
jrwrenUbuntu 21.10 no longer supported oh no!00:44
cmaloneyhave to upgrade to 20.0401:00
cmaloney(yes, I'm being cheeky)01:01
jrwrenlol. 22.04 seems nice.14:10
jrwrenfor servers, i mean. I ain't know nothing about desktops/laptops :)14:55
jrwrenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNR8Uj9gJfY some interesting stuff.14:58
jrwrenTIL: all of juju is AGPL, not just the charmstore.17:58
jrwrenwas arguing(not really) in another space about AGPL. folks really don't grok it.17:59
cmaloneyYeah, I can imagine19:04

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