[03:47] good morning [04:53] morning [05:58] Afternoon! [07:02] hello. [07:05] Marco what's better tgan cocacola when using ubuntu in a london café in summer time? [07:05] arg_: winning the euromillions? [07:05] iced tea! [07:07] damn weather... a few days ago 40 degrees and now 18 [07:07] that is how one gets ill [07:07] LTS 4 the queen! [07:08] ahhhhh [07:08] I changed my LinkedIn from "Open-Source Activist" to "Open-Source Developer" [07:08] "activist" sounded too political [07:13] hack-tea-vist sounds better === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks [20:46] Bashing-om, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCM-h_0Rqbc&list=LL&index=1 for the newsletter [20:49] oerheks: Thanks - looking. [20:54] oerheks: ^ Interesting to say the least - I pass this off to guiverc as I have no audio on my work station. This is one of those times I may have missed something of import for the letter ! [20:54] yes, it is more like a podcast [20:57] no sound O_O [20:58] just read the waveforms? [20:58] * sarnold runs [20:59] daftykins: Well - I could if I wanted bad enough :P Most of the things I do hear I am better off not to hear :P [21:01] ;) [21:03] all that imgur cat gif action