
tortalim getting https://pastebin.com/raw/9GiQM65i this after each installation now.. wasn't on 20.04. What's the incentive of this post apt install script00:19
tomreyntortal: this is output from package "needrestart". did you maybe install it manually?00:22
tomreynoh you're on 22.04, then it may be installed by default00:23
tomreynor at least i'm guessing you are, based on "wasn't on 20.04".00:23
tortalyeah, wsl2 even00:24
tortalen example of a small package that needs a restart. moreover, that doesn't contain its own prit about that00:25
tortal  00:34
tortalproblem solved :sudo apt remove needrestart00:58
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OrcD3vilon Debian you configure static ip address in /etc/dhcpd.conf file but its not on Ubuntu03:07
Bashing-om!netplan | OrcD3vil03:08
ubottuOrcD3vil: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/03:08
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hpGoodnight everyone. In the beginning of ubuntu when the mouse cursor was placed over a photo you could see the same preview without opening it. With the dconfig editor how can I enable that option.04:36
hpThanks for the help in advance.04:36
lotuspsychjehp: i think you're looking for the value click-action in dconf04:42
lotuspsychjetype the keyword in dconfs search field04:43
hpbut where is the option there in dconfs04:44
lotuspsychjehp: org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock  click-action04:44
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hid3Greetings everyone. Is there any way to add some custom string/variable, taken from /etc/motd file to PS1 prompt? E.g. I'd like to have something like that: user@hostname (myvariable) ~ $07:49
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tomreynhid3: PS1 can be freely set, and can include variable substitution, or contain the output of a command, too08:26
tomreynsee your ~/.bashrc (assuming this is bash)08:27
graingert[m]in launchpad how do I see the patch for the bugfix? eg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/192354108:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1923541 in apport (Ubuntu Hirsute) "/usr/share/apport/general-hooks/ubuntu.py crashed: KeyError: 'CasperMD5json'" [Undecided, Fix Released]08:56
lotuspsychjegraingert[m]: could be the fix still needs come be incoming into updates08:57
graingert[m]you're misunderstanding me08:57
lotuspsychjenot all fixes/patches show on LP either08:57
graingert[m]I just want to see the patch08:58
graingert[m]how do I un-ignore a crash?09:03
graingert[m]I think I accidentally ticked the box to say "ignore this error next time"09:03
tomreyngraingert[m]: possibly in /etc/apport/blacklist.d09:04
* graingert[m] sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/f109c33aaa9732394f5177d36e032cfe025389b809:07
lotuspsychjegraingert[m]: i see your new bug has arrived, bug #198268409:07
ubottuBug 1982684 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug launches chromium instead of my default browser" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198268409:07
graingert[m]basically I reproduced https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1982685 three times then it got worse09:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1982685 in apport (Ubuntu) "automatic bug reporting collects failure information then fails to submit to launchpad" [Undecided, New]09:08
graingert[m]and now apport doesn't even run anymore09:08
graingert[m]lotuspsychje: yeah looks like they fixed that other person's issue and broke my workflow :p09:10
lotuspsychjegraingert[m]: did you try to purge and reinstall apport yet?09:10
graingert[m]that sounds a bit too scary for me09:10
graingert[m]I just want to review the patch that claimed to fix the casper md5 bug09:10
graingert[m]I'm assuming that's causing the issue with the automated report tool09:14
tomreynhttps://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/hirsute/apport/ubuntu/revision/2857 -> download diff09:14
graingert[m]but I can only get the casper md5 keyerror with the manual report tool09:14
graingert[m]yep the patch is bad09:15
graingert[m]should be `report['CasperMD5json'] = ''`09:15
tomreynsince this channel is primarily for user support, maybe consider #ubuntu-devel (but please read its topic)09:16
graingert[m]well my end goal is to get user support for my mu crash :p09:17
tomreynwhat's "mu"?09:17
graingert[m]in 22.04 it's a tool for generating crashes09:18
graingert[m]it's supposed to be a text editor09:18
tomreyn!info mu-editor09:20
ubottumu-editor (1.0.3+dfsg-3, jammy): simple editor for beginner Python programmers. In component universe, is optional. Built by mu-editor. Size 715 kB / 2,555 kB09:20
tomreynso this one, i guess09:20
graingert[m]can you reproduce  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1982685  with it?09:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1982685 in apport (Ubuntu) "automatic bug reporting collects failure information then fails to submit to launchpad" [Undecided, New]09:21
