=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc | ||
Sunny | Hi | 13:16 |
=== diogenes_Vx15_ is now known as diogenes_Vx15 | ||
linux_n | Critical battery power level is 20% if i put it higher than 20% percent it goes to 10% anyway to get higher than 20% percent? | 21:04 |
tomreyn | linux_n: are you saying that your battery level is not detected properly? consider a bios update. | 21:08 |
linux_n | no is detecting battery level i just want to choose higher than 20 percent but 20 percent is the highest you can choose. | 21:10 |
tomreyn | choose where? | 21:12 |
tomreyn | in the graphical "settings" application? if so, i'm afraid i don't know how to help there. | 21:13 |
linux_n | in the terminal is there anything that could be done to choose a number bigger than 20 percent? | 21:15 |
tomreyn | i assume this is about when xubuntu thinks that your battery has decharged so much that it has reached a critical charge, and that it should then shutdown automatically? | 21:18 |
tomreyn | this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/501352/in-xfce4-how-to-set-the-critical-value-on-the-battery-level | 21:18 |
tomreyn | why would you want something higher than 20 though? | 21:19 |
tomreyn | if your battery is really old and the computer powers off instantly before it discharges to 20%, then you should rather have the battery recalibrated, or replaced. | 21:21 |
tomreyn | on some laptops, battery recalibration is available from the bios / system management user interface | 21:22 |
linux_n | because battery shuts-down around 31 percent. | 21:22 |
linux_n | oh ok thanks. | 21:23 |
tomreyn | you're welcome | 21:24 |
xu-help25w | does anyone have a verified checksum for the 22.04 iso? | 23:25 |
xu-help25w | is anyone on? | 23:26 |
xu-help25w | I guess either I can't see the chat or no one is actually on. | 23:29 |
Bashing-om | xu-help25w: Perhaps no one has had the need to re-check what the checksum is ? | 23:30 |
xu-help25w | Bashing-om: Ok so I guess that is a no then... | 23:31 |
xu-help25w | Bashing-om: Thanks | 23:31 |
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