
IrcsomeBot<upil_garing> #ask02:00
IrcsomeBot<upil_garing> I've been switching from windows to linux this week (dual boot windows + kubuntu), even though it's not 100%02:00
IrcsomeBot<upil_garing> I want to ask... how come the sound on Linux seems a bit broken, doesn't it? different times on windows.02:00
IrcsomeBot<upil_garing> is there a solution?02:00
R13ose22.04 - My laptop froze earlier and when I came back, the wifi and bluetooth icons on the panel disappeared and I can't connect to either of them.  How do I bring them back and turn them on again?03:08
arraybolt3[m]This might be silly, but did you shut the system all the way down and turn it back on again?03:10
R13oseNot yet!  I'm only trying to shut the system as the last resort.03:11
arraybolt3[m]R13ose: OK. Well, I know a trick for resietting just Bluetooth.03:12
R13oseLet's try03:12
arraybolt3[m]Open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, then run "sudo modprobe -r btusb".03:12
arraybolt3[m]Then once that's done, wait a bit, then run "sudo modprobe btusb".03:12
arraybolt3[m]That will shut down the Bluetooth driver and then turn it back on.03:13
R13oseThat worked.03:15
R13oseNow what about wifi and getting back the icons on the panel?03:15
IrcsomeBot<Oov> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a550c07d/file_58044.jpg03:29
R13oseI got wifi to work and the panel icon to come back on.  Now to get the bluetooth icon to come back.03:30
arraybolt3[m]R13ose: Nice going on WiFi. For Bluetooth... hmm.03:30
arraybolt3[m]Can you try "sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service"?03:33
IrcsomeBot<Oov> this is what it looks like (re @Oov: )03:33
R13osearraybolt3[m]: that worked.  Thanks for your help03:34
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: OK, right-click the iso9660 partition and click Unmount, then send another screenshot.03:34
arraybolt3[m]R13ose: Glad to help, and glad it worked!03:34
IrcsomeBot<Oov> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ac7de613/file_58045.jpg03:35
IrcsomeBot<Oov> it worked03:35
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Nice. MS-DOS partition table, then send another screenshot.03:36
arraybolt3[m](Actually, I don't need the third screenshot I just realized.)03:36
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Once the MS-DOS partition table is made, see the big bar at the top of the screen that represents the partitions? It will say "Unallocated" in it. Right-click it.03:36
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Then click the "New" button, and change the filesystem to "fat32". Then click OK.03:37
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Last step is to click "Apply" in the toolbar, confirm, and wait for it to format.03:37
IrcsomeBot<Oov> witch type of partition should i create ?03:37
IrcsomeBot<Oov> gtp or ms-dos ?03:38
IrcsomeBot<Oov> haa03:39
IrcsomeBot<Oov> thanks03:41
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> Please help me ubi partman failed with exit code 14103:51
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> Thanks03:51
arraybolt3[m]@Gama1iel You're trying to install Kubuntu, right? Also, may I ask which version of Kubuntu you're using?03:51
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> 20.04 sir (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @Gama1iel You're trying to install Kubuntu, right? Also, may I ask which version of Kubuntu you're using?)03:53
arraybolt3[m]Gama1iel: Did you check the ISO file's SHA256 hash before writing it to the USB drive?03:53
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> I don't really know, because I'm still new to kubuntu03:56
arraybolt3[m]Ah. OK. Do you have another computer other than the one you're currently using?03:56
arraybolt3[m](If so, we can make sure the ISO is written correctly to your USB drive.)03:57
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> Of course not, I'm using an office laptop (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Ah. OK. Do you have another computer other than the one you're currently using?)03:58
arraybolt3[m]Gama1iel: Oy. OK, you're booted into the "Try Kubuntu" screen, right?03:59
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> is there a possibility that my iso file is corrupted03:59
arraybolt3[m](Or can you boot into the "Try Kubuntu" screen?)03:59
arraybolt3[m]Yes, it's possible the ISO is corrupted or the flash drive is bad.03:59
arraybolt3[m]It's also possible this was03:59
arraybolt3[m]just a random glitch.03:59
arraybolt3[m]Did you get all your important data off of the computer before trying this?04:00
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> No, im instal kubuntu not try kubuntu (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> (Or can you boot into the "Try Kubuntu" screen?))04:01
arraybolt3[m]Gama1iel: Right. But, you have two computers then, right? One that you're trying to install to and one that you're typing from?04:02
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> can you provide the iso file link, i will download again04:02
arraybolt3[m]Gama1iel: Yeah, sure.04:02
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> I'm typing using my phone sir (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Gama1iel: Right. But, you have two computers then, right? One that you're trying to install to and one that you're typing from?)04:03
arraybolt3[m]Oy. OK. Well, are you still able to boot the computer into Windows?04:03
arraybolt3[m]If not, then the "Try Kubuntu" feature will give you the ability to use the computer again so that we can get it back up and running normally.04:03
IrcsomeBot<Gama1iel> yes you can sir (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Oy. OK. Well, are you still able to boot the computer into Windows?)04:04
arraybolt3[m]Then we can get a new USB drive ready with Kubuntu and try to install again.04:04
arraybolt3[m]Whew. OK, if you've not already backed up all of your files and data on this system, do so now, so that if things go wrong, you have a recovery plan.04:04
arraybolt3[m](Unless this is a brand-new computer, of course.)04:05
arraybolt3[m]Gama1iel: Kubuntu link: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/22.04/release/kubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso (Note that this is Kubuntu 22.04, which I'm giving you because Kubuntu 20.04 goes out of support in about 9 months.)04:07
arraybolt3[m]If you really wanted 20.04, here's the link to that: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/20.04.4/release/kubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso04:07
user|41im having trouble running the ISO on windows 7, do i need an additional program to run the ISO?04:18
arraybolt3[m]user|41: You don't run it. You flash it to a USB drive and boot from it. BalenaEtcher should let you do that.04:18
user|41awesome possum04:19
magic_ninjawhy does matrix make it so unobvious when it comes to signing up for an account04:26
magic_ninjano kubuntu, but yea lol04:26
IrcsomeBot<Oov> when the 22.04.1 will be released?06:20
alkisgIn August06:21
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 4th August (re @Oov: when the 22.04.1 will be released?)07:03
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=== uselesstrevor is now known as rovert
user|83how to install Kubuntu wia terminal&07:44
mzamenski_deYou mean WSL?07:45
jeronimoNo support tools were found for file systems currently present on hard disks in this computer:09:54
jeronimoFile System09:54
jeronimoSupport Tools09:54
jeronimoI was trying to read a disk previously managed by my qnap nas and try something I read on a forum(https://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?t=114348).  They said reinstalling mdadm and lvm2 would make the kde partition manager recognize the volume group.09:57
jeronimodid I now break my system?09:58
jeronimobetter do a backup I guess09:58
jeronimosorry about the flooding10:01
tomreyn!paste | jeronimo10:08
ubottujeronimo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:08
tomreynyou can also pipe command output into   |& nc termbin.com 999910:08
jeronimotomreyn: thx10:24
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Hm, something funny happened to firefox's address bar during the update. It's quite short now. https://i.imgur.com/QR9BN0M.png11:03
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Can't seem to resize it11:03
arraybolt3@npeippo: Perhaps it's your Firefox theme's fault? See if switching to the default theme works - if so, switch back to your fancy theme and see if it still it working or if that breaks it.11:06
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Let's try, thanks11:06
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Nope, doesn't change anything in default theme11:07
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> I also tried customize toolbar -> restore defaults, but it doesn't help11:18
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Everything was fine before the snap update yesterady :/11:19
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> It shows like this when the address bar is active, but there's still not enough room for the address https://i.imgur.com/lF3iDDP.png11:21
IrcsomeBot<npeippo> Oh, nice. Telegram doesn't open links anymore at all 🙃11:22
BluesKajHi all12:54
grim_Hello all.  My fairly recent install of 18.04 on dell xps 15 7590 hangs on boot. X fails to start, appearing to segfault when trying to set the screen mode.13:15
grim_Appears to happen when loading libglamoregl.so13:16
arraybolt3[m]grim_: Kubuntu 18.04 is EOL (though Ubuntu 18.04 is still supported). Can you try installing Kubuntu 22.04 and see if that resolves the problem?13:17
grim_Not an option at this moment unfortunately13:18
arraybolt3[m]grim_: Does your laptop have nVidia graphics?13:19
grim_arraybolt3[m]: yes, GeForce GTX 165013:20
arraybolt3[m]grim_: If you chose to install the proprietary drivers, try skipping that. Or if you chose to not install the proprietary drivers, try doing that.13:20
grim_arraybolt3[m]: is a command-line dist upgrade likely to be feasible?13:27
arraybolt3[m]grim_: If this is a fresh install, yes.13:29
arraybolt3[m]You will need to be able to connect to the Internet - if you need WiFI, try using "nmtui" to connect.13:29
grim_'reasonably' fresh.  lvm full-drive encryption a snag?13:31
arraybolt3[m]Probably not. I'd give it a shot (after backing up!), worst case scenario you can reinstall.13:31
grim_Yeah I would dearly love not to do that.13:33
grim_K thanks for the pointers13:34
arraybolt3[m]grim_: Do not attempt an upgrade unless you've backed up any important data. Upgrades can and do go horribly wrong, and if the reason you don't want to reinstall is because of a lack of backups, this is very dangerous.13:34
IrcsomeBot<Oov> And what will be new? (re @RikMills: 4th August)13:49
BluesKaj@Oov ask in #kubuntu-devel14:24
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Plasma bugfixes I hope, and other bugfixes (re @Oov: And what will be new?)14:25
glenixHey guys can anyone help me I have a print server that I cant access when i type it into a web broswer but I can ping it... Its a dns issue im using papercut.. and for soem reason i cant get this figured out15:41
IrcsomeBot<Oskar> We got new kernel in kubuntu, but my sounddevice and formware from cpu not working19:14
IrcsomeBot<Oskar> Hope this get fixed until 5.2019:15
IrcsomeBot<Oskar> Whats the rumors about rust into the kernel?19:15
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> That would qualify as off-topic. (re @Oskar: Whats the rumors about rust into the kernel?)19:53
IrcsomeBot<Oov> What is this? (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> @Oov ask in #kubuntu-devel)20:10

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