[00:25] [telegram] Good idea :) (re @teward001: but *yawn* tomorrow) [12:38] Hi, I wanted to report a problem I had when implementing the Backports PPA. How do I do it? [13:10] "Hi, I wanted to report a problem..." <- Normally we would handle support in the #lubuntu:libera.chat channel but since backports is a bit new and barely out of development, let us know what the issue is and we can redirect you better. [13:46] "Normally we would handle support..." <- OK thank you. I'm not looking for support, just reporting a bug like they posted on the blog yesterday.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/5cf21453784f0aca8395e04ab77e777d8120e64d) [13:51] panuweb: Just a quick hint, with long data like this, we generally avoid pasting it directly into chat. I know with Matrix, you can put tons of data in the chat and it will work, but the chat is bridged to IRC and it makes it so that users of IRC may not get to see everything (or might be overwhelmed). [13:51] (Pastebin.com can help with sharing large data.) [13:53] Thankfully Matrix is smart and gives a link to the full message so it fits in IRC [13:54] arraybolt3[m]: So sorry! It's my first time using Matrix (and reporting a bug on Lubuntu, and linux in general!). I usually report bugs on GitHub, but this is new to me. How do you recommend I do it? Do you prefer an attachment? [13:54] > <@panuweb:matrix.org> OK thank you. I'm not looking for support, just reporting a bug like they posted on the blog yesterday.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/c86e61a6d2d5816bf538fa9bb479579c26cf6fc9) [13:55] kc2bez[m]: Ahh ok ok 👍️ [13:55] kc2bez[m]: 👍️👍️ [14:00] "Thankfully Matrix is smart and..." <- Ah, I forgot about that! Thank you! [15:37] Yeah, Matrix pretty much has a built-in pastebin, so I wouldn't sweat it. [15:38] Also supports markdown, as I found out the hard way. :) [17:13] LiveFS lubuntu/focal/amd64 failed to build on 20220720 [17:13] Not awake enough yet :P [17:14] * Eickmeyer[m] funnels coffee down Simon Quigley (Developer) 's throat [17:14] not efficient enough, mandatory break two hours later, must chug five hour energy [17:15] * Eickmeyer[m] funnels a gallon of five hour energy down Simon Quigley (Developer) 's throat [17:15] Slightly better? [17:17] XD yes [17:19] Simon Quigley (Developer): Hey! [17:29] Simon Quigley (Developer): Merge request into libfm-qt in Debian, this time was WAY more verbose. I used the Git tricks you showed me to split and tidy up the commit history. https://salsa.debian.org/lxqt-team/libfm-qt/-/merge_requests/5 Andrew also needs to see this, should I just leave it and he'll notice it, or should I email him? [17:29] Merge 5 in lxqt-team/libfm-qt "Totally redid all debian/experimental work" [Opened] [18:20] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: I'm sorry to tell you this but you forgot something important. It's not too late [18:20] Changelog entries should be included with the commits [18:21] Oh great. [18:21] So... how? [18:21] When I did the rebase it kept building the old changelog one step at a time. [18:22] I didn't want to have the whole original changelog just poof into being with the first commit and then have the rest of the commits building on the correct version - I thought that would look wrong. [18:22] (Do I need to have both changelogs building at the same time?) [18:22] (By building, I mean, as I'm doing the rebase, slowly start putting the changelog back together for both versions.) [18:23] arraybolt3[m]: Do a git rebase, add the full changelog entry that's already in the archive as the first commit, then instead of adding it onto the old entry add it to the new entry [18:23] Would probably take me 10 mins tops :) [18:23] OK. I thought that would look wrong, but if that's the good way to do it, so be it. [18:25] Sounds weird, but think about it more. If it won't click I can explain further [18:25] Nah, I get why. I just also got the why for my way, and think they're equally valid. I'll go with whichever one is the commonly accepted way (your way). [18:29] I'm glad you're having me redo this - I landed on a mistake I made and got to fix it. I ❤️ git rebase -i, this is SO AWESOME. [18:30] A lot easier huh? :) [18:31] Yeah, so much. Hard to wrap your mind around, easy once you've managed to cram it in. [18:42] Crud, got scrambled, gonna have to start from scratch, AND I suddenly have to go afk, sorry about that. [18:52] OK, back. [19:18] Simon Quigley (Developer): OK, I fixed it, but I think I'll need to force-push to get it to accept. Is that OK? [19:58] Yes [19:59] Alright, done. Ready for another review. [21:02] Sounds good. May not have time today, fair warning [21:03] No problem. [21:14] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: and Simon Quigley (Developer): what do you think of the issue reported above ^ [21:15] So far I know it doesn't happen on a fresh install - I did one just yesterday and it seemed to go perfectly... or did it? Hang on, let me see if some packages were held back or not. [21:18] Admittedly, I always do "sudo apt full-upgrade" - this user did "sudo apt upgrade" and then "sudo apt dist-upgrade". [21:19] Also, odd problem - I just rebooted the LXQt 1.1.0 Jammy VM, and the wallpaper is gone, even after having previously put it back. [21:20] I guess I'll need to do another test to find out. I guess the staging PPA must not have been tested long enough (my fault, I never tested it AT ALL...) [21:21] Now I just set all the desktop shortcuts back, set the wallpaper, rebooted, and the wallpaper stuck, as did four of the shortcuts, but the Lubuntu Manual vanished.. [21:21] s/.././