[04:04] I just noted a casper change on jammy; 1.470.1 now [07:10] [telegram] tks for heads up (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) I just noted a casper change on jammy; 1.470.1 now) [07:49] [telegram] Jammy daily install fails after casper update in UEFI/secure mode see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/1981879 [07:49] Launchpad bug 1981879 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Calamares install fails - Bootloader installation error" [Undecided, New] [09:15] [telegram] Retested JAmmy ISO in UEFI/secure mode - and unable to reproduce earlier failure..😊 [13:32] Hopefully this will get merged into LXQt 1.2 I know Tsujan was interested in it. https://github.com/slidinghotdog/plugin-wingmenu [13:38] Oh wow. [13:39] Definitely a welcome impression [13:39] s/impression/improvement/ [13:41] I agree, here is the LXQt discussion https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/discussions/2264#discussioncomment-3084165 [17:01] Tweeted and put on Reddit [17:02] Let's see if users are as crazy as we are for this... [17:41] [telegram] *shoves simon into the telegram realm* [17:42] * kc2bez[m] gasps [17:42] [telegram] *pours salt over Simon for reasons too* [17:43] That's actually fair :P [17:43] [telegram] lol [18:19] I mean... :P [18:39] `libfm-qt_1.1.0-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental, experimental` [21:18] teward: Could you please try to send an email to lubuntu-devel at some point over the next few days going over infrastructure changes? [21:18] I'm out of the loop and I think that will be beneficial for everyone [21:18] Once 1.1 is shipped everywhere my next focus will be on processes and CI [21:18] Getting us efficient, yk? [21:19] sure. find me the mod pw for lubuntu-devel and I'll send one :P [21:19] (Of course, if it's going to take you longer, by all means wait to send a thorough email. I just want the latest on that so I know where to help.) [21:19] Thanks :) [21:19] I can poke heavily to get it for you :P [21:19] i'm going to do an overview announce and a running commentary on discourse [21:19] but first. family dinner. [21:20] weekly i go to mom and dad's for dinner :P [21:20] Have fun teward :) [21:20] since they are suffering empty nest syndrome with my sister 400 miles away [21:20] Thanks again [21:20] ah, yes can relate [21:24] in my own defense for NOT living too far away from my parents: (1) free laundry service - i just go over and run my laundry. Mom even still helps lol. Saves me like $6 a load since i don't pay for the machines heh. (2) Close to home comfort. I know everything in the area growing up here, it's a good area, and if I need to just retreat from the world i can go home to mom and dad. (3) free family dinners on the weekend. Yay free [21:24] food [21:24] there's a billion other advantages toox D [21:24] but meh [21:27] tsimonq2: PM me a link to altispeed's site, i wantto give them a shoutout for the DO node since AFAICT it's still there but not being used. Though it could go away at any time. [21:28] altispeed.com [21:29] teward: I'm glad I have a similar relationship with my parents [21:35] "since they are suffering empty..." <- I can relate only from your parent's vantage point. We are in the process of pushing one of the birdies out of the nest. [22:09] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [amd64] (kinetic-proposed/universe) [1.1.0-2~1] (lubuntu) [22:57] Ohai queuebot