
oerheks"Retbleed's patch overhead is going to between 13 percent and 39 percent,"  https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/12/amd_intel_retbleed/00:24
oerheks"Mitigating Phantom JMPs has 106 percent overhead (ie, 2 times slower)."00:24
oerheksZen1, Zen1+, Zen200:25
arraybolt3[m]Wow, one of the few times I'm glad I'm using Intel, the mitigations will be less ouch there.01:24
lotuspsychjegood morning03:28
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lotuspsychjesome nice news from our UWN crew05:55
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: if you're interested we got a #ubuntu-bugs-announce channel where new ubuntu bugs display, handy in some cases for support matters06:54
arraybolt3[m]OK, I'll join there, I didn't know about that!06:54
lotuspsychjewe also got a little pre-filtering bug team there to help out the devs ease their work06:55
arraybolt3[m]Nice. That sounds fun, like if someone posts a bad bug report the people there can clean it up or ask for more details?06:56
lotuspsychjeyes thats the idea, check the topic link its a wiki specialy made for contribute onto bug filtering06:57
lotuspsychjemost cases we ask for apport-collect ID or help testing out the bugs trying to reproduce them06:59
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje

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