[00:55] holmanb: ok, that got /etc/conf.d/net.eth0 to come back. It's still not parsing the mac address from the clouddrive config file. mac_eth0="None" [00:56] I feel like that should be something really easy to fix. And then the last thing is starting the network service "net.eth0" [00:56] Oh it's missing the nameserver and domain name settings too. [15:14] phunyguy: hrm, I'd need more info than that to debug further [15:33] holmanb: I'll do a once over, dump some logs, and try to give some pointers as to what I think the problems are from a gentoo perspective. [15:33] I am not good with python, so probably can't fix [15:34] but I can direct you at potential areas/line numbers [15:34] phunyguy: sure no problem - thanks that would be helpful [15:34] first, coffee [15:35] day off today ☺ [15:36] Nice! I'm working today, I can maybe help a little as time allows, but then I'm off hiking in the mountains over the weekend, so I'll be far away from a network connection until Monday :) [15:36] I better get moving then [15:36] lol [15:38] also that sounds like my nightmare. Not a heights guy, and I have vague memories of being a kid hiking with my parents in Maine and being scared to death walking along foot-wide cliffs hanging on to bars. [15:38] looking down at teeny tiny trees [15:39] palms get sweaty just thinking about it. [15:40] phunyguy: Maine has a via ferrata? Never been on one of those myself. I'm more into either climbing (class 5) or hiking. This one should be pretty tame, nothing technical. [15:41] I have no idea what that is. It was sections of the hike that would hang off the side of the mountain with bars to hold on to. I was scared to death [15:41] Acadia [15:42] via ferrata is the metal bars (literally "iron path") [15:42] well there ya go. [15:42] yes I guess I did that [15:43] This was in the early 90s I think, not sure if anything is the same. [15:44] nice [15:56] OK, so once I got rid of the mac address problem, by commenting it out in the generated config, the system boots with network. [15:56] so that's good. [15:56] But I think it would be better to figure out why the mac config generation is putting "none" [16:00] holmanb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BC4nrvJ3h7/ [16:01] I have a feeling those log entries are old though [16:06] holmanb: ok so https://github.com/phunyguy/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/distros/gentoo.py#L95 [16:06] that is returning "None" for a value [16:07] Looking like the config is supplying "mac_address" and this is looking for "hwaddress"? [16:09] I guess I can test that in my own repo [16:15] oh sidenote, it had networking on boot because I left behind the net.eth0 service init.d file. [16:15] and that got started as a wants/needs [16:17] re: old log entries fyi -> cloud-init clean --logs --reboot will re-init the system w/cloud-init and remove old logs [16:17] When I'm testing changes in cloud-init I run that a lot ^^ [16:18] ok [16:18] thanks for that [16:18] I was just doing `cloud-init clean` [16:22] no problem, I'll add some more logging in _write_network() [16:25] actually some interesting bits are already logged [16:25] oh goody, it did create the network init.d file, so that's good. [16:25] phunyguy: "Translated ubuntu style network settings" should be in the log -> what's that say? [16:27] that log output should tell us whether the issues is in `translate_network()` (or earlier) or in _write_network() [16:29] holmanb: https://gist.github.com/phunyguy/a93cd17ce13a75490eb6e1afe6310d28 [16:30] looks like it's missing from the resultant eth0 line in that log [16:31] the hwaddress piece specifically. [16:41] Meh, maybe that part can just go away. I am not even really sure of a good reason to include the mac in the config. [16:55] Man this could really use some work, and I am actually willing to try and situate the DNS portion of this that is really hacked together. openrc can actually handle creation of a dynamic resolv.conf, as long as the proper things are in /etc/conf.d/net{.*}. [16:55] currently this writes a rudimentary /etc/resolv.conf, and is missing suffix search, etc. [17:20] Guys I'm learning python [19:27] phunyguy: learning python -> \o/ [19:27] seeing this now [19:34] phunyguy: In practice I dunno why anyone would want to spoof macs in the cloud, but it's pretty common these days on mobile devices I think (for whatever EUI48 addresses are called on mobile devices). [19:35] Either way, if it's an expected configurable input, we should try to do the right thing rather than silently not do what users expect. [19:35] based on that gist, it looks like translate_network() isn't translating everything correctly [19:46] ok [19:46] in the mean time, I am attempting to get the dns configuration working correctly. [19:46] holmanb: I'm struggling a little bit but I'll get there. [19:49] ^ relatable [19:50] This is going to be a mess when I get done with it, but it will be more functional. [19:51] Once I get done with this part, probably over the weekend, I'll send a PR to your repo/branch [19:51] ...which I haven't really done before, so we'll see! [19:53] holmanb: what I am ending up with for dns_servers_lo is "['']"... How do I get rid of the [' '] [19:53] the end result should be a space separated list of what the list is [19:55] list/tuple, still haven't figured out the difference [19:56] what the hell is a tuple [20:15] oh I think I got it. [20:15] blech: dns_nameservers = str(", ".join(dns_nameservers)).replace(",", "") [20:32] confused, are you writing a new network config parser? [20:36] I am just modifying what's there to handle dns correctly. [20:36] the gentoo way [20:37] currently it's only manually creating resolv.conf with the list of dns servers [20:37] netifrc has the ability to parse /etc/conf.d/net to gather suffix and dns-servers list to dynamically create resolv.conf with what's there [20:49] phunyguy: oh I see. I don't think you should need to parse that data out. Looks like it gets cast to a string on line 81, just grab the data structures before the cast [20:50] from the gist you shared previously, the value in "entries" is a dict: {'lo': {'ipv6': {}, 'dns-nameservers': [''], 