graingert[m]<tomreyn> "since this channel is primarily..." <- which bit of the topic?09:22
tomreynall of it. maybe, specifically, "Devel of Ubuntu (not support)"09:23
graingert[m]ah I thought you meant Nickserv09:26
deskwizardHi, I was wondering if any of you have tips or know of a good tutorial for setting up a bootable software raid1 ? I'm not getting anywhere with my lack of google-fu apparently10:20
deskwizardI tried following a couple tutorials with no luck whatsoever, I will be totally honest, it's very most likely a user problem more than anything else :P10:21
tomreyndeskwizard: are you planning to do a desktop or server installation? which installer have you tried so far?10:22
deskwizardtomreyn: desktop install, Kubuntu, the live installl booted off USB. I tried mdadm, I managed to get the "drives" up and all, but it's as far as it got, it errored out installing grub, and since it's a fatal error, it ended right there.10:24
tomreynis this an uefi booting system?10:25
tomreynwas there an efi system parttition already, or did you create one?10:25
deskwizardtried both10:26
tomreynhow did you (or did you get this far?) install kubuntu after setting up the raid manually with mdadm?10:27
tomreynyou can try the server installer, which supports software raid-1, and later purge ubuntu-server and install kubuntu-desktop10:27
deskwizardlong story short, I booted off the live usb, dropped into try mode, set up the array, started the installer. It got to the end, then that grub fatal error10:28
deskwizardalright, I'll get the download going10:28
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tablewizardShould I start by wiping re-creating the partition table on both drives to clean them up?10:45
tablewizardSorry if I'm asking basic questions this morning, but I've played hard drive tetris for way too long yesterday, this is getting done, I don't care how, but it's going to happen. hehehe10:46
tomreyntablewizard: yes, it's best to wipe the partition tables on both disks first of all. if you will re-create partition tables at identical boundaries again then also wipe on-partition structures before you remove the partititon tables.10:48
tomreynwipefs can do either.10:48
tomreynthis said, you *can* also try this without doing so.10:49
tablewizardtomreyn: thanks for the tip on the server install, it's installing on the array as we speak11:15
tablewizardI'm not sure I'll bother with the DE, to be honest it's more of a lazyness thing than anything else11:16
tablewizardbut let's say I decide to... :P11:16
tablewizardpurge and install the two packages you mentioned basically?11:18
tablewizard(sorry I switched client and don't have the log on the previous one)11:19
tablewizardpurge ubuntu-server and install kubuntu-desktop was it ?11:19
tablewizardI should have asked yesterday and saved a day of messing about, booted. Thank you SO much tomreyn11:23
tablewizardtomreyn: well, I spoke too soon, seems like the ethernet adapter is not showing up in kde itself, works from the command line, tried adding it manually, no luck. I'll jump to the other side see if they have thoughts12:01
cbreaktablewizard: have you set up your /etc/netplan/xxx.yaml to use renderer: NetworkManager ?12:02
cbreakthat's what one would use for a desktop system I think12:03
cbreak(and I'm not sure if it's sufficient)12:03
tablewizardcbreak: my who what now? :P I'll look into that, thanks :)12:03
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tablewizardcbreak: damn you're good ;) thanks !12:16
veggHello, this is probably a bug? https://imgur.com/a/FOqhHoD Can not close Advanced Features window in any way. What did I do? First I pressed Install Now, then confirmation appeared of erasing disc, then I clicked Advanced features... button and after I closed Erasing confirmation. And now I can't continue to install.12:40
veggCancel Ok X doesn't work12:41
cbreakvegg: does it work if you select "zfs"? :D12:42
vegglol no12:42
cbreakand enter / return / escape also don't work?12:42
veggnope, it doesn't want to close, I can select radio boxes/checkboxes stil... well gonna restart installation12:44
BluesKajHi all12:52
=== bloodfart69 is now known as RICKROLLED
arthur-_hello. why is "sudo apt update" giving me this weird error? I did nothing special (I don't think) : https://pastebin.com/knxVVSuV13:48
arthur-_E: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute Release' does not have a Release file.13:49
arthur-_N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.13:49
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:51
arthur-_it's from last year...13:53
arthur-_well ok13:53
ravageuse the LTE versions if you dont want to upgrade often13:53
arthur-_anything I can do to move forward without doing an upgrade *for now* ? I really need to install mysql-server today, and I can't do an upgrade/reboot until the end of the month...13:55
ravageyou can change your sources lists to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com13:57
