
clarkkravage, thanks for your reply. I just ran "bluetoothctl info" (no mac address), and it showed the device as trusted (maybe because it was connected at the time?). I switched the device off and on, and the problem stopped, after all evening of it not working. I'm sure it will stop working at some point, but has "bluetoothctl info" solved this for now?00:00
ravagei dont think that command solves anything. but if it works thats great :)00:01
tanneraAm I meant to have linux-generic-hwe-20.04 and 22.04? https://i.imgur.com/i6N8MXs_d.webp00:39
konradosHey, I have a stupid question (as always:)). btw, hmmm tannera - it's hardly readable (the screenshot)00:43
konradosAnyway, I've just installed ufw on my server. In theory, if it is *not* configured to allow port 22, and I will logout, then I will never ever be able to ssh again?00:44
ravageyes you can lock yourself out with a firewall00:45
ravagei wouldnt say "never ever" but it can be painful00:45
konradosravage, wow, that was just my thought a second before hitting 'enter' :) Now I first allowed and then 'ufw enable'. Do you remember if port 22 is enabled by default, just upon installation?00:47
oerhekssudo ufw allow ssh 2200:47
konradosoerheks, yeah, did just that, so if I first enabled the firewall, that would be "painful" :)00:48
konradosgood to know :)00:48
oerhekssudo ufw app list00:48
oerheksehm, existing connections are dropped then?00:49
konradosoerheks, well, after installing I wanted to  `sudo ufw enable`, but I got 'Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)?' and then I thought - hey, what if this blocks 22? :)00:50
deegoi've never seen ufw disrupt an /existing/ connection. icbw00:52
oerheksme neither, but that warning is new to me too00:53
konradosAnd this one indeed did not. Was just scaring me :)00:53
deegoyeah :)00:54
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jhutchinsIt's not too hard to set up a job that will run at reboot and if not manually stopped, will revert the latest changes to a firewall.02:39
jhutchinsMake your change, engage the job, reboot.  If everything is cool, you log back in and stop the job.  If it's not, the job reverts the changes and you can log in again.02:40
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proxywhy is everything open but no switch boards found03:56
lotuspsychjeproxy: is your question related to ubuntu?04:00
opuntiai'm running off a usb and I want to reset the time zone. How do I do that. It thinkis it is 4:11 July 1204:12
opuntiaHey there is a search in settings. How cool. Got it done.04:14
proxyyes, i have accessed a door way that i dont think many others would have the necessary background to formulate the possibilities of what im speaking on, of,  right now, the entire planet is saturated in these switches and only a few hats know where to acknowledge, now ubuntu is seed to sender for clarification of one port that needs to be basic native like a mirror and key blogger, then kali will take it up to the ether to switch04:20
proxythe possibilities from AI to QAI, these is the synthetics we are all witnessing with the cloning and doubling going on, so i just give them and anyone watching a show to watch sorry to blast the ears however clever they( the simulation/system) gets it lacks in on personality is why unique individual key nodes breaks the codeX all and every time04:20
lotuspsychjeproxy: thats not related to ubuntu, please choose another channel for this discussion04:21
descentyou lost me at ubuntu is a seed04:22
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vikramis this a help channel?07:41
lotuspsychje!support | vikram yes07:41
ubottuvikram yes: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com07:41
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lotuspsychjeTheAppleFox: stop fooling around with nick changes please07:43
TheAppleFoxlotuspsychje: sorry, I forgot I should have parted before messing with NickServ07:44
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clarkkI'm still having big problems with my ubuntu 20.04 system and a bluetooth headset (or just the bluetooth subsystem generally). Currently if I run systemctl status bluetooth.service, it shows numerous errors "bluetoothd[nnnnnn]: Can't accept connection: Too many open files". If I run cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max, it returns 922337203685477580708:33
