[06:23] I have this annoying issue with Dolphin where files won't show up. I just downloaded a file called Archive.zip and it refuses to appear in dolphin [06:23] kubuntu 22.04 [06:23] tannera: The file isn't names ".Archive.zip" by any chance, is it? (The . at the beginning is important.) [06:24] s/names/named/ [06:24] Nope it's not a dotfile, I have it set to show those as well [06:24] it seems random lol [06:24] tannera: And you're able to see it if you do an "ls -a /path/to/folder", right? [06:24] If so, I have an idea. [06:25] Yeah [06:25] tannera: In the folder you downloaded your file in, is there a dotfile named ".hidden" in that folder? [06:26] There isn't [06:27] I'll empty the folder anyway and see if that helps though [06:30] tannera: Maybe Dolphin simply isn't getting notified that the file system has changed. I found a post on Reddit here that might be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/ManjaroLinux/comments/jbhint/new_files_sometimes_dont_display_in_dolphin/ [07:00] arraybolt3[m]: Thanks the refresh button made it appear, I've also turned up max_user_watches a little bit to see if that helps. Much appreciated! [07:25] Is plasma 5.25 update is released for kubuntu? === alucardromer0-l2 is now known as alucardromero-l2 === fossa is now known as fossa_ === fossa_ is now known as fossa === fossa is now known as fossa_ === fossa is now known as fossa_ [09:05] K4R7IK_Ku5hw4h4: Seems not. I'm on kubuntu 22.04 and running plasma 5.24.4 === fossa is now known as fossa_ [09:17] hi [09:30] KDE should release 5.24.6 today. 5.24 is an LTS. So they should land soon. 5.24.5 is already in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=jammy [10:45] I have an issue with unlocking my screen. When I get back to my machine to unlock it, I have to move the pointer to get the login box to appear. Is there a way to do this by just using the keyboard? [11:15] I have the same problem as Cymew, after some update... some months back, the password prompt was available after pressing something on the keyboard. I am still wondering if this was an intentional change (someone assumed this would increase security etc?) or a random bug when fixing something else... [12:11] For me it's extra cumbersome as my touchpad doesn't turn on diretcly, so I have to wait for up to half a minute before I can move the pointer and log in. [12:15] Yeah, and in general I see no point in requiring to move the pointer to be able to logon. [12:15] Indeed. [12:24] I don't have this problem on Ubuntu Studio 22.04, which is Kubuntu-based IIRC, and an official Ubuntu flavour. [12:24] Maybe this is hardware-related somehow? Does an external keyboard fix the problem? [12:33] I have the issue on multiple machines, so it might be configuration dependant (which means it can be "fixed") but I doubt it relates to hw. [12:36] arraybolt3[m], I did not have this problem on the same machine the problem appeared fter installing some update, cannot remember which, but I'm pretty sure this rules out hardware-related problem :) [12:37] You're right. It's a KDE bug, just found it here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433054 [12:37] KDE bug 433054 in kscreenlocker "Code errors in the lock screen theme (1st party or 3rd-party) can block screen unlocking" [Grave, Confirmed] [12:38] Wait, that might be the wrong bug, some KDE forum member linked to it... [12:41] Looks like that bug has stuff about the problem, though. One mentioned workaround is that pressing Tab four times will get the box to appear. [12:42] It says: 1. Press shift key to wake up the screen lock. 2. Then press tab four times to focus input in the login prompt. Or, just use the mouse (which is not preferable). 3. Enter password [12:43] Actually, I found the real bug report most likely, the top one doesn't look right. Here's the other one that looks more correct: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=449857 [12:43] KDE bug 449857 in kscreenlocker "Lockscreen window does not get focus by default on X11" [Normal, Resolved: Fixed] [12:44] This is supposedly fixed in KDE, and the fix just needs backported to 20.04. Maybe I can talk the devs into SRU'ing it in. You might also be able to update to the new Kubuntu 22.04. [12:47] A Backport would be really sweet. [12:48] Cymew: There's also a fix mentioned in the other bug report I linked to, in comment 57 of the bug report. [12:48] Hmm. I can't get the login prompt regardless of how much I hammer on tab. Does that work for you kirvesAxe? [12:51] Editing the qml seems to work for me. [12:51] Cymew, kirvesAxe: Can I please confirm that both of you are using Kubuntu 20.04? [12:55] That will make it easier for me to verify the bug myself and write a bug report. [12:58] arraybolt3[m]: I'm using vanilla Ubuntu with plasma-desktop package installed. There was not much feedback in the generic #kde channel, so in my case the platform is not strictly kubuntu. [12:59] That's fine. Just knowing if it's 20.04 is enough. [12:59] It's 20.04 [12:59] Thanks. I'll see if I can get things to happen! [13:00] Thanks. [14:27] Hi all [14:27] hi [14:34] arraybolt3[m], Cymew, tab works, 20.04 [17:47] Hello , how can i get the new kde icon for the startbutton on 22.04? Even if i change the theme, it remains at this [17:47] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/2753e411/file_57952.jpg [17:50] Sorry for this dumb question [17:54] oskar: right click it [17:54] select "configure application dashboard" === jonny is now known as jonny_- === root is now known as Guest4638 [19:08] Hi, any idea for a script to move all open windows on a plasma-desktop 2560px to the right? All attempts using wmctrl (to get window-ids) and xdotool (to move window 2560 y --relative) failed so far. Usecase: to keep windows on main-monitor (on the right side), even when 2nd monitor is added - unfortunately left-of monitor 1 [19:47] tomreyn, so far that seems to be working. It seems that the corectrl repo I added also changed my graphics drivers and created some issues. [19:51] magic_ninja: careful with those PPAs - i'm glad it seems to be working well for now. [19:52] magic_ninja: you can also run apt policy to see which versionis installed from where (if an apt source is known for the installed version) [19:52] ... and which other versions are available [19:53] good deal. Yea, in the future I'm going to take a closer look at what packages are in the ppa. I didn't look, because I was just thinking it would be reasonable that the corectrl ppa would just contain corectrl and possibly the needed libraries. It's a reasonable assumption, but not an assumption I'll make again. [19:54] if you want to try something rather advanced, which also makes it more difficult to understand why apt does what it does, you could look into apt pinning, which lets you set that some packages (or, rather, package versions) from certain repositories should never be installed, even if they're newer than what ubuntu's main repositories provide [19:54] I've pinned packages before, for sure. [19:54] I really try to keep the system as close to the base as possible. I do use the kubuntu beta to get newer releases of plasma, but I'm not a fan of using PPA' [19:55] for system stuff [20:20] magic_ninja: me neither. but until a fix lands in jammy - assuming one is really needed - it's probably a good compromise. and oibaf does a great job. [20:21] magic_ninja: this said, if you want to test once more that the issue is present with a 'clean' (no related PPAs) jammy but not with oibaf's PPA, and would report a bug against the 'clean' installation, this could hel others (and yourself, too). [20:22] a potentially related bug was recently reported at https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981139 [20:26] that page doesn't exist [20:26] I think I purged oibaf's ppa, as I was having some issues [20:39] magic_ninja: this used to say: bug #1981139 in libdrm: "Power Management > Energy Saving > Screen Energy Saving: When monitor goes to sleep, it can't be woken" [Undecided, New] [20:39] i assume it got turned into a security bug, i can't see it either now [21:10] file file_57958.mp4 too big to download (11525934 > allowed size: 1000000) [21:10] Forwarded from unknown: