
=== rs20091 is now known as rs2009
xypronQEMU can only be launched with memory-backend-file /dev/hugepages if the user has write access to the mount point. Are there any security implications of granting write access to the hugetlbfs file system?09:10
ahasenackrbasak: how does one become a member of the SRU team? Is there a page explaining the process?12:19
rbasakahasenack: there's isn't a process for joining these teams. Since they're small and don't have much turnover, no process ever got developed. It tends to be by invitation.12:25
luis220413rbasak: Can you come to #ubuntu-release to review my spip SRU? It is ready.12:52
=== blaze1 is now known as blaze
seb128does anyone know if casper is logging output from the initramfs scripts on the iso and where?16:00
seb128I'm trying to understand why a casper-bottom script isn't run, dispite being in the right folder and +x16:09
seb128if I break=bottom and check it's here, if I run it manually it has the expected result on the live session16:09
seb128or maybe the way I edit the initrd and replace it on the iso isn't enough16:10
seb128I'm using livefs-edit from mwhudson16:10

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