[11:57] mmikowski: you can find plasma 5.24.6 packages with bugfixes in ppa:kubuntu-ninjas/plasma for jammy [12:54] Hi all === blaze1 is now known as blaze [15:23] has anyone checked out sddm wayland branch? [16:44] RikMills: I'll let him know if he doesn't see this at around our normal meeting time. [18:29] Rick! Awesome. We'll get the team on it. [18:32] RikMills: Sorry, mis-typed. Got your message, and we're be testing today likely tomorrow. [18:32] no problem [18:57] RikMills: and others: We're putting together the components affected by the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS bugs. Here's the components we have right now that are way broken: powermanagementprofilesrc, kglobalshortcusts, and possibly kcmfonts. Are there others you need addressed? [19:00] ack, and thanks [19:00] If you think of anything, let me know. [19:00] of course :) [19:04] Nate says these problems may be fixed in 5.25.x. [19:04] Any the may be backported to 5.24.x if we can identify [19:05] So at this point, its on us to identify if this is true and then request a backport. [19:06] that would be good if true. I must admit I mostly gave up trying to get plasma to work with these, so maybe the fix passed me by [19:09] Me too. [19:10] The recent discovery that powermanagement config inheritence doesn't work in 5.24.5 is a strong incentive.