
oski146just doing his thoughts00:00
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, ok. Well, then that's very tricky and much more difficult. Ubuntu Studio uses the KDE Plasma desktop now, not Xfce like Xubuntu, so I hope he knows that.00:00
Eickmeyer[m]Hasn't used Xfce for nearly 2 years.00:00
oski146i know how to do the dualboot but i dk how to format  to gpt00:00
Eickmeyer[m]Which live ISO are you using first? Xubuntu or Ubuntu Studio?00:01
oski146ubuntu studio00:02
oski146can i use gparted?00:02
oski146from livesystem?00:02
Eickmeyer[m]Ok, then when you boot it, open Partition Manager. Create a Partition Table, select GPT.00:02
Eickmeyer[m]We don't have GPT on the live system.00:02
oski146ok thanks00:02
Eickmeyer[m]er... Gparted.00:02
Eickmeyer[m]We have KDE Partition Manager.00:02
oski146ok that will do the same00:03
Eickmeyer[m]Yes. It's very robust.00:03
oski146i like both00:03
oski146thanks for helping00:03
oski146since when is ubuntu  studio kde?00:04
Eickmeyer[m]Since version 20.10400:06
Eickmeyer[m]er... 20.1000:06
oski146ok didnt know that 00:06
Eickmeyer[m]It's all over the website, was announced on Twitter, Facebook, picked up on the news, etc.00:06
oski146idont use facebook. but twitter i wui00:06
oski146willl read the  announcements00:07
oski146i wanted to ask if someone can help me to fnd out, if my soundcard is detected so i can us it01:37
Eickmeyer[m]!morehelp | oski146 04:07
ubottuoski146: #ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.04:07
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
oski146hello can someone help me? i want to login automatic and i need to know if i can add a dock to ubuntu studio13:57
oski146and i want to know why the release upgrader core got an update... is there anything coming?14:04
Eickmeyer[m]oski146: I've seen you in the Kubuntu support. Ubuntu Studio uses the exact same KDE Plasma packages as Kubuntu, so yes, you can do whatever you want. As for the release upgrader, we have no control over that.14:31
Eickmeyer[m]Ubuntu Studio (and Kubuntu) are just different configurations of Ubuntu and are Ubuntu, not separate distributions.14:32
oerheksnext week point release, 22.04.114:32
Eickmeyer[m]And, just so you know, this channel contains a lot fewer people that will answer you, so14:32
ubottu#ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.14:32
Eickmeyer[m]We simply cannot guide you through everything and every scenario in here.14:33
Eickmeyer[m]oerheks: Thanks14:36
* Eickmeyer[m] needs more coffee14:36
oerheksyw, it is the only conclusion to make about that update.14:36
oski146hello is there someone that can give me advice how to install german translation for rakarrack17:58
tsenkoIamthehuman1: nothing's happening 18:29
Eickmeyertsenko: Do you have a support question?19:47
tsenkosorry .. wrong buffer19:49
Eickmeyerok :)19:50
Eickmeyer[m]Hi oski146 ! I'm here, but I'm working my dayjob.19:56
Eickmeyer[m]oski146: Just doing some searching, looking at a 12-year-old forum post, I'm not sure rackarrack has locallization support at all. There's a feature request still opened to this day: https://sourceforge.net/p/rakarrack/feature-requests/4/?css-reload=120:06
ubottusourceforge.net/p/rakarrack/feature-requests 4 in Interface Improvements (example) "Localization" [Pri: 5, Open]20:06
oski146thanks ill look into it20:06
oski146but 12 year old  is a long time20:07
Eickmeyer[m]No problem. They might have a chat somewhere.20:07
oski146i will search for it20:07
oski146what is freenode irc?20:08
Eickmeyer[m]To be fair, the project hasn't had a release since 2015, so it might be dead.20:08
Eickmeyer[m]Freenode, for all intents and purposes, is dead too.20:08
oski146ok then iam all alone with this iam using it in english then20:09
Eickmeyer[m]You might be better off using guitarix instead.20:09
oski146yeah i wanted to..20:09
Eickmeyer[m]The guys in #opensourcemusicians (many of whom use Ubuntu Studio) might have a ton of suggestions as well.20:10
oski146but jack connection to my guitar and headphones over my audio interface not possible because there are 16 outputs in total and just 2 inputs20:10
Eickmeyer[m]Oh wow.20:11
oski146yeah idk what to use bcause of same name20:11
Eickmeyer[m]I'd recommend a Behringer UMC202.20:11
oski146i have a behringer ucg102 20:11
Eickmeyer[m]Actually, how many inputs do you need?20:11
oski146the interface has just 1 guitar input and a headphones output20:12
oski146its just for  home recordingso i  dont need a expensive  one20:12
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, so the ucg102 might actually be what you need.20:12
oski146i have :)20:12
Eickmeyer[m]Perfect. It should work. I've never had a problem with Behringer equipment on my systems.20:13
oski146the interface is  functioning20:13
Eickmeyer[m]I have a UMC202, a UMC404HD, and an X-Touch controller. All work flawlessly.20:13
