[04:46] mousepad 0.5.10-1 uploaded by Unit 193 (unit193) [04:46] ristretto 0.12.3-1 uploaded by Unit 193 (unit193) [04:46] xfce4-appfinder 4.17.0-1 uploaded to experimental by Unit 193 (unit193) [04:46] garcon 4.17.1-1 uploaded to experimental by Unit 193 (unit193) [05:04] thunar 4.17.9-1 uploaded to experimental by Unit 193 (unit193) [05:36] xfce4-panel depends on those actually being installable, can't test build yet. :P [07:57] Unit193, i think it's built-in to the theme [07:58] Hrm, OK. Nice feature, just needs to drop the 32bit part and we can use it again. [08:00] ..is it echoing in here?) [08:00] Yes. :D [08:00] but yes, ermm [08:00] it's the first work day after summer holidays [08:01] let me clear up the real work queue fist :P [08:01] err [08:01] first [08:01] Of course, this has been a thing for a while, it can wait. :P [08:01] i know and i'm sorry for that too [08:01] I'd appreciate it by the next LTS point release or release, but... :P [08:02] ...I mean, I didn't even know it existed ,normally I left the site updating to others. [08:02] i mean ping me every day this week and i'll get the change done, then it's on the IS to update the theme on the production server [08:02] Yeah I can try to follow that up too. [08:03] i can do the paperwork too, but i can't guarantee how quickly they'll get it deployed [08:03] (as we both know :D)