Eickmeyer[m] | Are either of you using Studio Controls to work with starting/stopping Jack? That's the preferred method. | 02:59 |
Eickmeyer[m] | !studio-controls | 02:59 |
ubottu | Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://ovenwerks.github.io/studio-controls/ | 02:59 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Once Jack is configured through there and started (it's super simple to do so that way), then check via a patchbay with either Carla or qjackctl's graph to see if the device(s) are there, and "patch" them with a wire by dragging a wire from the device to your outputs. | 03:01 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Or rather through a synth as you may need. | 03:01 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Beyond that, you may need additional help. | 03:02 |
Eickmeyer[m] | !morehelp | 03:02 |
ubottu | #ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack. | 03:02 |
Eickmeyer[m] | Matthew Pocock, Jochen Wonttell ^ | 03:15 |
Eickmeyer[m] | (append :libera.chat to those channel names for the matrix equivalents) | 03:16 |
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