
jelmercjwatson: If you have chance, another review of either https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/loggerhead/drop-python3/+merge/426103 or https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/loggerhead/no-file-ids/+merge/426375 would be great11:42
jelmer(the latter is larger, but supersedes the former)11:43
cjwatsonjelmer: does this break old rev-id-ful links?12:10
cjwatsonjelmer: I guess there may ultimately be not much choice if so ...12:10
jelmercjwatson: It doesn't break rev-id-ful links, but would break old links that include filter_file_id arguments12:11
jelmerrevid are still fully supported, fileids are becoming more of an implementation detail12:12
cjwatsonSorry, I meant file-id indeed12:13
cjwatsonhttps://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=%22bazaar.launchpad.net%22+%22filter_file_id%22 finds a few such old links, but doesn't seem like catastrophically many, and I agree it seems ultimately necessary12:14
cjwatson(also those URLs really were horrible)12:14
cjwatsonjelmer: I've approved the larger MP - let's see what the test job does12:15
jelmercjwatson: we could potentially keep the support for filter_file_id around where the version of breezy / format supports it12:17
cjwatsonI'm not sure that's worth it, since we'll want to upgrade breezy at some point anyway12:21
cjwatsonjelmer: I hate xenial so much.  https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/loggerhead/py35-workarounds/+merge/426630 ?13:09
cjwatsonjelmer: (deals with the test failure on your branch)13:09
jelmercjwatson: LGTM13:14
jelmercjwatson: is launchpad still on xenial or is it just the test runner for loggerhead?13:14
jugmac00jelmer: still - but we are working on it13:18
cjwatsonYeah, the migration got set back quite a bit by needing to move out of an old datacentre13:21
cjwatsonTests pass on bionic, but we're trying to see if we can jump straight to focal in order to make more economical use of scarce SRE time.  We have solid progress on 2/3 of the remaining known blockers for running on focal.13:26
cjwatsonjelmer: I assume you'd like us to upgrade bazaar.launchpad.net to this?  (Or you can propose a merge yourself - it's still `utilities/sourcedeps.{conf,cache}` with a `utilities/update-sourcecode` script for managing the latter, though it's in git these days and it's been almost a decade since your last commit so I don't imagine you still have a development environment handy ...)13:31
cjwatsonjelmer: and should we reject https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/loggerhead/drop-python3/+merge/426103 now?13:34
jelmercjwatson: yeah, it'd be good to upgrade - though there's no hurry until you also update to Breezy >= 3.313:35
jelmercjwatson: Yeah, I'll remove that MP - thanks for the merge13:35
cjwatsonjelmer: OK, I filed https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/426634 since I figure we may as well stay current13:39

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