clarkkDoes anyone have any suggestions at all? How do I see what files are open, and close them?08:33
FravialisHi all. Did anybody notice ssh connections being dropped and subsequently a host becoming unavailable/unresponsive after a dist-upgrade involving, among others, systemd?08:40
FravialisI was in the middle of a d-u over ssh and suddenly I was kicked off, and couldn't ssh in again. I had to forcibly reboot the VM. Running Jammy.08:41
FravialisIt happened right after systemd was configuring.08:41
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Guest56I hv added DRI_PRIME=1 to /etc/environment file.  Is it enough to use discrete graphics card on laptop or do I need to set setprovideroffloadsink also?10:20
Guest56My laptop have intel and amd graphics card10:21
arkanoidI was running qgis launched from gnome terminal emuator inside a tmux session. Suddenly, qgis closed, gnome-terminal-emulator closed and also tmux session is gone. I had another gnome-terminal-emulator window running and that survived. Who's responsible for the event? qgis? tmux? gnome-terminal-emulator?10:32
clarkkIs there a way to know when a certain package was last updated, and from what to what version?10:35
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clarkkTo troubleshoot an issue I've got with bluetooth, to see if it occurred in a previous kernel version, I installed  When I booted into it, the system ran very slow. I don't think the network was working. I could see windows painting.  Does anyone know why?12:13
clarkkAccording to the apt log, I was using this kernel in June, so why doesn't it work properly now?12:13
gverrillaHello guys! Is there a quicker way to swap between output or input audio on ubuntu, instead of clicking sound > settings > scrolling down > changing from dropdown menu???12:19
leftyfbgverrilla: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/751/audio-output-switcher/12:26
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gverrillaleftyfb: thanks mate will take a look at it!12:50
Jojoan henlo13:12
BluesKajHi all13:17
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clarkkI'm using Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome 3.36.8. To troubleshoot an issue I've got with bluetooth that has started in the last few weeks out of nowhere, to see if it occurred in a previous kernel version, I installed  When I booted into it, the system ran very slow. I don't think the network was working. I could see windows painting. According to the apt log, I was using this kernel in June, so why doesn't it work14:38
clarkkproperly now?14:38
ioriaclarkk, how did you install ?14:51
clarkkioria, using aptitude14:51
clarkksorry, not aptitude - synnaptic14:51
ioriaclarkk, are  modules and modules-extra  installed ?14:52
ioriafor 48, i mean14:52
clarkkioria, no, only linux-image-5.13.0-48-generic and linux-modules-5.13.0-48-generic14:52
ioriaclarkk, install extra14:53
clarkkok, thanks14:53
clarkkioria, if an update caused my problem with connecting a bluetooth headset, that has worked fine for about 2 years, what packages do you think could have caused it?  the kernel, the nvidia drivers, bluez, or is there something else?14:54
clarkkLike, what should I be trying to resolve my issue?14:54
clarkkspent 2 days on this, and have not moved forward :/14:55
ioriaclarkk, i'd start with a livecd14:56
clarkkioria, ok, but could you just suggest the packages that would be involved?14:56
mguyin 20.04 why does wget complain about self-signed certs but curl does not? accessing a company intranet site with a wildcard cert14:57
ioriaclarkk, i don't want to mislead you... no idea, really14:57
clarkkioria, could you explain the approach with the livecd?14:57
ioriaclarkk, have you checked the logs about bluetooth ?15:02
clarkkioria, there are no files with the name '*blue*' in /var/log. Do you mean syslog?15:03
ioriaclarkk, better journalctl15:04
clarkkioria, I notice "Starting SDP server". What's that?15:05
ioriaclarkk, i suggest to check journalctl -r -u bluetooth15:06
mohaHey there15:14
Jojohey here15:16
