gsbS0YxA) creates only one apt repository entry in /etc/apt/sources.list.d. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, can anyone help me figure this out? | 20:11 |
blackboxsw | holmanb: thanks for the updates on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1517 good to land | 22:02 |
ubottu | Pull 1517 in canonical/cloud-init "Improve Schema For cc_set_passwords (SC-1105)" [Open] | 22:02 |
holmanb | blackboxsw: \o/ thanks :D | 22:03 |
blackboxsw | quintasan: looks like there's a WARNING/Traceback in /var/log/cloud-init.log on that cloud-config. You specified $release in your user-data instead of $RELEASE. Case sensitive difference there I think | 22:10 |
blackboxsw | source: deb [arch=amd64] https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ $release nginx | 22:10 |
blackboxsw | should actually be | 22:10 |
blackboxsw | source: deb [arch=amd64] https://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ $RELEASE nginx | 22:10 |
blackboxsw | egrep 'WARNING|Traceback' /var/log/cloud-init.log on your system and you'll find the breadcrumb pointing to keyerror on "release" | 22:11 |
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