
nibbon_what's the special spell to perform an early microcode update? I tried following this https://docs.kernel.org/x86/microcode.html#early-load-microcode but didn't work 13:12
nibbon_I'm trying to build a initramfs to boostrap a system via tftp13:13
vic-thorcan anyone point me some documentation or something about how the linux-firmware package is created?13:55
vic-thorall i find are packages which already contain the binaries13:55
ogravic-thor, what else would you expect ? it is firmware ... there are no sources available for any of the files in there 15:34
vic-thorwhere do they come from, for example15:38
vic-thorhow does it the linux-firmware "official" git gets filtered15:38
vic-thorwhich files are included and which not15:38
ograi guess from https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git 15:55
vic-thoryes, but how to go from the all whole of that to the "chosen ones" in the ubuntu package15:59
ogra"chosen ones" ?16:05
ograi'm pretty sure the ones in the ubuntu package are from a simple tarball download from that repo (plus perhaps some extra ones added that are proven to be on their way into the kernel.org repo in the near future)16:07
vic-thorno, the files on the git are much, much more16:58
vic-thorthen yes, there are some extras and some other tweakings, but from the official one thre is pruning for sure16:59
tomreynvic-thor: this is more a topic for #ubuntu, not exactly kernel related. see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware for more information on how the package is built.17:46
tomreynhmm okay it says it's managed by the kernel team, so i guess asking here is not wrong17:47
klebersjuergh, ^18:58
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