
CyberTails Hi There. I'm trying to play Blu-rays on VLC on my Ubuntu Mate setup and every time I try to load one with a Menu, I got this error. What can I do?: https://pastebin.com/NJ4nzxf303:49
alkisgCyberTails: that paste has expired05:28
=== vkarehfa is now known as vkareh
guivercalkisg, re: ubuntu installs on MBR/legacy partition table & no ESP & 1951674... It maybe relates to how ISO is written to thumb-drive... I have noted this does make a difference on some boxes; ie. does ESP exist on thumb-drive particularly12:36
guiverc(no testing will be done tonight... just writing notes for myself on the long list of stuff I didn't get done (again for much of it))12:37
alkisgguiverc: if I recall correctly, in the VM I used the .iso, while in the barebone PCs I was using a home-made bootable stick that uses grub/loopback to boot the .iso directly, and it's formatted in a single vfat partition12:38
alkisgSo at least in the VM, there wasn't any ESP partition during the installation12:38
guivercvery true.. I don't use VMs, mostly old hardware  (pre-uEFI boxes being ~half)12:39
guivercin fact it's mostly BIOS only boxes for MBR non-default testing12:40

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