
peacefulmananyone else have an issue with vmware player with ubuntu 20.04?00:04
peacefulmancompiling kernel modules I mean00:05
jhutchinspeacefulman: Last issue I had was that it wouldn't "play" 64b, only 32.  That was four, maybe five years ago.00:05
jhutchinspeacefulman: Since then I use vbox.00:06
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ubottuMostly !trolls, but sometimes other kinds of !people.01:51
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FinchWelcome to International Advanced Direct Connect Hub with Encryption Security, Unicode and IPv6 support. We are for a multipolar peace! https://dchub.one02:52
oopsi have a wish to but a creative sound-blaster internal sound card for listening music, but that sound card haven't linux driver support, i search internet and no result found, my question is  whether the sound-blaster internl sound card such as ae-7 etc have linux driver now?03:20
oerheksoops look into your bios for ac'97 setting.03:33
oerheksmost onboard chipsets do have 2 settings, choose ac'9703:34
oerhekselse any creative is supported, i don;t know why it does not work for you03:35
oopsoerheks: i haven't bought it yet now , i am afraid it doesn't be supported  so i ask this question beforehand , so i can buy that sound card without changing my os to Windows, can't it?03:39
oerheksno way to answer your question. i already said that any soundblaster is supported.03:40
oopsok, thank you , i get it03:41
oerheksand i do not support windows.03:41
DrazurGreetings. I'm trying to install Kubuntu 22.04 from a Live USB in a PC without UEFI (only Legacy BIOS). But after preparing partitions I get the following message:04:10
DrazurNo EFI System Partition was found. This system will likely not be able to boot successfully, and the installation process may fail.04:10
Bashing-omDrazur: "after preparing partitions" Please sjow the channel in a pastebin the out put of terminal command -from that live usb-: sudo fdisk -lu .04:20
DrazurOK, Bashing-om. What does sjow mean?04:21
Bashing-omDrazur: Typo :( show*04:21
DrazurThanks, Bashing-om. Here's the result of sudo fdisk -lu: https://pastebin.com/P3DuR2re04:24
Bashing-omDrazur: Looking :)04:25
DrazurI ran this command inside the Live USB session.04:26
Bashing-omDrazur: Yeah tlls us what we need to know from the live environment. >> "/dev/sda4       234430464 468860927 234430464 111.8G 83 Linux" is the ubuntu install partition ?04:29
Bashing-omtells* Yored and not paying close enough attention :(04:29
DrazurIt is the partition where I want to install it. Currently, it has Kubuntu 20.04 installed.04:30
DrazurBashing-om, someone at #kubuntu told me that I can ignore this no EFI warning because my motherboard (from 2011, lol) does not support UEFI nor Secure Boot.04:41
Bashing-omDrazur: Well one can reboot and see what results - I too do not have UEFI system, I have never seen this warning - booting up to 20.04 that is.04:45
DrazurWhen I installed 20.04, I also didn't get that warning, Bashing-om.04:46
DrazurI'll try to ignore the warning, and see what happens.04:47
Bashing-omDrazur: Rebooting sounds like a plan - when in doubt one can look from journalctl at the boot log.04:48
DrazurInstall is about to finish, Bashing-om. I'll have to logout to restart my PC when finished.04:58
guivercBashing-om, fyi:  that 'someone' was me; I'd not noticed drazur was posting in multiple channels05:04
Bashing-omguiverc: :D Hope to see all good in the end :D05:06
highratebe cool to see as many file exploring options have, especially puttin the latest files on top05:31
highratejust installed the latest ubuntu05:32
highratethought there would have been more progress05:32
highratei dont see how those features would hard to implement05:33
highratebe cool to see as many file exploring options as windows 10 have, especially puttin the latest files on top05:34
highratesorry had to rewrite that05:35
rana_ansHi, I deleted linux-swap to merge an unallocated space with the linux partition and re-created the linux-swap, all done using gparted on a live iso.05:54
rana_ansI was told to update some UUID which I forgot and I dont know what it is or what not, can you help me with this matter please05:54
rana_ansanyone who could help?06:01
guivercrana_ans, you can use `blkid` usually to list UUIDs for drives to see what's there06:02
Hashwhat do you guys know about linux phones?06:03
InPhaserana_ans: And then you probably want to adjust the value in /etc/fstab06:03
rana_ansguiverc: so if it shows everything, its all good, right?06:03
HashI'm guessing play store apps and this that/ etc doesn't work there?>06:03
guiverca UUID is a unique identifier ID code that allows you to refer to drives in a manner that doesn't change... It'll show what's connected; you check yourself if it's correct in the file-system table (/etc/fstab)06:04
