
AndroUserHow do i setup jack  on kubuntu properly01:25
oerheks!find jackd201:39
ubottuFound: libjack-jackd2-0, libjack-jackd2-dev, jackd2, jackd2-firewire01:39
oerheksand jack-mixer..01:39
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
ubottuThe JACK Audio Connection Kit is a sound server meant for professional applications, allowing different audio protocols and applications to interconnect in nearly unlimited ways. This is the core of Ubuntu Studio's audio workflow. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK for more information on JACK in general.03:30
valorieoh, they left03:31
ubottuUbuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/03:31
valoriethat does seem to be the simplest route, yeah03:32
Eickmeyer[m]That's what it's designed to be.03:33
valorieI knew that, just was not aware of the bot statement03:41
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, yeah. Not many are aware of ubuntustudio-installer's existence, so that's been an uphill battle with adoption.03:53
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> guys just after i texted this laptop screen gone black and when i restarted laptop it didn't booted well so i reinstalled kubuntu everything is ok till now but every time i start laptop a message shows up before bootng (re @Akshay Jr.: it was asking for python so i installed python 3.10.4 and 2.7.18 both but it says dependency is not satisfiable: python (>= 2.7)06:24
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> what to do now)06:24
arraybolt3[m]@Akshay Jr. What message?06:25
arraybolt3[m](Sorry if this is a silly question, I missed the start.)06:25
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> sorry i am posting a video06:25
arraybolt3[m]No problem06:26
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> hey actually i am beginner to linux really want to learn but this problem sucks and i can't move further one more question is what is the right way to get started with linux (the terminal) because i have made mood to learn it06:33
arraybolt3[m]@Akshay Jr.: The way I started was just using it, and fighting my way through the terminal on an as-needed basis. Get comfy with the OS itself first (the GUI parts), then tackle the terminal.06:34
arraybolt3[m]Once you're ready to tackle the terminal, the commands "man" and "apropos" are your friends. "man <command name>" gets help, "apropos <search term>" finds commands.06:34
arraybolt3[m]Also, when in doubt, Google.06:35
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> ok thanks what about the video please06:35
arraybolt3[m]I never managed to see the video post, sadly. Can you send a link?06:36
arraybolt3[m](You can upload the video to Imgur most likely, then send the link here.)06:37
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d5adb965/file_58262.jpg06:47
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> this message shows up always (re @Akshay Jr.: )06:48
arraybolt3[m]Ah. That's your computer's fault, not Kubuntu's. But in my experience, Kubuntu will just work around it. (I also have a laptop that gives me these "Firmware Bug" warnings, it works with little problems.)06:49
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> ok06:50
deskwizardHi, I was wondering if any of you have tips or know of a good tutorial for setting up a bootable software raid1 ? I'm not getting anywhere with my lack of google-fu apparently10:16
deskwizardI attempted to follow a few, no luck whatsoever10:16
deskwizardIt's more likely a user problem than a software problem, just to be clear :P10:16
arraybolt3[m]deskwizard: You might find more activity in #ubuntu - this is definitely on-topic for this channel, but #ubuntu gets the most action and attention.10:17
arraybolt3[m](Definitely on-topic if you're using Kubuntu that is, but I'm guessing you are.)10:17
deskwizardarraybolt3[m]: Oh, thanks for the tip :)10:17
deskwizardgood guess ;)10:17
deskwizardI made the move to kubuntu for 22.04, let's just say myself and someone on the Mint project have diverging opinions... hehehehe10:19
=== SomeWizard is now known as deskwizard
=== deskwizard is now known as tablewizard
tablewizardaaaand I'm back with you guys ;)12:01
tablewizardtl;dr version, the ubuntu server install has md support built-in, so I went with that, purged ubuntu-server and installed kubuntu-desktop12:02
tablewizardeverything went well, EXCEPT (there's always one is there :P) the ethernet adapter isn't showing up in KDE, I tried adding it manually without any luck, it works fine from a terminal windows so that narrowed down the issue a bit12:03
cbreakyou're running kde on a server? :O or you just started with the server installer for ... reasons?12:04
tablewizardreasons, and for the first part, lazyness mostly :P12:28
tablewizardreasons being the server installer supporting md arrays which the kubuntu installer didn't want to play nice with12:28
