=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher [03:37] Hey I was curious about the status of xubuntu support of alder lake. Booted off the live usb just fine but I have no audio [04:28] hello [04:29] I'm installing xubuntu [04:29] didn't know IRC still alive [04:29] I'm using discord nowadays [04:33] It is for some, others choose to use other things. :D [04:34] ? [04:34] is english your first language? [04:34] Yep. [04:35] not mine [04:35] Ah, that can make seeking support harder. Sometimes there's support channels in your language too though. [04:36] well installation is complete bye [04:36] Have a good day! [11:37] hi [13:03] Hi [16:22] hello