guivercHash, this is Ubuntu Support; not a Linux Phone room06:04
HashYou do realize there's Ubuntu for phones?06:04
InPhaserana_ans: You can "cat /proc/swaps" to see what's active for swap.  If what you want active is active, all good.06:04
guivercHash, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for non Ubuntu support questions, or an appropriate room for your question06:04
Hashhttps://ubuntu-touch.io/ https://phone.docs.ubuntu.com/en/devices/06:05
guivercUbuntu Phones is now Lorimi & supported by UBPorts and not Ubuntu .. https://ubports.com/06:05
rana_anscan I share an SS of whats in /etc/fstab here? it shows UUIDs06:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:10
pluggerwhat time is it06:38
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HashI accidentally deleted some UFW rules I shouldn't have deleted.08:34
HashDoes ubuntu/ufw keep a backup at all of any rules?08:34
alkisgHash: yes i think somewhere under /etc/ufw08:48
HashI had to restore from a 6 mo old backup.08:49
HashNo backups ubuntu keeps if you edit ufw rules.08:49
alkisgHash: did you look into the directory i said?08:50
alkisgBecause ufw keeps backups there for all my installations08:50
HashThey are not backups.08:51
alkisgWhat are they?08:52
HashThey are normal ufw configs where rules are saved. If you edit ufw rules using 'ufw allow something etc.' those /etc/ufw/user.rules etc files get edited immediately and ther is no backup.08:52
alkisgThey even have the date on them08:52
HashIf you accidentally delete some rules you didn't mean to, there is no way to get them back08:52
HashYou have to manually copy /etc/ufw/user.rules|user6.rules yourself to a backup location.08:53
HashOnly then will you have backups. I restored from an older server image.08:53
Hashufw should keep some files with filenames dated, backups of previous configs, if you edit using 'ufw' commandline, mabye like 10 previous files or something.08:53
HashThat would be a useful feature.08:54
iomari891greetings, is there a way to send a popup message to another system in my network?09:24
gordonjcpiomari891: like "NET SEND" in the old Windows For Workgroup days?09:25
hans_why is bup unavailable in 20.04?  it's available in both 18.04 and 22.0409:25
arg_iomari891: specifying the xserver with xmessage might be enough..other way around tho.09:27
iomari891I thought there would be a general tool for that.09:29
iomari891I want to get a popup whenever someone joins the network in the office.09:30
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cbreakiomari891: it'd be crazy nowadays to have a service running that lets anyone send popups to you11:02
cbreakbut you can trivially wrte something like that if you really want to11:03
cbreakiomari891: on the receiver side, run 'netcat -lku 9999 | xargs -n 1 notify-send'11:06
cbreakon the sender side run 'netcat -u hostname 9999'11:06
groxihi, are all packages in the main repos open source, or not necessarily?11:15
groxii mean the main ubuntu repos (main, contrib, non-free etc...), i'm not asking about PPAs11:16
cbreakI wouldn't expect everything in non-free to be open source...11:28
lotuspsychje!sources | groxi11:37
ubottugroxi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:37
cbreakhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/ has sources listed for packages11:41
takkihello does anyone know how to install droidcam on Ubuntu 20.0.4?12:11
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takkihello does anyone know how to install droidcam on Ubuntu 20.0.4?12:22
Maiktakki: from a google search: https://ykamal.com/how-to-use-your-android-device-as-a-webcam-in-ubuntu-with-droidcam/12:23
Maikand it's 20.04 not 20.0.412:24
takkii'll try it thanks12:24
Maikyou're welcome12:24
takkiohh sorry im just new to linux hahaha12:24
ForeverNoob[m]Hello, I don't think I've ever set my keyring password but it's asking me for the "Default keyring" password. I think it's from gnome-keyring. How do I (re)set it?12:55
cbreakForeverNoob[m]: is it your login password?12:56
cbreakpossibly a previous login password12:56
ForeverNoob[m]I tried my login / sudo password but that didn't work.12:56
ForeverNoob[m]cbreak: This is also the only login password I had. On a side note: Is it actually safe to simply remove the gnome-keyring system or is it likely it will break some stuff?13:01
cbreakit'd break stuff that relies on it13:02
cbreakbut if you mean just the keyring files for your user: you can remove them, if you're fine losing what's inside them13:03
cbreak(I did remove the whole gnome-keyring thing when I switched to kde... was fine... kde has its own keyring thing :)13:03