oski146but dont know how to connect  to jack because off the mass of outpiuts20:13
oski146@eickmeyer nice  :)20:14
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, that's easy. Open up Studio Controls, and you should see everything there you need to get Jack running.20:14
oski146ok ill do20:14
Eickmeyer[m]Once that's running, click "Open Carla" and it'll open the Carla application, which is like a plugin rack and patchbay. Go to the patchbay tab and you'll see your inputs and outputs.20:15
oski146one moment please20:17
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, take your time.20:17
oski146carla opended20:19
oski146theres nothing on patchbay tab20:20
Eickmeyer[m]In the lower left, does it look like there's a square and some things in it?20:20
Eickmeyer[m]You might have to move that square over some stuff.20:21
oski146a square in a square20:21
Eickmeyer[m]If it's completely empty, then Jack isn't running.20:21
oski146now i see something20:22
oski146but just in the small square20:22
oski146ah iam dumb20:23
Eickmeyer[m]Let me show you my window.20:23
oski146i have forgot to move to patchbay tab now i see something20:23
* Eickmeyer[m] uploaded an image: (328KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/WrEHvitDVhWrialOmLWkAgVh/image.png >20:23
Eickmeyer[m]You can drag a line from an output to an input.20:23
oski146ok that easy i think :)20:24
oski146but idk if iam using capture 1 or 220:24
Eickmeyer[m]Just trial/error until you figure it out.20:24
oski146and i have 8 playback channels20:24
oski146ook ill do20:24
Eickmeyer[m]AND, you can output to multiple at once.20:25
oski146ok .. and how to test then?20:25
oski146cant use the keyboard on the lower20:25
Eickmeyer[m]Do you have anything connected to your physical input?20:25
oski146my guitar20:26
Eickmeyer[m]Then that's how you'll test.20:26
oski146ok thanks20:26
Eickmeyer[m]Glad to help. :)20:27
oski146is midi in and out used?20:27
Eickmeyer[m]Not unless you have a midi controller or instrument to use.20:27
oski146ok then i must use midi i think for the guitar20:28
Eickmeyer[m]Likely not. 20:29
oski146i connected all but no sound at all20:29
Eickmeyer[m]Guitar is not a digital instrument. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and is used for stuff like keyboards that use that kind of interface.20:29
oski146ah ok20:29
Eickmeyer[m]Open up qasmixer and make sure your inputs and outputs on the mixer are all up and unmuted.20:30
Eickmeyer[m]Also check for any hardware volume controls or gains on the interface and make sure they're up.20:31
oski146all checked20:32
Eickmeyer[m]Hmmm... yeah, this is tricky without actually being there and seeing what you're seeing.20:32
Eickmeyer[m]And I have my dayjob calling me back.20:32
oski146ok bad... i will see in alsa mixer if somethingsm uted20:33
Eickmeyer[m]That's most likely it. Check everything under the hw section.20:35
oski146how to send picture here20:45
oski146_now iam online again20:46
Eickmeyer[m]oski146_: To send a picture, you can upload to imgur.com and link it here.20:49
Eickmeyer[m]Ok, so pulse is simply your desktop audio, so there's no wonder you're not getting your guitar. Try the other one.20:51
oski146_ok i will try20:51
oski146_when i connect the others with system output i get  asound like SHHHHHHHHH20:54
oski146_really lod my ears20:54
oski146_and guitar done nothing20:54
Eickmeyer[m]Something might be turned-up too high and feeding back.20:54
Eickmeyer[m]That might be a microphone and not your guitar.20:54
oski146_can i reset carla20:55
oski146_oh okay20:55
Eickmeyer[m]Well, that won't do anything. Just right-click on the outputs and disconnect everything.20:55
Eickmeyer[m]ONly connect system capture to system playback and see what happens.20:56
oski146_when i do this i only hea the guitar on the left output of headphones but i think thats becuse guitar input is mono20:57
Eickmeyer[m]Then connect capture_12 to both Playback_1 and Playback_2.20:58
Eickmeyer[m]sorry, capture 1 and 220:58
Eickmeyer[m]sorry, forget what I wrote.20:58
oski146_i did20:58
Eickmeyer[m]Connect capture 1 to both playback 1 and 2.20:58
oski146_hearing on the left headphone only20:58
Eickmeyer[m](Jack can convert a mono signal to stereo that way)20:59
Eickmeyer[m]By connecting 1 input to 2 outputs with two virtual wires.21:00
Eickmeyer[m]Just drag a second wire.21:00
oski146_yeah its happening. but the pulse things now deleted and i dont rememeber21:00
Eickmeyer[m]You right-clicked and clicked disconnect probably.21:01
oski146_yes all of them21:01
Eickmeyer[m]The inputs and outputs are still there.21:01
Eickmeyer[m]You can still drag the virtual wires to your outputs.21:01
oski146_ok system to pulse in and then to pulse out?21:02
oski146_or to my soundcard then?21:03
Eickmeyer[m]PulseOut to your soundcard if you want system audio.21:03
* Eickmeyer[m] uploaded a video: (150KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OZmYyVEWGXBscSioPpYzpQeX/Screencast%20from%2007-26-2022%2002%3A02%3A46%20PM.webm >21:03
