
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
slyonbdmurray: Did I see correctly that you're working on those proxy issues on bos01 ("Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden")? I see the s390x autopkgtests for pandas vs lxml and xml2rfc vs lxml (and probably many more) failing for this same reason. FYI: I found an old bug report about it, added some infos to it and tagged it 'update-excuse'.12:48
loolIs there a rmadison equivalent to query source packages in a PPA?12:50
lool(without the PPA in sources.list)12:51
slyonbug #175898912:52
ubottuBug 1758989 in xml2rfc (Ubuntu) "rt 110013: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175898912:52
slyonseb128: May I ask for your comment on bug #1982461 ?13:46
ubottuBug 1982461 in libgraphics-colornames-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgraphics-colornames-perl" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198246113:46
seb128slyon, yes, I've done so now13:51
slyonthank you very much!13:52
slyonI can take care of the removal then13:53
bdmurrayslyon: the proxy issues in bos01 should be resolved now and I saw some previous failures now passing14:15
bdmurrayThese https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/python-virtualenv/kinetic/s390x14:16
slyonIndeed, I can confirm that xml2rfc vs lxml passed (I retriggered that one after I read the email from IS that the issue should be resolved)14:17
bdmurrayI'll go through and look for other 403 errors and retest them14:18
bdmurraybluca: As noted above the proxy issues have been sorted14:26
blucanice, thanks14:28
tobhehey! I found that the arduino IDE crashes on start and traced the bug to Ubuntu defaulting to -Wl,--as-needed combined with a wrong linker argument order in listserialportsc. The bug report + my proposed fix is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arduino/+bug/1916278. Could anyone please help me get this in/sponsor?14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916278 in listserialportsc (Ubuntu) "Arduino fails to start: undefined symbol: sp_get_port_usb_vid_pid" [Undecided, Confirmed]14:44
bdmurraytobhe: This doesn't look Ubuntu specific - do you know if it is?15:02
tobheit kind of is since i think debian doesn't do -Wl,--as-needed by default so theirs works15:06
Eickmeyer[m]vorlon: Response from the digikam devs: It should detect ffmped5 during configure and automatically disable the video modules. (lul)15:14
tobhebdmurray: It looks like the Makefile was added by the debian packager15:18
Eickmeyer[m]Ah, looks like we're overriding that.15:18
bdmurraytobhe: Ideally, and if possible, this change would land in the debian package so that we can continue to autosync it.15:20
tobheack, i will open a bug with the debian package15:21
tobheDo you think it would still make sense to fix it in ubuntu first? IMO it would be nice if all the arduino tutorials out there didn't lead to a crashing IDE15:23
bdmurraytobhe: Yes, but I'd give upstream a wee bit of time to update the package. Having said that it does seems to have affected quite a few people so getting it fixed in Jammy would be good too.15:29
bdmurraywhere a wee bit is a week or so15:37
tobheawesome, thanks for the help! I was also hoping to get it into jammy but was waiting for feedback on kinetic first.15:40
bdmurrayAlright who submitted impish tests to autopkgtest?17:02
Eickmeyer[m]That sounds like a really bad practical joke.17:05
bdmurraysil2100: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/4574 this seems to be a culprit17:06
Eickmeyer[m]vorlon: I got a successful build of digikam on kinetic by removing "DENABLE_MEDIAPLAYER=ON" from d/rules. Would you like me to upload?17:39
Eickmeyer[m]The only issue is the video player is crippled.17:40

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