ForeverNoob[m]I'm using KeepassXC and I think it's clashing with gnome-keyring. So I'll just remove it and install it back if it breaks (some serious) stuff.13:05
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Gokulmsg NickServ INFO GOkul13:58
Maikircuser-1: please fix your connection :)14:03
Maikerr... irl25519 ^14:03
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uzhhscupgraded the kernel version to 5.15.0-41-generic now i got terrible screen tearing . How to get that got damn boot menut to select the older kernel.14:48
lotuspsychjeuzhhsc: are you on intel graphics?14:49
uzhhsccan hardly reay14:49
lotuspsychjeuzhhsc: hold shift at boot to enter grub and select older kernel14:50
uzhhsctried shift didn't help14:50
lotuspsychjehow about esc14:51
uzhhscpressing it rapidly or holding pressed?14:51
uzhhscmy eyes bleed from tearing. will try pressing esc14:52
tomreynmultiple times, or at the right time14:52
gyxvbqok, I had to select advanced options and then the older kernel. Now tearing has gone14:54
gyxvbqmotherf-rs, this is alredy the second time they broke my video subsystem with the same god damn tearing effect14:55
gyxvbqhow the hell this even be possible to the god damn LTS?14:56
gyxvbqI'm really angry14:56
lotuspsychjegyxvbq: wich kernel version are you running now?14:59
tomreynand your ubuntu version is? and your graphics card?15:00
tomreynoh intel graphics you said15:00
tomreynso just intel, nothing else?15:01
lotuspsychje(its not my intel flickering bug, as that one exists from 5.15.x series15:01
tomreynand are you using wayland or xorg?15:01
luis220413gyxvbq: How long ago did you upgrade to 22.04, or this is a fresh install?15:02
gyxvbq2 months ago or so15:03
luis220413What version were you using?15:03
luis220413Type the following command: apt list --installed linux-image-*15:03
tomreyni3 only works with xorg, right?15:03
luis220413gyxvbq: Execute the following command: apt list --installed linux-image-*15:03
gyxvbqits 30 and 41 are installed15:03
luis220413gyxvbq: Show us the output15:04
tomreynon a pastebin15:04
luis220413gyxvbq: It is not recommended to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 before 22.04.1 is released (that is, August 4).15:05
gyxvbqlinux-image-5.15.0-30-generic/jammy-updates,now 5.15.0-30.31 amd64 [installed,automatic]15:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:05
luis220413gyxvbq: Is your system up-to-date?15:06
luis220413gyxvbq: It seems that you upgrade your system too infrequently. I recommend you to upgrade at least weekly.15:07
luis220413These kernels were released 2-4 months apart.15:07
gyxvbqso I'd say its uptodate15:08
gyxvbqupdating my system makes it borked. NO UPDATES15:08
luis220413gyxvbq: Type y to the prompt. The preferred way to upgrade a system is through Software Updater (update-manager command). These 8 updates are safe.15:08
luis220413gyxvbq: You can disable non-security updates via software-properties-gtk.15:09
gyxvbqhow this should solve the problem with defect kernel??15:09
gyxvbqI have no such thing software-properties-gtk.15:09
luis220413Is the 5.4 kernel incompatible with any hardware you use?15:10
luis220413gyxvbq: Ubuntu kernels almost always solve security issues (and therefore published as security updates), so this should not solve your kernel problem.15:11
gyxvbqthats what I ask - how the hell the upgrade from 5.15.0-30.31 to 5.15.0-41.43 could possibly bork my video subsystem15:12
luis220413gyxvbq: Is the 5.4 kernel incompatible with any hardware you use?15:12
luis220413gyxvbq: Please file a bug with the command ubuntu-bug linux.15:12
luis220413If you do not have this command installed, run sudo apt install apport15:12
luis220413gyxvbq: I already reported a video subsystem issue as bug 1979905. Is this your issue?15:13
ubottuBug 1979905 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu VMs have wrong screen resolution (1024x768 instead of ≈1920x1000)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197990515:13
gyxvbqnow, how can I purge that 41'th kernel? Because if I try `sudo apt purge linux-image-5.15.0-41-generic' it would The following additional packages will be installed `linux-image-unsigned-5.15.0-41-generic'15:13
gyxvbqit's bs me15:14
gyxvbqinstall apport?? I had bad time trying to purge all the apport crap15:15
luis220413That is another 41 kernel package. But this is not recommended. I suggest that you backup your data, downgrade to 20.04 with the 5.4 kernel (that can be done without experiencing your issue by install Ubuntu Server 20.04 and then sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop) and restore from the backup.15:19
luis220413gyxvbq: Why is apport crap? apport is an utility to report crashes and bugs in Ubuntu systems.15:19