Eickmeyer[m](that's a demonstration)21:04
oski146_ok now i got it21:04
oski146_i send pic here21:05
Eickmeyer[m]You probably don't want to connect pulse in directly to pulse out. That can cause feedback and echo when using video conferencing like google meet, skype, etc.21:07
Eickmeyer[m]Other than that, that looks good.21:08
oski146_ok then what to do? connect pulse in directly to intel out21:08
Eickmeyer[m]And you'll get the hang of it from there. Experiement, and you'll figure out what is what. System is always your jack master device in Studio Controls.21:08
Eickmeyer[m]You've already got pulse_out connected to Intel Out.21:08
oski146_ok nice :) i slightly got it how it works21:08
oski146_@eickmeyer[m] ok21:09
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah. This was just to get you started. As you keep going and you have fun, the possibilities get endless.21:09
Eickmeyer[m]Don't be afraid of experimenting.21:09
oski146_thanks :)21:09
Eickmeyer[m]And feel free to go to #opensourcemusicians to discuss things, they're very friendly.21:09
oski146_thank you ill go thee21:10
Eickmeyer[m]Glad to help, and glad to get you started.21:10
oski146_in ardour channel they say not to use jack21:11
oski146_no  external prgrams21:11
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, that's true, if you're only needing to use ardour. I use Ardour and its downstream Harrison Mixbus in live environments, so I need Jack to connect to pulse audio for music playback via spotify and what-not.21:12
oski146_i just set this pc up for a friend, that he can use it. because hes not that pc firedly as me21:13
oski146_pc friendly21:13
Eickmeyer[m]Well, now you can teach him. :)21:13
oski146_yeah i will do :)21:13
oski146_thanks anyways :)21:13
Eickmeyer[m]Quite welcome. :)21:14
oski146_when hes connecting a mic i now know what to do21:17
oski146_last question to this topic is how to save configuration of carla21:22
oski146_it all away when i restart jack and carla21:22
Eickmeyer[m]oski146: You don't have to save Carla's configuration, but a good session manager is agordejo, and another one is raysession, available in the repositories.21:45
Eickmeyer[m]Another tip, you might want to enable the backports ppa.21:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA contains newer versions of select software that is included with Ubuntu Studio. For more info, such as how to add this PPA to your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA and !ubuntustudio-installer. See also !ubuntustudio-controls21:45
oski146ok :)21:46
Eickmeyer[m]You're quite welcome.21:46
oski146on the link there are just 20.10 maximum supported for backports21:48
oski146i will try anywys :)21:49
Eickmeyer[m]oski146: That's because I haven't updated that wiki in forever.21:50
oski146and i will try ubuntu studio installer on my notebook,that i can jam too.. just typing in terminal sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer right?21:52
oski146its only kubuntu on there21:53
Eickmeyer[m]Yep, and then run it. It'll install an icon called Ubuntu Studio Installer somewhere in your launcher.21:53
Eickmeyer[m]It'll give you a selection of what to install from Ubuntu Studio, and you can go from there.21:54
oski146should i install realtime21:54
oski146on notebook i dont use jack21:55
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, enable realtime.21:59
Eickmeyer[m]cant hurt21:59
oski146ok now the ubuntu studio installer installed jack but nothing more22:00
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, did you run it?22:00
oski146ok wait22:00
Eickmeyer[m]It should've given you a window.22:00
Eickmeyer[m]You can select the components in the pane on the left of the window.22:01
oski146should i install lowlatency? and enable backports ppa?22:02
Eickmeyer[m]I'd enable backports, but lowlatency is up to you if you plan on doing anything with audio or audio hardware.22:02
oski146ok 22:03
oski146and kernel change is holding shift on bootup22:05
oski146the installer crashed now 2 times with message "authorization failed"22:08
Eickmeyer[m]That happens if you forget to enter the password in the window that pops up (maybe behind).22:22
oski146oh but all got installed22:33
oski146so all what i need is installed, can you giveme advice on how to get the plasma design and global design forstudi?22:34
oski146looks better than normal kubuntu22:34
Eickmeyer[m]Well, that's the funny part. We're just using KDE's breeze (same as Kubuntu) with a modified color scheme, plus the Papirus icon theme.22:41
Eickmeyer[m]You can install ubuntustudio-look if you want those.22:41
oski146ok thanks22:43
oski146hehe thought it would be another  :D22:45
oski146it seems like not installed. cant find it in global designs22:47
oski146ah found it thanks22:49

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