
LocutusOfBorgs390x is on strike again07:27
LocutusOfBorgs390x is on fire!09:02
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: back now11:41
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
realtime-neilI'm looking for a tool that will produce a text dump of everything in a given team. Does such a thing exist? If so, what is it and where can I get it?14:02
cjwatsonthat's a very fuzzy concept really.  can you narrow it down at all?14:03
cjwatson(the answer is probably not as a single thing, but it might be possible to help with certain aspects of it)14:03
realtime-neilokay, consider the scope narrowed to just PPAs14:08
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: I think the answer is going to be that there's no such tool but it's relatively easy to build whatever you need using the API here - LP does enough different things that we intentionally prefer to build mechanisms that people can use to do what they need rather than prepackaged tools.  For example `team.ppas` (in launchpadlib, assuming that `team` is an object for a team that you've 14:28
cjwatsonalready fetched) will give you a collection of all that team's PPAs, and for each PPA you can use e.g. https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#archive-getPublishedSources and https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#archive-getPublishedBinaries to see what's published in it14:28
realtime-neilOkay, thanks. I'm not much for python, but give it a go.14:29
realtime-neilsed 's/give it a go/I will give it a go/'14:30
cjwatsonIt's not mandatory to use Python to use the Launchpad API, but having bindings is useful.14:33
cjwatsonSaves dealing with all the encoding/decoding etc.14:34
realtime-neilI'd be a fool to ignore the body of work that already exists.14:34
LocutusOfBorgrealtime-neil, https://xkcd.com/353/16:13
jugmac00realtime-neil: This is a starter: https://gist.github.com/jugmac00/a77af7e4554de3042440fda8cfc10ce917:11
realtime-neilthanks, jugmac00 17:12
cjwatson(passing cachedir is unnecessary BTW, and the script is more naturally reusable by others if you leave that out)17:15
jugmac00cjwatson: thanks, updated17:21
sarnoldunfortunately, a few hundred comics later, https://xkcd.com/353/18:33
realtime-neilsarnold, I think you pasted the wrong link18:52
sarnoldapparently I still haven't adapted to firefox's new urlbar select behaviour :(18:54
realtime-neilThat's always the one I remember when someone mentions `pip`.18:54
realtime-neilThis is happening: https://code.launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/builds/+recipebuild/3397823    dependency wait on `libocct-foundation-dev (< 7.6)`; the target PPA "builds" is already depending on the PPA "freecad" providing the needed packages. https://launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/builds https://launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/freecad19:49
realtime-neilI've run `mark-suite-dirty --suite=focal` on both PPAs.19:50
realtime-neilI've retried the recipe.19:50
realtime-neilError message mentions this: "builddeps:cadexsdk : Depends: libocct-foundation-dev (< 7.6) but 1:7.5.2+dfsg1-0~202107020155~ubuntu20.04.1 is to be installed"19:51
realtime-neilMeanwhile, the recipe for Jammy succeeds: https://code.launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/builds/+build/2419175520:01
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: Well, that's true - 1:7.5.2... is less than 7.622:09
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: Maybe you meant "(<< 1:7.6)" ?22:10
cjwatsonerr is GREATER than 7.6, I meant to say22:10
cjwatsonsorry, sometimes IRC would be more comprehensible with an edit function22:11
realtime-neilI gave up on version associations. I think I remember discovering that focal devscripts (or something) doesn't do version associations very well.22:47
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: I don't understand.  What's a "version association"?22:48
cjwatson(Not a term I've heard in ~23 years of doing Debian packaging.)22:49
realtime-neilthe stuff in the parenthesis22:50
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: It is EXTREMELY unlikely that focal devscripts fails to parse versioned dependencies correctly, and much more likely that you mistyped them in some way.22:50
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: What you quoted above was definitely mistyped.22:50
realtime-neilWhat worked on jammy failed on focal. If I mistyped something I would have expected both failures.22:51
cjwatsonVersioned dependencies are completely ubiquitous through the packaging system.  They work, I promise you.22:53
cjwatsonSo the problem is not that.22:53
cjwatsonSo where's this 1:7.5.2+dfsg1-0~202107020155~ubuntu20.04.1 version coming from, I wonder ...22:54
realtime-neilIt _was_ in the "builds" ppa before I deleted it.22:55
cjwatsonOh right, I see it now22:55
realtime-neilDeleting it didn't help me.22:55
cjwatsonIt will do, you may just not have waited for the deletion to complete22:55
cjwatsonThat was exactly and precisely the problem22:55
realtime-neilAh. spooky invisible actions22:55
cjwatsonThe reason for the problem is that 1:7.5.2+dfsg1-0~202107020155~ubuntu20.04.1 is not less than 7.6 - the epoch at the start means that it's greater than any version without the epoch22:56
realtime-neilAnd that's fine. The desired versions are in my freecad PPA22:57
cjwatson(epoch = 1:, 2: etc. as a prefix to the version, generally used for getting out of situations where the version numbering sequence of a package changes so that a later version doesn't actually compare later)22:57
realtime-neilunless I'm not understanding22:57
cjwatsonRight, so it should all be just fine if you revert your Build-Depends change and let the recipe build again.22:58
realtime-neilI might try that tomorrow.22:58
cjwatsonThe deletion has completed properly now, so it won't see that 1:7.5.2... version and be confused by it.22:58
realtime-neilthanks very much!22:58
realtime-neilHow can I tell if a deletion has completed?22:58
cjwatsonLook at https://code.launchpad.net/~realtime-robotics/+archive/ubuntu/builds/+packages and see if the package is still there22:59
cjwatsonWhen the deletion completes, it'll go away (unless you filter by "Any status" - the default filter is "Published")22:59
realtime-neilAh, okay. thanks again22:59
cjwatsonWhen you request a deletion, that's queued for the next publisher cycle22:59
cjwatsonSame as uploads and completed builds22:59
cjwatsonrealtime-neil: Probably something that I've internalized so much by this point I don't even think that it might not be obvious, TBH!23:02
cjwatsonI wonder if we should change the page notification you get when you delete packages to briefly explain that the packages will be deleted soon, to cue people into the fact that it isn't instant.23:03
cjwatsonI think at the moment it just says "Source and binaries deleted by <name>" and a list of the affected packages23:04
sarnoldI don't hit that button often but I thought it said something to suggest it might not happen immediately, but the visual feedback also suggests that in *this* case it happened immediately23:24

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