
mfabian_sarnold, cjwatson: I can login now, thank you very much!07:32
LocutusOfBorghello, is it normal that ubuntu-build doesn't work anymore?08:45
LocutusOfBorgsome debugging results in this return from launchpad08:45
LocutusOfBorglazr.restfulclient.errors.Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized08:45
LocutusOfBorgbut I'm not printed anymore for the token accept on jammy08:45
LocutusOfBorgI removed the whole ~/.launchpadlib directory08:45
LocutusOfBorgubuntu-build is saying AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'canUploadPackage' and this is true, since the PersonTeam(Launchpad.me.self_link) is returning error and then set to "none"08:47
LocutusOfBorgwell, version 176 of ubuntu-dev-tools works08:50
LocutusOfBorg(with some python3 cherry-picks for callable object, so its not a lp issue thanks)08:50
LocutusOfBorghello s390x, did you take a vac?11:57
cjwatsonI mean we normally call it crashing11:59
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: they're back now, thanks12:31
realtime-neilCan someone help me understand what's going on here? https://launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/incoming/+build/2418799222:25
realtime-neilit's a no-change backport of opencascade from Kinetic to Focal. It wants `libtbb-dev` as a build dependency. Focal _has_ libtbb-dev: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libtbb-dev22:26
realtime-neilhence my confusion22:26
rbasakrealtime-neil: is there a conflict with one of the other (transitive) build dependencies? That's the usual cause of that kind of thing. Have you tried a local build?22:34
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: "libtbb-dev but it is not going to be installed" means that libtbb-dev exists but that its dependencies can't be satisfied (either because they're literally unsatisfiable in isolation, or because something else you're build-depending on conflicts with something in there22:34
realtime-neil"snap" the package is incompatible with the Build-Depends I'm attempting to install there?22:35
cjwatsonI mean that rbasak and I were saying basically the same thing in different words22:36
cjwatsonthanks to rbasak for finding my dropped parenthesis ;-)22:36
cjwatsonchdist is good for investigating this sort of thing interactively22:36
realtime-neilThat's a new one for me; Am i using chdist to wrap some packagebuild command?22:37
sarnoldprobably chdist focal apt-cache show libtbb-dev   (or something similar, I've had 'set up chdist' on my todo list for months)22:38
cjwatsonit's a tool for setting up isolated apt configs so that you can simulate installations22:39
cjwatsonyou don't want to use it to try to actually install packages, but you can test-run apt's resolver22:39
rbasakAfter setting it up, try using chdist to "apt-get install -s <list of build deps you expect to use>". After reproducing the issue, you can give apt more specifics on what you expect, and it'll eventually tell you the specific conflict that is stopping it.22:39
sarnoldoh dang you can get all the way to an apt-get install -s  ? that's awesome22:40
cjwatsonHm, though I have to say that when I try that locally it seems to work for me22:41
rbasakIt's probably related to the alternatives in that build-dep line22:41
realtime-neil$ chdist focal apt-get update && chdist focal apt-cache policy libtbb-dev Reading package lists... Done22:41
realtime-neilN: Unable to locate package libtbb-dev22:41
cjwatsonso it might be necessary to try a full local sbuild run in this case22:42
rbasakcjwatson: you used the focal build deps though, not the kinetic ones. Or are they the same?22:42
cjwatsonthe failing build was for focal22:43
rbasak"it's a no-change backport of opencascade from Kinetic to Focal"22:43
cjwatsonbut it's not the kinetic build that's failing22:43
cjwatsonor at least that wasn't what was reported22:44
rbasakThe build depends are different though. libtbb-dev vs libtbb2-dev22:46
cjwatsonSure, but I was consistently using focal to match the failing build22:47
rbasakBut the failing build is the kinetic source of opencascade, not the focal source. At least that's what I understood.22:48
cjwatsonrbasak: that's not what was reported - https://launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/incoming/+build/24187992 is for focal22:48