luis220413gyxvbq: Please advance with that purge (that other package is another 5.15.0-41 kernel), but that is a short-term solution.15:19
gyxvbqbecause it shouln't be ingegrated that deep into the system and purging it should not delete imprtant packages15:20
luis220413gyxvbq: That kind of removals (those that remove the metapackage for your desktop) can put your system in an unrecoverable state.15:20
luis220413*desktop environment15:21
gyxvbqand no , I'm not goingn to reinstall nothing, I have a life to live15:21
luis220413gyxvbq: If you do not report your issue and remain with the 5.15.0-30 kernel (with dozens of vulnerabilities), attackers will almost surely hack you in a few months.15:23
luis220413And compromise your system15:23
Some_PersonI have an audio device that doesn't seem to be working. It is built into my Thunderbolt monitor. The microphone works, but audio output to it does not15:23
Some_PersonWhat should I do?15:24
gyxvbqfrom my experience with linux upgrading is way more dangerous to my system than hackers attacks15:24
luis220413gyxvbq: I arrived late at the channel. What is your specific issue?15:26
luis220413That is, when your discussion was already underway.15:26
Some_PersonIt shows up as "Analog Output - LG UltraFine Display Audio" and "Digital Output (S/PDIF) - LG UltraFine Display Audio", but neither of these work15:27
gyxvbqsame thing what I had in 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZIR4qnfOH815:31
ioriagyxvbq, have you ever tried a custom xorg.conf ?15:41
graingert[m]is there a way to have per-output theming?15:48
graingert[m]I have an OLED screen and I want an AMOLED black theme on it15:48
graingert[m]and I have an LCD screen and I want a light theme on it15:49
oerheksdifferent wallpapers can be done, but themes .. dunno15:50
ravagegraingert[m], i think the simple answer is no here15:55
graingert[m]well per-output scaling didn't work for a while :p15:56
jhutchinsgyxvbq: I presume this means you make complete backups before you upgrade.15:56
graingert[m]is there a place to report it? what component is it? GNOME?15:56
oerheksone can file a bugrepost as wishlist..15:56
ravageit sounds like a feature request to gnome. but also like a lot of work for something 99,9% of users dont need15:57
ravageso i would not wait for it to happen soon15:57
gyxvbqjhutchins , what does?15:58
oerheksif one does not have a backup already, the data is not important15:59
* ravage looks at his laptop sticker "No backup, no mercy"16:00
cbreakdidn't gnome remove theming recently?16:02
cbreakand tried to force this adwaita thing onto everyone?16:02
cbreak... maybe I remember this incorrectly16:02
oerheksso, adwaita is not a theme?16:02
cbreakit's a library I think16:02
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graingert[m]my trackpad makes the sound of a predator during boot18:24
graingert[m]is there a wiki specifically for xps 13 plus quirks?18:27
oerheksif you have not found it, i guess not.18:29
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Some_PersonGot my display audio working. Had to unmute it and turn it up in alsamixer18:39
jhutchinsgraingert[m]: How do you know the trackpad is making the noise?18:52
jhutchinsSome_Person: The old fixes are still good.18:53
graingert[m]<jhutchins> "graingert: How do you know the..." <- it took a while to debug19:11
graingert[m]<jhutchins> "graingert: How do you know the..." <- but it feels like it moves19:11
graingert[m]it's got a haptic simulated trackpad19:13
graingert[m]and it chirps at boot19:13
tomreynbut this really has nothing to do with the OS running on it19:15
jhutchinsgraingert[m]: Does it affect performance in any way?19:30
graingert[m]jhutchins: No19:31
graingert[m]<tomreyn> "https://www.reddit.com/r/DellXPS..." <- Doesn't happen in windows19:32
jhutchinsLots of things don't happen in Windows.  That's why we run Linux.19:33
tomreyngraingert[m]: others who posted there seem to disagree19:44
graingert[m]tomreyn: Doesn't seem like my issue19:48
graingert[m]There's no high pitch change19:48
DarkenedGentlemaOn the nexus devices is the mgmt port ment for a VPC keepalive link or is that just what this example doc shows to avoid wasting a expensive port on a link that basically just plays marco pollo with the other deivce?19:48
graingert[m]* There's no change to a higher pitch19:48
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tomreynDarkenedGentlema: which ubuntu release is your ubuntu support question about?20:10
filenamenoone knews20:10
DarkenedGentlematomreyn? lol, sorry I'm in the wrong channel.20:12
tomreynthis makes more sense now ;)20:13
* filename .txt20:14
tomreynfilename: your ban just expired. can you hold back on the nonsense or do we need to extend?20:19