ravageits is descriobed in the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades process13:58
arthur-_that seems to work, thanks!13:59
ravagegreat. please upgrade asap. or at least dont let that system online14:03
ravageits a security risk14:03
=== ootput88 is now known as ootput8
ravagewith a little research you can use a lot more of course. and many sellers offer laptop without an pre-installed OS (or just some FreeDOS) for a lower price14:22
maggaguys i have ThinkPad E15 GEN 3 20YG006BMX. Im running Ubuntu and trying to connect to a network using ethernet. for some reason I have to write 'ethtool enp2s0' to get it to work? anyone know what it might be?14:55
maggai found that out after a long hour of trying differnet things. i dont even know what ethtool enp2s0 does14:55
maggaWould like it to work automatically without manually typing that command15:05
ravagethat command alone should not do anything15:12
maggathats what i thought :O but it does enable my ethernet.15:13
maggabefore writing that command it says Cable Unplugged in Network, and the slider is disabled15:14
ravagewhich version of Ubuntu? desktop installation?15:14
ravageyou can also follow "journalctl -f" while you enter that command15:15
maggaOS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_6415:18
maggaKernel: 5.15.0-41-generic15:18
ravage"lspci|grep Ethernet" can also be helpful15:19
maggayeah thats one of the commands i tried earlier15:19
magga02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10)15:19
ravagei have the exact same hardware in my local device here15:20
maggawhen i write "sudo ip link" it says down mode15:21
maggawhat does your say?15:21
maggamaybe i need to set it up? :o15:21
ravagemy link is up or i could not write to you :)15:22
ravageit should come up automatically when the cable is connected15:22
oerhekstry another cable..15:22
ravagethat could be worth a try15:22
ravagei think that driver in general is very common and should not have any major bugs15:23
maggaoerheks: haha i have no problem connecting, but i have to manually write "ethtool enp2s0" to get it working :S15:23
maggai dont even know what it does15:23
ravagetry it anyway15:23
maggaif i unplug and then plug it back again, i have to still manually type the above command ^15:23
maggathe cable and everything is fine15:24
maggaits just that i have to manually type "ethtool enp2s0" once plugged in. theres no other way to enable the ethernet connection ;S15:24
ravagedid you try another cable or not?15:24
maggai have tried several other cables :D15:25
maggatheres nothing wrong with the cables15:25
maggathey work excellent15:25
ravageok and what does your system log say when you enter that command?15:25
maggabut only way i can "enable" the connection is by writing that command : "ethtool enp2s0"15:25
maggai'll check, hold on15:26
ravagealso send the output of "lsmod | grep r816"15:26
maggabrb testing15:27
maggalillemagga:~$ lsmod | grep r81615:30
maggar8169                  98304  015:30
ravagedoes "dpkg -l|grep r8168" show any output?15:31
maggathe syslog doesnt say anything new. im viewing it from the UI Logger15:31
ravageuse "journalctl -f" in a terminal15:31
maggaim connected to the cable now15:32
maggayou want me to disconnect, and then write that before i write my ethtool command15:32
ravageif that does not show anything you can try "sudo apt install r8168-dkms"15:34
ravageafter that you have to reboot15:34
ravagein case that makes it worse you can remove it with "apt remove --purge r8168-dkms"15:34
maggajuli 24 17:34:27 lillemagga NetworkManager[1217]: <info>  [1658676867.4630] device (enp2s0): Activation: successful, device activated.15:35
ravagethat is really strange15:36
ravagetry the dkms module15:36
maggamy mind is bloooown. what is that dkms thingie? a new driver?15:36
ravagean alternative to the one in the kernel15:37
maggaravage: thanks it worked now15:49
maggaafter the install15:49
maggawhat does it actually do ?15:50
ravageit just uses a different version of the driver15:50
ravageprobably one that fixes a problem with your hardware15:51
maggaoh ok15:51
maggaits automatic now15:51
magganot that it was a big problem15:51
maggabut strange that i had to write ethtool "name of ethernet"15:51
magganame of device15:52
maggafor it to connect15:52
maggaravage: how did you find out that it would work with that install15:52
maggaim impressed=)15:52
sonicwindaccording to the man page, all that ethtool command does is print the current settings... so that is strange15:53
maggayeah ;O15:53
maggaim guessing i will never found out why that problem occured :d15:54
maggawhats the easiest way to check what driver my ethernet has btw?15:54
maggasonicwind: yeah and the weirdest part was that earlier when i was trying to get it to work i was just looking to write "ethtool <devicename>" to see its current settings. i was shocked when i suddenly saw in the top right corner that Wired was connected15:56
