[01:58] I see there is a scroll bar at the bottom so that isn't the end of the world but not ideal either. [02:48] kc2bez[m], thanks & well spotted; alas I didn't notice that & thus I've done another with tablets replicated at the bottom for PROPOSED/calamares... second attempt now published [02:48] Is Calamares in -proposed for Jammy already? [02:49] nope, I've seen it arraybolt3[m] but I'd like testint checklist to be 'ready' in case it's whilst I'm asleep etc... we've not long left before 22.04.1 is released [02:50] s/i've seen/i've NOT seen/ ^ [02:50] Makes good sense. [02:50] * guiverc swears at self; how can I omit the NOT; it's rather critical there... don't get old esp. if you've suffered brain injury [02:51] We all are going to get old. It's OK. The most wonderful people I've known in life are old. [02:52] :) & getting old is better than the alterantive.. [02:52] Exactly. If you don't get old... something's gone seriously awry. [02:53] (I know I'm going to get old eventually, and I look forward to it.) [02:54] Simon Quigley (Developer): How'd things go with the calamares-settings-ubuntu SRU for the LibreOffice localization bug? [02:54] Rough day. Not there yet. [02:54] np [05:31] [telegram] Looks good @guiverc (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) kc2bez[m], thanks & well spotted; alas I didn't notice that & thus I've done another with tablets replicated at the bottom for PROPOSED/calamares... second attempt now published) [05:46] :)