* filename request for extend has been sent ...20:21
DarkenedGentlemaDamn, thats some agressive banning on the subnets! /18's20:25
tomreynDarkenedGentlema: if you have questions regarding channel management, there's #ubuntu-ops20:27
DarkenedGentlemaI do not, he asked for it forsure.20:27
DarkenedGentlemaI just havn't seen anyone ban a giant subnet like that in a while :)20:28
mybalzitchoh its russian ip space20:29
tomreynlet's get back on topic, please, ubuntu support20:29
graingert[m]<graingert[m]> "Doesn't seem like my issue" <- And I thought I updated the firmware20:31
tomreyngraingert[m]: to check:  journalctl -b | grep DMI:20:32
oerheksthose posts tell 1.4.0 gives that issue..20:33
graingert[m]<tomreyn> "graingert: to check:  journalctl..." <- `Jul 23 18:56:58 conscientious kernel: DMI: Dell Inc. XPS 9320/0KNXGD, BIOS 1.4.0 05/13/2022`20:38
tomreyngraingert[m]: i am pleased to see this command worked for you.20:40
graingert[m]is there a way to add a grub boot entry that basically does `efibootmgr --bootnext 0007` and restarts? Windows+bitlocker doesn't support chainloading21:21
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InPhase0% [Connecting to kazooie.canonical.com  ...  0% [Connecting to banjo.canonical.com21:46
InPhase??  This is the first time I think I've ever seen an apt install fail from a problem not on my end.  Are all the servers down?  *gasp*21:46
oerheksno, kazooie is known for issues, try main21:47
InPhaseMy sources is set to us.archive.ubuntu.com21:48
InPhaseAh, it came back now.21:48
toddcI just noticed the us issue also21:49
oerheksmaybe they just recieved updates..21:49
InPhaseoerheks: For future references, for "main" would I strip off the "us." part?21:49
oerheksmanually yes.21:49
toddcor just waut a while21:50
oerheksbut .us is huge, so i wonder if it was a hickup or update..21:50
InPhasetoddc: Waiting awhile is so against the apt install philosophy.  :)21:50
ravagewe had reports about the us mirror here more often during the last week21:50
ravageyou can also choose any mirror near you from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors21:51
cbreakanyone got a clue about snaps? I want to enable firefox snap support for 1password22:40
cbreakfor now, it can't interact with the 1password application22:41
cbreakthis is obviously snap's fault, since it isolates firefox from the rest of the os, so I expect there to be some place to configure which restrictions apply, and to lift some restrictions22:41
oerheksno jammy firefix in the mozilla ppa..22:46
oerheksnot security but team ppa https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=jammy22:47
jhutchinscbreak: https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/9025903?hl=en22:50
cbreakjhutchins: how's installing spyware going to help me? :)22:50
cbreakthe ppa seems like a better option22:51
cbreakI'd like to stick with ubuntu's supported solution, but the snap is kind of annoying, so having the option of bypassing it with a ppa is nice22:52
cbreakit's even newer than the snap version :)22:52
kostkoncbreak, afaik firefox snap can't work with password managers yet, it's something that's coming though afaik again22:53
cbreakyes, I think the same22:54
apcHello, I get the following error: E: Failed to fetch http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-backports/InRelease  403  Forbidden [IP: ::ffff:146.xxx 80]22:54
cbreakbut if snaps can be configured, maybe I can punch a hole of the right size through it22:54
cbreakso far, the documentation on how snaps work has been ... lacking22:54
apcis there an easy way to bypass? i'm in hospital22:54
oerheksapc, just change to main22:55
cbreakhttps://snapcraft.io/docs/security-sandboxing and co helps a bit, but ... no hints on how to create a custom opening that I've found...22:55
oerheksyes, in update settings.22:55
oerhekscbreak, one can help keeping this issue alive https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/196454622:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1741074 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] chrome-gnome-shell extension fails to detect native host connector" [High, In Progress] [duplicate: 1964546]22:56
ravagethat forbidden could be the forced proxy on your network there22:57
ravagecan you reach other mirrors on the official list?22:57
tomreynlooong gone ;)22:57
ravageim on the phone22:58
ravagedon't see the leaves :D22:58
oerhekshis cheers suggested that main works22:58
tomreynmight be slow from NZ, though22:58
ravagehis link took some time to open here :)22:59
cbreakoerheks: hmm... it asks me to provide an ubuntu1 password... :D23:00
cbreak... without a password manager... ... it was a joke :P23:05

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