
harrec[m]I'm having a couple weird issues. My touchpad click stops working randomly. Cursor and scroll continue to work, it's only click that stops. I thought maybe it was tied to suspension or screen lock but no, that doesn't seem to be the case. modprobe -r psmouse | modprobe psmouse don't fix the issue either.20:54
harrec[m]And now, ctrl-alt-t isn't opening terminal, thought it was before I restarted, to get my mouseclick working again20:54
harrec[m]Opening Shortcuts and messing around with the settings (but not ultimately changing anything) seems to have fixed opening Terminal. I noticed shortcuts to disable touchpad also, I made sure those were disabled altogether just in case that was my issue.20:57
harrec[m]I do notice when my click stops working, it seems to be stuck in mouse-click-down mode on whatever screen I'm in. If I'm in a browser, moving the cursor around, moves the text selection/highlight around as if I'm holding click down.20:59
arraybolt3[m]That's odd - I've had similar problems on Windows that usually required that I reboot it or fiddle around with it to make it work again - I think it's a hardware issue if you're experiencing it on Linux too.21:08
arraybolt3[m]harrec: ^21:09
harrec[m]Well, I've used Win10 on this laptop for about a year now with no issues. And well, I've been on UbuntuStudio for a couple weeks without issues. It just popped up yesterday and persists into today. I also had a lot of updates yesterday that wouldn't auto-upgrade. I had to upgrade each of them manually with apt install.21:21
arraybolt3[m]harrec: For the upgrade problem, you might just need to do "sudo apt full-upgrade" rather than just "sudo apt upgrade".21:22
Eickmeyer[m]There's also quite a bit of KDE Plasma glitches and bugfixes that might get resolved by adding the Kubuntu Backports repository via "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports".21:24
Eickmeyer[m]Some of which might be keyboard shortcuts.21:25
harrec[m]343 upgrades available! woowee21:27
harrec[m]Thanks I'll give this a shot21:27
arraybolt3[m]harrec: BACK UP IMPORTANT DATA21:27
arraybolt3[m](I've had that PPA backfire a couple of times - it may have just been something weird on my end, but I'd keep a backup juuust in case. :P)21:27
harrec[m]Yeah I've still got my backup from when I migrated from Windows, nothing new since then21:28
harrec[m]Thanks for the heads up21:28
harrec[m]I don't remember if I tried full-upgrade or not, I think someone on askubuntu had recommended against that in case there were conflicting depends?21:28
arraybolt3[m]I've had zero problems with full-upgrades - I only ever use full upgrades since a usual upgrade can leave a lot of packages un-updated.21:29
Eickmeyer[m]Seems like a silly thing to recommend against in my opinion.21:29
Eickmeyer[m]The package management system is pretty smart about not removing things you need.21:29
arraybolt3[m](I think there's something that can go wrong in certain server setups with a full-upgrade and you'd just use upgrade in those scenarios or something like that, but I've never hit a problem, and if it's about to blow up, it will tell you before nuking everything and you'll have a chance to back out.)21:30
harrec[m]Well, somewhere in the middle of that upgrade it happened again21:46
harrec[m]Anything I can do to troubleshoot it while it's happening?21:46
Eickmeyer[m]What was the error?21:53
harrec[m]The click not working21:53
harrec[m]I have cursor movement but no click21:53
Eickmeyer[m]Sounds like a hardware issue.21:54
harrec[m]It acts like it's stuck "clicked"21:54
harrec[m]It was fine for the past year before installing Ubuntustudio21:54
harrec[m]Well but to be fair, it worked fine for the previous week too, so I can't rule out hardware21:55
harrec[m]i just grabbed my little wireless mouse out of my travel bag21:55
harrec[m]...it was on21:55
Eickmeyer[m]That would do it.21:56
harrec[m]lol, oh man.21:56
Eickmeyer[m]And, to be honest, I've had that happen to me. It's like, "WTH is going on?????" and then I realize my mouse connected and nothing is working.21:56
Eickmeyer[m]So, my assessment was right. Hardware issue. I'll stop short of saying user error.21:57
harrec[m]:) haha well thanks as always21:58
Eickmeyer[m]Hehe, no problem.21:59

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