
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:26
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:39
oSoMoNhi duflu 06:53
didrocksgood morning07:10
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 07:14
dufluMorning didrocks 07:17
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey duflu 07:18
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:48
dufluHi seb128. How goes?07:49
seb128hey duflu! Going alright, we finally got some rain! and you?07:50
didrockshey seb128, lucky you. no rain here :p07:53
didrocksbut doing good, staying inside :)07:53
dufluseb128, I am feeling better today07:55
seb128lut didrocks!07:58
seb128duflu, great!07:58
slyonHey Desktop people! May I ask for your comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libchart-perl/+bug/1982461 (cc didrocks seb128)08:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1982461 in libgraphics-colornames-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgraphics-colornames-perl" [Undecided, Incomplete]08:32
lissyxoSoMoN, sorry to be pushy, have you had time to had a look yet at debug symbols?08:53
oSoMoNlissyx, not yet, give me a bit of time, I have other urgent things on my plate09:00
lissyx> Jul 21 16:27:23 UM425IA firefox[353281]: Can't open portal file chooser: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop was not provided by any .service files09:59
lissyxsounds like some missing xdg-desktop-portal package nope?09:59
lissyxoSoMoN, btw I've asked kelsey if she can push upstream your angle build fix10:01
oSoMoNlissyx, yes, that looks like a missing portal package11:55
oSoMoNand thanks for the angle fix!11:55
lissyxoSoMoN, emilio already needinfo?'d you on the missing portal package bug11:56
lissyxseems like it's not the first case, and according to the reporter it was consistent repro over several install from scratch11:57
oSoMoNI'll take a look when IĀ get to my stack of needinfo11:58
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lissyxseb128, oSoMoN, do you have knowledges on snap/desktop helpers for fontconfig?13:04
seb128lissyx, better to just ask your question, but between us and kenvandine we should be able to reply I think13:05
lissyxthis https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/blob/ec861254c2a1d2447b2c589446e6cdf04c75c260/common/desktop-exports#L288-L292 seems to put /snap/firefox/x1/gnome-platform/usr/share/fonts/ first in the list, and it seems to mess with fc-match13:05
lissyxand this is likely to explain the differences in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1767925#c1613:05
ubottuMozilla bug 1767925 in Firefox Build System "Fallback fonts in snap package are not the same as apt package" [--, Reopened]13:05
lissyx(but it's unclear to me how this script ends up in the firefox-snap)13:06
oSoMoNlissyx, "extensions: [gnome-3-38]" is what pulls in the desktop-helper script in the snap13:06
oSoMoNthe source lives in the snapcraft project13:07
seb128hum, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/github.cgi returns an error for me and the bug url sends me to auth page so I guess it's not public?13:07
lissyxno it's public13:08
lissyxmaybe there's some networking issues ?13:08
seb128the 'log with github' wasn't working yesterday already and I'm in a different location today, weird13:09
seb128browsing the bug works in a private instance at least, dunno why my profile redirect me to auth13:10
lissyxasking matrix13:10
lissyxI'm trying to understand exactly why fc-match changes the ordering13:13
seb128it seems to work in a private instance or another browser so I guess something with my profile :/13:13
lissyxmy guess is that it's because the path is earlier13:13
seb128Gunnar is the one around who knows the best about fonts but I haven't seen him online recently13:14
lissyxoSoMoN, yeah ok https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/blob/master/gtk/Makefile#L613:18
oSoMoNlissyx, yes, but note that snapcraft-desktop-helpers is deprecated, that code has been merged into snapcraft itself13:19
seb128lissyx, https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/main/extensions/desktop/ 13:21
lissyxyes found it at the same time13:21
lissyxtrying to figure out how I could test hacking the file to verify if it's just ordering13:21
seb128I'm unsure how fontconfig determine what is the best match for a font13:22
lissyxmaybe it will be easier to unsquash the rootfs and repack ...13:22
seb128if the config is in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig/fonts.conf you should be able to just edit from within the shell env?13:23
lissyxbut within the snap it's ro13:24
seb128why? it's an userdir file13:26
lissyxnot sure wheere I can find this "gnome-platform"13:27
lissyxreading the gnome-3-38-2004-sdk I cant find13:27
seb128lissyx, it's basically /snap/gnome-3-38-2004/current/ bindmonted 13:29
seb128lissyx, https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/main/snapcraft/extensions/gnome.py#L14313:31
lissyxok so the ordering seems to have no impact13:31
seb128lissyx, FC_DEBUG=1 fc-match :family=Times suggests it doesn't know about the nimbus font in the snap env13:37