clarkkioria, I've noticed that the nvidia drivers are out of date. If I install them for the latest kernel, will I have to install them again after I boot to the older kernel?15:17
mohaI have installed microstack within a VM (nested feature enabled) with the IP of and I can access the openstack console on this IP from outside of the VM; When I create a machine in openstack, it generate an IP in the range of 10.20.x.x for this machine. How can I access to this machine (ex: from outside of the VM (= I was thinking of having a router within the VM alongside the microstack,15:18
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ravagemoha, would you tell us where in that process Ubuntu is involved?15:19
mohaI looking for solution to route traffic in Ubuntu15:20
BluesKajwhat kind of traffic?15:21
ravagethat would be iptables or nftables in general15:21
ravageif you mean more than a simmple "route" of course15:21
mohaI want to see the outside of
ravageclarkk, that depends on how you install that older kernel. if you use the debian package it should build the nvidia driver automatically15:22
clarkkravage, I used synaptic15:23
ravageclarkk, find /lib/modules/*/updates/dkms/nvidia.ko15:23
ravagewill show you all modules available15:24
clarkkravage, ok, thanks.  Rebooting. brb15:24
ogramoha, for openstack/microstack you probably better try in #ubuntu-server15:26
afterThoughtSeveral times I've tried installing Ubuntu Desktop 22, and even though I setup a user during the install... gnome-initial-setup keeps coming up. Anyone know if this is a bug of some sort?15:51
ravagenever heard of that15:54
afterThoughtYeah, it's so strange, the only way around it is to create yet another user....with a completely different name.15:55
ravagebut you can login with that user?15:56
ravagethe first one created i mean15:56
leftyfbafterThought: mayber you have some sort of OEM iso?15:56
ravageif you can login and its just the setup screen that annoys you: "sudo apt-get remove gnome-initial-setup"15:59
ravagebut it really sounds like some custom ISO15:59
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sKephow to find public ip from terminal?16:11
leftyfbcurl checkip.amazonaws.com16:11
leftyfbthere's about a dozen other endpoints you can hit as well16:12
ravagethat specific one only supports legacy IP. but there are others as leftyfb said :)16:13
sKepany ubuntu weblink?16:14
leftyfbsKep: how what?16:14
ravagesKep, sure. here is your weblink: https://p.haxxors.com/4u086zml.txt16:15
sKepi am using lynx ;)16:15
sKepsorry I am not trolling16:19
sKepafter changing private dns16:19
sKepin android16:19
sKeponly proot is working16:20
leftyfbsKep: what does this have to do with ubuntu?16:20
sKepi think i have to ask this question in #termux16:20
sKepleftyfb: thanks for your support16:20
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mybalzitchanyone know how I broke my spotify snap? claims I was in offline mode, now "content unavailable" I uninstalled it then installed it, refresh says no updates16:49
mybalzitchspotify support is of no help16:50
jhutchinsmybalzitch: I'm guessing it's not an Ubuntu snap.16:56
mguyWhat certificate stores does wget use compared to curl? Getting self-signed cert errors on wget but not with curl16:58
ravagethere are no ubuntu snaps really. and from the snap store the publisher of the snap is Spotify. so the only way to get support for their snap is from them16:58
ravagemguy, curl -v will show the CA bundle used. curl -v https://google.com17:00
ravageand from strace wget looks in /usr/lib/ssl/certs. you can set that path in yout wgetrc file17:02
mguyCurl shows *   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt17:11
mguy  CApath: /etc/ssl/certs17:11
mguyand /usr/lib/ssl/certs is a symlink to /etc/ssl/certs17:11
mguyI've added our intranet wildcard and curl works but wget does not17:12
mguysame CA works on the other linux machines we have (not ubuntu 20)17:12
jhutchinsmguy: Is the certificate self issued/17:17
afterThoughtravage, leftyfb, nope, just the standard ISO from the ubuntu site.17:39
jhutchinsIf Ubuntu is distributing the snaps, they have some responsibility to make sure they actually work.17:41
jhutchins... unless they slap disclaimers all over the repo sites and the packages.17:41
