
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all11:32
lotuspsychjecould 21.10 be erased from #ubuntu's topic now its end of life please? thank you!11:32
ubottuarraybolt3[m] called the ops in #ubuntu (filename is trolling the channel)19:10
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (filename someone care to take of this please?)19:12
ubottuarraybolt3[m] called the ops in #ubuntu (filename someone care to take of this please?)19:13
arraybolt3Hey, guys? There's a user named "filename" in the channel who's kinda gone a bit crazy and is loading the #ubuntu channel with junk.19:17
arraybolt3They've still not left or gotten kicked AFAICT.19:17
arraybolt3sarnold: Thanks, looks like he's gone!19:23

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