
lotuspsychjegood morning02:45
arraybolt3[m]Now that MemTest86+ is mostly useless since it won't run on 64-bit UEFI systems, perhaps we should swap it out for a different boot-time memory tester?08:25
arraybolt3[m](Or perhaps we should upgrade MemTest86+ to the version that does support UEFI?)08:31
daftykinsyeah that'd be smart09:58
lotuspsychjeseecrets: amazon ads are not on ubuntu any longer these days14:25
seecretsi just remembered14:25
seecretsnow we have the snapstore14:25
oerhekssnaps are great.14:28
seecretsheard it was bad though14:28
lotuspsychjeand unrelated to prism break14:29
oerheksAs developer i qwant to guarantee updates, flatpak and such do not give me that.14:29
daftykinssince when did you become a developer?14:29
oerheksyeah, people hear something from one source.. and then it must be true14:29
oerheksdaftykins, helping or being solely, makes no difference, is it?14:29
ograwell, TBH we never had actual ADs ... it was actually an amazon search integrated into the desktop search14:30
oerheksif Mark added ebay, marktplaats and such, we would have a great choice14:30
daftykinsoerheks: just a bit funny to claim you're one when you don't dev is all :)14:31
ograand this search was even anonymized by routing it through canonical servers, enforcing https and removing your IP from the search 14:31
oerhekstrue, i never published a hello snap14:31
ogra(which people then critizised as as "spying" despite being exactly the opposite)14:31
lotuspsychjeyeah its silly ogra14:32
oerheksogra, the same people use a mediaplayer tool to get songs info and lyrics.. 14:32
oerheksuse gmail ..14:32
ogralife ... as it is ... 14:32
=== oerheks is now known as Guest401
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
webchat93Is it possible to run xsplit on wine19:58
Bashing-omUWN: Issue744 now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue744 :D20:15
Bashing-omUWN: Re-directs also completed - line 77 hickup for the Fridge wrapper - Pending is release to the Social Medias as well as posting to the M/L.20:31

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