lissyxhow come13:40
lissyxfc-list shows it13:40
seb128I failed at grepping properly sorry13:43
seb128the order of fonts listed with that debug env is different though13:43
lissyxyeah I see that myself13:44
lissyxcombining --shell and --strace does not help13:54
seb128lissyx, it's because the snap env doesn't have /etc/fonts/conf.d/61-urw-nimbus-roman.conf14:04
lissyxis it fixable?14:05
lissyxbecause it sounds like it means we will get broken fontconfig matches then14:06
seb128if you mkdir ~/snap/firefox/current/.config/fontconfig/conf.d; cp /etc/fonts/conf.d/61-urw-nimbus-roman.conf ~/snap/firefox/current/.config/fontconfig/conf.d it works14:07
lissyxseb128, should I file a bug somewhere on launchpad then?14:08
seb128lissyx, I would start by https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-sdk/issues14:09
lissyxseb128, while that's enough to get the fc-match to pass, that's still not enough for the pdf in the doc14:10
lissyxI dont have a good way to get the fonts it loads so far14:10
seb128lissyx, that's only one config, try to cp * from that etc dir14:11
lissyxthat's what I was trying14:12
lissyxI dont know exacly which one we need14:12
lissyxbut after copying all, it's looking good14:12
seb128lissyx, I'm not familiar with how that work, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-package-cannot-read-fonts-conf/ is a similar discussion14:15
seb128hum, IRC doesn't like the wifi here for some reasons...14:18
seb128lissyx, unsure if that went through, but I was pointing out https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-package-cannot-read-fonts-conf/ which is similar14:18
seb128also https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/358614:18
ubottuPull 3586 in snapcore/snapcraft "Ported font rendering fix from the desktop helpers." [Merged]14:18
lissyxseb128, yes I saw this PR14:18
lissyxseb128, this is the one that added the gnome-platform dependency that I was at first suspeting of forcing DejaVu14:18
seb128my understanding is that the system /etc/fonts/conf.d should be available to the snap14:19
seb128so the issue seems in the desktop helper14:20
seb128well, in fact 14:21
seb128lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  32 mars  23 14:52 /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf -> ../conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf14:21
seb128lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  54 sept. 16  2020 /etc/fonts/conf.d/61-urw-nimbus-roman.conf -> /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/urw-nimbus-roman.conf14:22
seb128and the /usr target doesn't exist in the snap env14:22
seb128so either we need to fix those packages to point to ../conf.avail 14:22
seb128or we need make the target available somehow14:23
lissyxthat's getting out of my scope :)14:23
seb128right, please just open a bug on github14:23
seb128I will get it on our team backlog14:23
lissyxit's done already14:23
ubottuIssue 49 in ubuntu/gnome-sdk "More fonts are needed to avoid breaking rendering" [Open]14:23
seb128kenvandine, ^ who would be the right person for that one?14:24
lissyxand your workaround verified and shared on bugzilla14:24
lissyxso at least it unblocks people14:24
sil2100Hello desktop! Just a quick question as I'm doing an SRU run in the background for jammy with .1 in mind - any desktop-related SRUs you'd like to get in for .1 that are already in the queue?14:26
lissyxseb128, by any chance do you know how snap detects a snap is still running?14:27
lissyx(and I tried to get bugs organized a bit with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1780424 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1780393 and https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1780394)14:27
ubottuMozilla bug 1780424 in Firefox Build System "[meta] Snap Sandboxing limitations" [--, New]14:27
ubottuMozilla bug 1780393 in Firefox Build System "[meta] [Snap] tracking XWayland-specific Snap issues" [--, New]14:27
ubottuMozilla bug 1780394 in Firefox Build System "[meta] [Snap] tracking Wayland-specific Snap issues" [--, New]14:27
seb128lissyx, for the refresh awareness thing? no, sorry14:28
seb128#snappy might be able to help though14:28
seb128sil2100, hey, I asked on #ubuntu-release in the past days about the ones I knew so I think we should be alright but I will let other reply if I missed anything14:29
ricotzsil2100, hi :), libreoffice/jammy would be nice to have, but it might be difficult with the current launchpad builders situation - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/198196614:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1981966 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] libreoffice 7.3.5 for jammy" [High, In Progress]14:37
sil2100seb128: \o/14:52
sil2100ricotz: ok, I'll take a look at that shortly14:53
ricotzsil2100, thank you very much14:54
seb128sil2100, don't forget about the langpacks though15:01
sil2100seb128: the export is happening as we speak!15:01
sil2100Per RT: #15208715:01
lissyxseb128, ok i'll dig through the code then15:08

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