
davefCan somebody tell me how to completely disable wpa_supplicant from starting on a Raspberry Pi? I've disabled both wpa_supplicant and bluetooth services, but each time it boots, it still starts up.14:41
zxmpisome mention of it and difficulty in killing the bugger here https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=21257414:56
davefah, it's in if-up.d15:02
davefhuh, so unlinking them didn't work15:04
davefit still starts :/15:05
davef$ systemctl status wpa_supplicant.service15:06
davef● wpa_supplicant.service15:06
davef     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit wpa_supplicant.service is masked.)15:06
davef     Active: inactive (dead)15:06
davef$ ps aux | grep wpa15:06
davefroot         521  0.0  0.0  13852  2408 ?        Ss   11:05   0:00 wpa_supplicant -B -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan015:06
davefI suspect it's being fired up by dhcpcd. It's even weird that I have to configure a static IP in dhcpcd instead of /etc/network/interfaces15:08
davefWhile I appreciate that Raspberry Pi OS is great for beginners, when it comes to removing services from running when they're not needed, it's annoying.15:12
waveformdavef, oh this is raspios? Was about to say, running systemctl disable wpa_supplicant seems to work on the ubuntu server image for pi15:14
davefyeah, it's raspios15:15

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