amazoniantoadI'm trying to install ubuntu on a ROG asus motherboard with a RAID 0 configuration. I am able to see the raid volume on install and even install to it. However, when I boot it just goes straight to the BIOS and no changes I make seem to have any impact16:09
amazoniantoadI've tried setting things to AHCI, disabling safe boot, secure boot, etc.16:09
amazoniantoadCan anyone help me get ubuntu running?16:10
tomreynamazoniantoad: bios all upgraded? if that's not it, not using fake raid or secureboot should help there.16:14
amazoniantoadtomreyn: what do you mean fake raid? Secure boot is disabled16:14
tomreyni'm suggesting not to use the (exclusively) firmware-assisted RAID and instead use software RAID, as is available from ubuntu server installer.16:17
amazoniantoadtomreyn: this is a RAID from the motherboard16:17
amazoniantoadI see16:17
amazoniantoadi'll try that then16:17
tomreynif this will be a desktop system in the end, you'll want to purge ubuntu-server and install ubuntu-desktop (or the ubuntu !flavor that you wanted) afterwards16:18
tomreynalso install network-manager, if it doesn't happen automatically16:19
tomreynamazoniantoad: you'd also want to purge cloud-init then16:21
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beuysWhen I do "mount", I see tons of lines like this: /var/lib/snapd/snaps/snapd_16010.snap on /snap/snapd/16010 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,x-gdu.hide)17:48
beuysWhat is that? I don't think I have any "snaps" running.17:48
amaroqubuntu is installing but there seems to be issues. It's not running smoothly and some crash message appeared which I sent to Canonical.17:48
amaroqI suspect its something to do with the hard drive or bios but don't know how to diagnose17:49
amaroqAlready installed Budge twice and now Ubuntu....any suggestions, please, anyone?17:53
gordonjcpamaroq: what exactly was the "crash issue"?17:53
amaroq@gordonjcp, system seemed to slow down and graphics got quirky. For e.g. dock in Budgie would be in the middle of the screen (not at the bottom) In Ubuntu itself when I resized terminal it was glitching. I took photos of the output before sending but it is very very long...I took it with my phone camera so, it would take a long time to write out in a text file but its possible17:59
amaroqI went into BIOS where I was playing with it in order to get it to read the usb. This is a Dell latitude E7470 btw. There were different options that made boot options appear and disappear. I might have messed something up. I just went back in and tried resetting it to the last time it was "good"18:01
toddcamaroq: I did a ubuntu install on a E7470 last week I had to upgrade the bios to get a stable boot option18:37
toddcamaroq: it did seem a bit slow for the first day then worked well after that but I did not look into it (I assume downloading snaps in the background)18:38
amaroq@toddc, aha! what a coincidence...so, you relate to the instabilityy issues. How does one upgrade the bios?18:38
toddcamaroq: I still had windows but you can install with bios on a usb or several other tools freedos or here is a dell guide https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000131486/update-the-dell-bios-in-a-linux-or-ubuntu-environment18:41
amaroq@toddc, thank you...I'll see whether I can follow that through.18:44
amaroq@toddy, do you think I'll need to reinstall Ubuntu or will updating bios fix it?19:04
c_89Hi, I have write this simple script for conky but when I run the python script in the terminal the output is prettyprint, while when I run the script in the conky is displayed not prettyprint. https://pastebin.com/raw/NcCGaR3J   https://pastebin.com/raw/nwGmLP1019:10
jhutchins!info conky19:32
ubottuconky (1.12.2-1, jammy): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Built by conky. Size 4 kB / 28 kB19:32
oerheks2348 pages with conky, longest tread on the forum19:34
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ynotdoes anyone know a spiffy tutorial to calibrate the pdp wired controller for xbox one in ubuntu?21:50
ynotbtw, ubuntu studio is spectacular on the thinkcenter m90-n21:56
jhutchinsI thought one of the points of a NUC/Mini was that they were supposed to be cheap.21:59
jhutchinsI can get a functional reliable office desktop for ~$200.21:59
ynotas a musician.. I have to watch my equipment footprint.22:00
ynoti have more than one computer but the tc steals the show with ubuntu.. reaper etc..22:01
ynoti have a 7 inch touch screen on its way for it.. so I can place it on the rack for vst hosting22:01
ynot(but my mentor said it was good for creativity to do some gaming)22:01
ynotsteam works great, just calibrating is a turkish death march22:02
tomreynynot: please note this is a support, not a story telling channel. we have #ubuntu-offtopic also.22:02
ynotok. so, no tutorial?22:02
ravageynot, try jstest-gtk22:04
ynotill try that.22:05
ynotgot it running thanks so much22:18

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