[02:38] [telegram] after jammy upgrade, got this when suspending : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/a9aa5360/file_5652.jpg [02:41] are you using LXQt 1.1 @ciKRos or just default LXQt ? [02:41] Are you still on LXDE? [02:41] @ciKRos: ^ [02:41] guiverc: That window looks like it's out of LXDE. [02:42] I think they may have updated from 18.04 up to a newer release which I'm pretty sure doesn't work. [02:42] * guiverc knows it looks like LXDE but it's openbox & themes chosen I think.. I've seen that message I think which is why I asked [02:42] Ah. Sorry. [07:16] @ciKRos: It turns out this error is a bug. Me and guiverc just worked together to reproduce it and get a bug report filed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! (It only occurs if the "Lock Screen After" box is checked in XScreenSaver.) [19:52] [telegram] not sure about this, but it was upgraded from 21.10 to 22.04 : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/fa110a29/file_5659.jpg [20:14] I don't see anything wrong in particular. [20:14] Is your system misbehaving (other than the bug with the screensaver warning)? [20:19] [telegram] after wakeup from sleeping/suspend, the screen brightness becomes too dark..., but i found the workaround using brightness feature on the menu [21:20] [telegram] how to upgrade to version 1.1 since here is still on 0.17 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) are you using LXQt 1.1 @ciKRos or just default LXQt ?) [21:32] @ciKRos: Add the Lubuntu Backports PPA and then do a full upgrade. https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/backports [21:33] (The full upgrade command is "sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade". This gets all your packages up-to-date. It does not upgrade to a new release of Lubuntu, it just updates all your packages, which will pull in LXQt 1.1.0 when Lubuntu Backports is enabled.)