tablewizardwhile I'm here ... this is mostly a "what are you people's opinion" on that ... long story short, I have md0 as root, and I'm going to add a second array for data storage, NFS/Samba share for moving stuff around, nothing big...12:32
tablewizardwhare would you mount that array? /media or /mnt?12:32
tablewizardwhere even*12:33
cbreakI use zfs.12:39
cbreakfar superior to the md stuff12:39
cbreakI have different datasets mounted in different places, where ever it makes sense12:40
BluesKajHi all12:52
tablewizardcbreak: mkay :)13:01
tablewizardHi BluesKaj13:01
BluesKajhi tablewizard13:02
alkisgtablewizard: FHS recommends /mnt as a single mount point, without subdirectories, so either /media or elsewhere13:14
tablewizardalkisg: mkay :) thanks! uhm... just so I'm a little less of a noob tonight when I go to bed, what's FHS?13:18
alkisgtablewizard:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard13:39
tablewizardalkisg: thank you :)13:51
=== diogenes_Vx15_ is now known as diogenes_Vx15
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Ubuntu studio iso is corrupted15:07
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> When using usb stick on a secureboot machine with secure boot off, the system is not starting after install15:07
Eickmeyer[m]@Oski146 If that's the case then redownload it. Always verify your download.15:08
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:08
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Its always the same its a bug... I found out hardly , and then i read here the guy will install jack15:08
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> But thats offtopic15:08
Eickmeyer[m]ubuntustudio-installer is for installing Ubuntu Studio's benefits on top of an existing Ubuntu Studio or flavor installation. You don't need to download the Ubuntu Studio iso.15:09
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> 👍15:10
Eickmeyer[m]It works on Kubuntu.15:10
Eickmeyer[m]"sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer"15:10
Eickmeyer[m]So, you misunderstood the whole premise.15:11
Eickmeyer[m]And no, the Ubuntu Studio ISO is not corrupt on the server. SOURCE: I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead.15:11
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Oh ok...15:11
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> But why its not working on secure boot off systems15:11
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> On or off its the same15:11
Eickmeyer[m]I can't answer that question. It depends on your hardware. You may have had a bad write to media or your download is corrupt.15:12
Eickmeyer[m]There's a lot that may have gone wrong.15:12
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Then i had 10 times corrupt iso downloads but i verified all the time15:13
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:13
Eickmeyer[m]I can say with 100% certainty there's nothing wrong with the ISO on the server.15:13
oerheksdisable fastboot, srt ..15:14
oerhekscheck for a bios update..15:14
alkisgOski146 if the installation finishes successfully and the system doesn't boot, it might mean that you actually installed in MBR/BIOS mode instead of UEFI. Can you show us your `sudo gparted -l` partition layout?15:57
IrcsomeBot<Oov> hi16:58
IrcsomeBot<Oov> my system keep getting me the same updates16:59
IrcsomeBot<Oov> i update them every time17:00
alkisgOov, what's the output of this command? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:01
IrcsomeBot<Oov> libegl-mesa0 libegl-mesa0:i386 libgbm1 libgbm1:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libglapi-mesa libglapi-mesa:i386 libglx-mesa017:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov>   libglx-mesa0:i386 libxatracker2 mesa-va-drivers mesa-va-drivers:i386 mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i38617:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov> 16 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Need to get 40.9 MB of archives.17:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov> After this operation, 20.5 kB of additional disk space will be used.17:03
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y17:03
tomreynOov: please use a pastebin-like service next time17:10
IrcsomeBot<Oov> i forgot how17:13
alkisgGo to paste.debian.net and put the output there17:20
IrcsomeBot<Oov> theb17:21
IrcsomeBot<Oov> n17:21
user|73i need to reset the password for the user. we dont have the old password due to the person with it passing away18:43
IrcsomeBot<Abu> How to solve this....how to remove this message (re @Akshay Jr.: this message shows up always)19:36
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:38
tomreynOov: then you post the url here19:48
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Ok (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> Oov: then you post the url here)19:57

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