jhutchins"This snap has not been tested by Ubuntu.  Click here to acknowledge."17:42
jhutchinsThe whole point of snaps though is that the distro staff doesn't have to expend effort testing them.17:42
leftyfbthere are several advantages to snaps, distro's not testing them isn't at the top of the list17:44
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leftyfbone of the biggest advantages is for developers/vendors to create and support a single package format that is supported cross-platform (distro's)17:45
leftyfbmybalzitch: sudo snap remove --purge spotify # then reinstall it17:46
afterThoughtremoving gnome-initial-setup worked for anyone that needs help with this.17:56
Guest12Is it possible on Ubuntu to switch from Google emojis to Samsung emojis?18:01
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mguyjhutchins: yes it is self issued. But that's the point of installing this into the local store18:26
mguyIf I do openssl -CAfile mycert.pem it works just fine18:26
mguyBut doing the copy to /usr/share/ca-certificates and running update-ca-certificates doesn't help openssl/wget, only the other apps on the system like curl or lynx18:27
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Mister_Xhello guys, I'm using 22.04 server, and I notice that when doing an upgrade, when it sees services affected by libraries updated, it asks if I want to restart them19:25
Mister_X(and which ones)19:25
Mister_XI'm using unattended-upgrades, and I was wondering if there is an option to do that automatically19:25
Guest87Hey, i tried to install ubuntu for dual boot, booted into live mode and my mouse & ethernet are not working there19:26
Mister_XI've searched and I couldn't find any documentation about it, as it seems to be a new feature in 22.04 (I don't remember seeing it in 20.04, and I haven't used non-LTS for servers)19:26
leftyfbMister_X: it has nothing to do with 22.0419:26
leftyfbMister_X: -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"19:26
leftyfboh wait, to restart services, hold on19:27
Mister_XI don't want to hold, I want it to automatically restart19:27
Mister_Xbasically, saying yes to restarting19:27
Mister_XGuest87: you might be missing firmwares, check journalctl19:27
leftyfbMister_X: try NEEDRESTART_SUSPEND=119:27
Guest87Mister_X I'm not really familiar with ubuntu at all and just wanted to give it a try as dual boot OS, i don't really know what i'm supposed to do, my previous attempt with xubuntu worked fine19:29
Mister_Xit isn't the option I need. It seems to be NEEDRESTART_MODE "a"19:29
Guest87Both my mouse & ethernet worked there19:29
leftyfbMister_X: did you try it?19:29
Mister_XGuest87: open a terminal and run journalctl19:30
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Mister_Xnot yet, I just read about it19:30
leftyfbMister_X: also DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive19:30
Mister_XGuest87: use page down/up to scroll, and see if missing firmware19:30
leftyfbMister_X: also https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/14634019:31
Mister_Xleftyfb: in which config file do I put this?19:32
leftyfbyou don't, you run debconf-set-selections before you install packages19:32
Mister_XI have unattended-upgrade19:33
Mister_Xand I want unattended-upgrades to automatically say yes19:33
Mister_Xwithout me being present or logged it19:33
leftyfbI'm pretty sure unattended-upgrades won't prompt for anything19:33
Mister_Xis there any documentation that explains it?19:42
leftyfbMister_X: that explains what?19:46
Mister_Xthat unattended upgrade automatically does restart these services19:47
ioriaMister_X, is needrestart installed ?19:49
geniiMister_X: https://wiki.debian.org/UnattendedUpgrades is pretty comprehensive19:49
Mister_Xiora, I see a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d that seem to say so19:49
ioriaMister_X, dpkg -l | grep  needrestart19:50
tomreyni think it's important to clarify which prompt you're seeing, because there are different ones. there is the debconf generated prompt which asks about services to be restarted, where you can choose which ones to restart. there is, if installed, output (i don't think a prompt there) generated by package needrestart, which will list runnng processes depending on libraries which were updated.19:50