rbasakIt's _on_ Focal, but the source package is _from_ Kinetic.22:49
realtime-neilOkay, I think I got this working for me.22:49
realtime-neilI suspect that it's the libtbb2 vs libtbb thing.22:49
cjwatsonrbasak: I grabbed the source package from focal too though22:49
cjwatsonrbasak: Since that's what LP will have done22:50
realtime-neilHow do I tell backportpackage to extract the source to let me tweak it before uploading?22:50
cjwatsonrbasak: Er indeed that's what "apt build-dep opencascade" will do as well.  kinetic just isn't really relevant here22:50
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: just omit the -u option so that it doesn't upload, and then you can fiddle with it then upload for yourself22:51
rbasakcjwatson: "apt build-dep opencascade" in a focal chdist will use Focal's opencascade build-dep line. But the failing build uses Kinetic's opencascade build-dep line, because realtime-neil uploaded a no-change backport of the Kinetic package.22:51
cjwatsonrbasak: Won't it use the opencascade package in the PPA in question?22:52
rbasakOh, you added the PPA in the chdist?22:52
rbasakThat's what I was missing!22:52
cjwatsonrbasak: And anyway I get the same result from "chdist apt realtime-neil-test build-dep ./opencascade_7.5.2+dfsg1-2~ubuntu20.04.1~ppa1.dsc"22:52
cjwatsonAlso sbuild works for me after I set it up with the same config LP will have been using22:53
cjwatsonIs it possible that this was a transient problem of some kind and would go away if you just retried the build?22:53
rbasakSorry I completely missed that.22:53
realtime-neilclicking the retry22:53
cjwatsonIt wasn't that long ago; an alternative possibility is that archive.ubuntu.com is behind compared to ftpmaster.internal22:54
cjwatson(which is not unexpected; there's a mirroring delay)22:54
cjwatsonOh look, there we go, it got past that point on retry22:55
cjwatsonSo it must have been a temporary inconsistency somewhere22:56
realtime-neilI hate these kind of bugs the hardest.22:57
cjwatsonI could probably reverse-engineer what it was if I absolutely had to but I think we should just take the win at this point ;-)22:57
realtime-neilWhat lesson should I take away from this? Retry often? What's the latency associated with that "mirroring delay" you mentioned earlier?22:57
cjwatsonThis was a pretty unusual situation - I'm not sure it's worth taking a specific lesson22:59
realtime-neilYou're saying you expect it to be rare? Why?22:59
cjwatsonGenerally speaking it's worth making sure that you have a matching local environment where you can run test builds22:59
cjwatsonYes, it is relatively rare for dependencies to flat-out be unsatisfiable like that, because usually QA machinery in the archive prevents that.  Without fully diagnosing this I'm not sure what would have gone wrong exactly23:00
realtime-neilOkay. Welp, thanks for the help, as always.23:01
cjwatsonMirroring delay from the internal primary archive to the public mirrors can be perhaps a few tens of minutes depending on circumstances, but that also wasn't the issue directly - it just confounded debugging a little23:01
cjwatsonI am still a little puzzled, but looking at the logs before and after I think it can only have been an archive state change that fixed the build23:03
realtime-neilI have been tooling on realtime-robotics/incoming for most of the day23:03
realtime-neilthat might not have helped me23:03
cjwatsonRight, it could have been a state change in your own PPA, indeed, I didn't look into that in detail23:04
cjwatsonIn most cases when this sort of problem is reported to us, it's reproducible on retry and it turns out to be due to something like conflicting build-dependencies, which is why both rbasak and I went in that direction first23:04
cjwatsonSo I also expect this particular case to be rare because, empirically, as somebody on the other end of LP support requests, it's rare :)23:05
realtime-neilis there something in ubuntu-archive-tools that will let me see "changes that have yet to be applied" for a given PPA?23:05
cjwatsonNot in u-a-t, but the LP web UI will show such things as pending publication23:05
cjwatsonAnd it's possible to dig further with the API if necessary23:06
realtime-neilYeah. Yeah, I have grown to dislike the spinning green flower.23:06

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