'dns-search': ['neverserio.us'], 'auto': True}, 'eth0': {'ipv6': {}, 'bootproto': 'static', 'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': '', 'auto': True}} [20:52] so for this particular config entries["lo"]["dns-nameservers"] would get you a list of strings (where each string is an ip) [20:54] kinda just guessing based on your variable names here ^^ [20:54] - but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't need to actually parse anything from a string [21:06] ok [21:07] yeah this is whacky anyway.. dns-nameservers being associated with lo is weird to begin with [21:08] Maybe that's why the original author was writing resolv.conf directly. [21:09] It's making it really difficult to do this with netifrc the way I want. I don't think it's going to work. So I'll just get the original code to drop the right stuff in /etc/resolv.conf and call it a day. [21:10] gotcha +1, sounds good [21:10] The last thing to figure out then is the hwaddress problem, which is where I would really need help. [21:12] holmanb: regarding your "cast to a string on line 81", that's exactly the line I was modifying, because originally the output was "('')" [21:13] the (' and ') are a noop [21:43] phunyguy: I'm trying to avoid rewriting this whole module. [21:44] :D [21:46] lol hi sam_ :) [21:50] holmanb: yeah I feel that [21:50] phunyguy: pretty sure that ugly cast/replace line can just be a " ".join(dns_nameservers). I'm not sure why you would want to depend on tuple.__repr__ for just inserting spaces between items in a list. [21:51] pushing a commit to your branch shortly [21:51] I don't know either. I've reverted all that. [21:52] It's not relevant if I'm not changing any of that. [21:54] Hey I wrote something that worked! [21:54] congrats :D [21:54] OK I have another question before I lose you for the weekend [21:54] holmanb: hi! [21:55] o/ [21:55] phunyguy: go for it [21:55] the system update stuff... this is NOT a good idea in the gentoo world.... so I am changing "emerge" to "true" to completely eliminate all that for now. [21:55] I hope that's OK [21:56] if you have a better way to disable that, I am all ears [21:56] what's this? [21:56] sam_: noooooottttthinnngg..... [21:57] sam_: tl;dr phunyguy is working on some brokenness in the network stack they identified (mac and dns aren't passed through correctly) [21:58] phunyguy: disabling update is a change I would run by a gentoo maintainer [21:58] well that's the thing, it's completely broken. [21:59] when the images are built, portage is completely stripped out to make the image smaller, so there is no profile, tree, or anything. [21:59] which images? [21:59] running emerge in that case to try and update the system is completely hosed up. [21:59] sorry, this is being used with diskimage-builder in my case, the openstack project. [22:00] cloud-init isn't responsible for image build so I'd argue that's not a cloud-init problem. [22:00] nor is it a diskimage-builder problem. [22:00] lol [22:01] the primary for the gentoo portion of that project is so vehemently against cloud-init vs simple-init it's hilarious. [22:01] diskimage-builder strips portage but it's not diskimage-builder's problem? [22:01] I was being sarcastic [22:01] I see [22:01] * phunyguy holds up the sarcasm sign [22:02] interestingly enough, the person that wrote this gentoo.py is the same person I am mentioning [22:02] it seems we are the only two people doing things like this with gentoo, and we disagree on many things. [22:04] Also it should be noted, that before I changed it to "true" to get rid of the emerge command, network setup was also failing. [22:04] so something is definitely wonky there. [22:04] huh, I'm going to attempt to continue staying out of those sorts of turf wars, but happy to help making the project better :) [22:05] yes, tell me if you need me to tie-break or something phunyguy [22:05] sam_: possibly. [22:05] however I don't necessarily disagree with stripping out portage to keep the images smaller [22:06] but if that's causing problems, then maybe it should stay unstripped. [22:06] But I am still concerned that emerge is running before the network is up. [22:06] so that's still a cloud-init problem if so. [22:07] I don't think package managers are executed elsewhere without network - if so that's probably a bug [22:09] I think networking isn't started until default runlevel, which comes after all this. [22:09] ahh scratch that, I see where it's supposed to [22:10] yeah you are right, this is 100% a DIB issue [22:10] it's the mac issue that causes it to not come up initially, but still tries to update [22:11] I guess I should ask, if the packages fail to update, would that affect anything else in the CI process? [22:11] if not, then I say leave it. [22:12] I await your commit [22:12] oops, one sec [22:13] phunyguy: pushed [22:13] \o/ [22:15] I don't think package install failure will cause cloud-init to stop as a whole. Those invocations should be limited to config modules, which are later in boot process. You'll see lots of noise in logs and any module depending on package update/install will exit early, but the rest of the process will continue. [22:16] excellent [22:16] nothing-burger then [22:28] ok I think I got your changes merged with mine [22:29] holmanb: what to you out? I would assume soon? [22:33] what time you out* [22:33] sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh [22:35] half hour left for me, mountain time [22:35] ok [22:35] * phunyguy wipes sweat [22:38] the last thing I want to do is keep you from your trail fun [22:38] any thoughts on the missing mac? [22:40] pretty sure the problem is in translate_network(), how exactly I'd need to read the code and understand both formats [22:41] ok so definitely not a today thing. [22:41] I'm going to send you a pr for what I have, for your review, and you can do what you want with it. We can approach the other problem later. [22:44] Not going to get to that today. Sounds good, I'll take a look at it Monday. [22:45] Yep, it's there for you [22:46] enjoy your weekend and THANK YOU for the help here. [22:46] phunyguy: thanks for putting in the legwork on it - it helps :D