Mister_XI manually checked for updates and installed them, which prompted me to restart services19:51
Mister_Xhowever, I do have unattended-upgrades running, so I shouldn't have found upgrades19:52
tomreynyour description seems to suggest you're seeing the debconf first prompt + menu. and want to ensure this will be overridden in unattended upgrades19:52
Mister_Xwhich makes me think unattended-upgrade may not restart services or skip some of them19:52
leftyfbMister_X: you do know that unattended-upgrades doesn't upgrade all packages or even install all updates right?19:53
Mister_Xcould you elaborate?19:53
leftyfbMister_X: unattended-upgrades only updates packages when the updates have security implications19:53
Mister_Xthat depends on the configuration, right?19:54
leftyfbnot all packages will be updates and not all updates will be installed19:54
tomreynit depends on the configuration, yes19:54
tomreynleftyfb is referring to the default configuration19:55
Mister_Xwhat I'm wondering, now that leftyfb mentioned "needrestart", where I can put environment variables for unattended-upgrade when it does upgrade19:55
ioriaMister_X, after you install that pkg, try this : https://termbin.com/ihcf , it should work19:55
leftyfbMister_X: did you configure unattended-upgrade to upgrade all packages? If so, why?19:56
Mister_Xit has worked well for me in the past19:57
Mister_Xand it's a server I don't want to login to every day to apply updates19:58
leftyfbeven more reason why you shouldn't just install all updates unattended19:58
Mister_XI respectfully disagree19:59
tomreynyou should probably combine this with automatic reboots, then i can see how it makes sense in some scenarios.20:00
Mister_XI do20:00
Mister_Xbut on other systems, because this had FDE, it wouldn't fully reboot unless I type the passphrase20:01
tomreynalright, just wanted to make sure you're aware of this option. :)20:01
Mister_XI also have livepatch in case you're wondering20:01
Mister_Xioria: I'm not sure to understand the purpose of the last line20:02
Mister_XI actually do dist-upgrade, not an upgrade20:03
Mister_X(I'm referring to the dpkg options)20:03
ioria^ Mister_X20:04
Mister_Xconfig file replacement is not important in this case20:04
Mister_Xand I run unattended-upgrades20:04
ioriaare you sure ?20:04
ioriait will stop20:04
Mister_XI haven't had config file updates in the manual updates I've done20:05
Mister_Xso, my question is, where do I add an environment variable for 'needrestart' in unattended-upgrades config files20:06
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tomreynyou want to export those environment variables in the shell which the unattended-upgrade process starts in.20:10
Mister_Xso I need to modify the cronjob?20:13
tomreynif it's a cronjob and you want to change the environment that its processes run from, yes20:22
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groovetherapyim having a silly issue. feels like this should be easy but i cant figure it out. im trying to use `dconf watch` and run a bash script everytime a value changes21:41
groovetherapybut i cant seem to write a bash script to execute something everytime a value changes21:41
matsamancan you write a bash script that runs "'date' >> path/to/log" everytime a value changes?21:42
matsaman"'date' >> /path/to/log" let's say21:42
groovetherapyheres an example: https://pastebin.com/raw/0rAaBBKe21:42
matsamanmmm, I wonder if you'd want dconf watch /whatever | grep foo | while IFS='' read -r line; do echo "$line"; done21:44
groovetherapymatsaman: hmmm that doesnt seem to work :/21:48
groovetherapyim not sure what im missing21:49
groovetherapyonce dconf watch begins, nothing seems to come out of it in the context of a bash script21:50
matsamanif you just do the 'dconf watch path' part, stuff comes out?21:50
matsamansorry I don't have dconf handy myself or I'd just figure it out for you =P21:50
groovetherapymatsaman: yep thats right21:50
matsamangroovetherapy: okay, and does 'dconf watch path | grep whatevs' work?21:51
groovetherapymatsaman: yep21:51
groovetherapyoh huh, i thought dconf was standard on ubuntu21:51
matsamanmmm, weird21:51
