
bluesabreUnit193: I... don't think so?06:58
Unit193...It's 3am, man. :(06:58
Unit193Oh, he missed you.  I have no idea how.06:59
Unit193!info xfce4-panel-profiles unstable09:44
ubottuxfce4-panel-profiles (1.0.13-1, unstable): layout manager for the Xfce panel. In component main, is optional. Built by xfce4-panel-profiles. Size 96 kB / 469 kB09:44
Unit193Syncing this forcfully unless someone objects.09:44
ochosiI saw the mail too11:05
ochosiwould be nice, but then again I'm not sure how to 'reignite the community'11:06
Unit193ochosi: Well with the price of gas, not that...But I'm a pyro, I could figure something out!19:45
geniihttps://xubuntu.org/download/ torrent link does not point to current 20.04.4  as per discussion in #x22:00
Unit193Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!22:09
Unit193Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!22:09
Unit1932022-07-12 18:01:22 URL: https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-20-04-released/ 20022:09
Unit193Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!22:09
Unit193Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!22:09
geniiUnit193: https://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/focal/release/desktop/xubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent is the actual current one now22:12
Unit193I'm not on the website team, but I still have to fix this don't I? :/22:15
geniiUnit193: I thought someone might be idling in here who has access to the site, is why I brought it up22:15
Unit193knome: OK, so the Xubuntu site has a nice torrent editor thingy, on the releases.  I don't see a plugin that does this...  But it needs to drop 32bit and it'll work like a charm.  But no clue where the source is. \o/22:35
Unit193Note to self: https://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/revision.php?revision=523922:37

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