matsamanI'm not on Ubuntu, or any GNU/Linux, I'm on some horrible work install right now21:51
groovetherapyohhh i see21:51
matsamanwell there's probably a better way, and you might start with the --help/-h or man page for dconf/dconf watch, but21:52
matsamanprobably you could wrap it in a 'timeout' and that would just make it fsckin' work21:52
groovetherapyhmmm the docs for it are pretty sparse21:55
groovetherapyit is almost as if watch prints to the screen instead of stdout....21:55
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arraybolt3[m]groovetherapy: Change it to `dconf watch path |& grep whatevs`.21:56
arraybolt3[m]groovetherapy: It's printing to STDERR rather than STDOUT almost certainly, and the `|&` will make everything go through the pipe rather than just STDOUT.21:56
arraybolt3[m](This is a Bash-specific trick, there's a different trick if you're using a different shell, but I don't remember it...)21:56
tomreynthe other would be:  dconf watch path 2>&1 | grep whatevs22:02
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master_latchI would really love some help with an issue I'm having with apt22:51
master_latchI am trying to sudo apt install python3.8-venv and I get "Failed to fetch" error22:51
oerheksmaster_latch, on what ubuntu version?22:54
oerhekscurrent 22.04 LTS gives 3.1022:55
ravagedid you try an apt update first?22:55
master_latchI did22:56
ravagecan you give is the full output of that and your install command on a pastebin?22:56
oerheks!info python3.8-venv focal22:57
ubottupython3.8-venv (3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4, focal): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (pyvenv binary, version 3.8). In component universe, is optional. Built by python3.8. Size 6 kB / 27 kB22:57
ravagecat /etc/apt/sources.list|nc termbin.com 999922:58
ravagemay also be helpful22:58
master_latchthat one is the output from sudo apt-get update22:59
master_latchand that's sources.lst23:00
oerheks riscv6423:00
master_latchyeah, I installed the riscv toolchain a while back and I guess that package(s) is having an issue, but is that relevant?23:01
master_latchI think I did it following these instructions: https://wiki.debian.org/RISC-V#Cross_compilation23:01
oerhekswell, those are the only updates you get, now.23:01
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master_latchis there a way to fix that?23:02
oerhekswell, There is /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list which is in all the proper format.23:03
oerheksonly universe is not enabled default23:03
oerheksbut that would leave you with some riscv64 cruft23:04
oerheks apt remove architecture if you no longer planning to use it23:05
master_latchokay, yeah, I don't really need it23:06
oerhekssudo dpkg --force-architecture --remove-architecture riscv6423:06
master_latchohhh... is it trying to install packages for that architecture??23:07
oerheksyes, solely23:08
master_latchJesus, I just wanted a cross compiler, I didn't want to change which architecture all my packages are for!23:08
oerheksi have never seen this messed up config. but it can be reversed, i hope23:08
oerheks<oerheks>  apt remove architecture if you no longer planning to use it23:08
master_latchokay, I just did that and ran update and it seems much better23:09
master_latchand my install command works now :)23:09
master_latchthank you SO MUCH23:09
master_latchI was trying to figure this out from googling and reading SO and forums and none of it was addressing my problem23:10
master_latchsince I obviously did something very weird lol23:10
master_latchI guess back when I installed this toolchain, it was this command that maybe messed things up for me: sudo dpkg --add-architecture riscv6423:11
oerhekshave fun!23:12
Kevin`how can I show the boot failure that required spawning a root shell instead of booting? is that logged anywhere other than the console?23:15
cbreaktried journalctl?23:16
Kevin`yeah, it shows sylog messages but it doesn't look like the "reason" is printed to syslog23:17
Kevin`alternately, is there a way to ignore the failure and try to boot normally?23:17
Kevin`found a problem that was problematic enough in syslog to probably cause it23:39

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