[14:59] \o [14:59] o/ [14:59] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:01] #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team [15:01] Meeting started at 15:01:17 UTC. The chair is jawn-smith. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:01] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [15:01] #topic Lightning Round [15:01] The status is here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-28-july-2022/29761/2 [15:01] Let's take our usual few minutes to read and ask questions [15:02] o/ [15:04] I still didn't manage to put my status yet, but uh [15:04] I'll do that later I promise [15:04] me too! [15:04] ;-) [15:05] slyon: regarding --blocked-by-tests - do you think it is good to merge? I understand there are issue with '--blocked-by' [15:06] bdmurray: Yes I think it's good to merge [15:06] I'd ask everybody for an opinion but don't want to bikeshed the argument name [15:07] and PSA - the proxy issues in bos01 are sorted now [15:07] Okay any questions\o/ [15:07] oops forgot to backspace out my earlier comment [15:09] I'll give until 10 minutes after the hour to ask any more questions [15:10] #topic Release incoming bugs [15:10] #link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-kk-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:10] bug 1981109 [15:10] Bug 1981109 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "server image pulls in ModemManager via fwupd, consumes 25MiB RAM in every container" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981109 [15:10] I seem to recall discussing this one last week [15:10] * jawn-smith reads logs [15:12] Last week it looked like this was being worked by the desktop team, but looking at the LP bug it seems v_orlon has been doing some work on it [15:12] So it looks like the foundations work for that is done for now [15:13] No need to create any cards [15:13] And we'll wait on desktop to fix the modemmanager issue [15:13] bug 1981721 [15:13] Bug 1981721 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "dual port SRIOV NIC with 64 VFs per PF is not configured with switchdev eswitch mode" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981721 [15:13] let's skip the netplan one. it's waiting for openstack team input [15:13] Okay, moving on [15:14] bug 1982486 [15:14] Bug 1982486 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-motd-fsck-at-reboot: exclude nbd devices" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1982486 [15:16] bdmurray: you tagged this [15:16] Yes, there are branches for review and it seems easy [15:16] Would you be the one working on this? [15:17] maybe‽ [15:20] So let's card it and if bdmurray can't work on it can you find someone else to? [15:21] Okay that's it for kk [15:21] I think something is wrong with the rls-jj page [15:21] #link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:22] It has bugs listed in "unknown" that seem like they should be foundations bugs [15:22] o really? [15:22] For example, bug 1981721 [15:22] Bug 1981721 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "dual port SRIOV NIC with 64 VFs per PF is not configured with switchdev eswitch mode" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981721 [15:22] which is one that was in the foundations-bugs section for rls-kk-incoming [15:24] The QA team is going to investigate the messed up report [15:25] We discussed the previously mentioned bug already [15:25] Are there any other bugs in this list that look foundations-y [15:25] ? [15:25] * juliank forgot to join after joining his train [15:25] ‽ [15:25] bug 1973037 [15:25] Bug 1973037 in llvm-toolchain-13 (Ubuntu Kinetic) "llvm-toolchain-13: please backport upstream D115098 for rust" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1973037 [15:26] Thanks schopin [15:26] schopin: were you planning to work this bug? [15:26] I had assumed the security team would have imported the fixed package from the mozilla-security-rust PPA along with rustc, but apparently they didn't. [15:27] I guess I'll do it the old fashion way :) [15:28] Okay thanks, let's card it and assign to schopin then [15:29] Okay I _think_ that's it for foundations bugs in jj [15:29] #link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:29] This report is also messed up, so let's look carefully at the packages here [15:30] waveform: There's bug 1874354 [15:30] Bug 1874354 in linux-meta-raspi (Ubuntu) "limited wireles channels on a RPi 3B" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1874354 [15:30] Probably a kernel team thing, bug anything for us to do here? [15:30] s/bug/but/ [15:31] Sounds like waveform will investigate that. mclemenceau would you mind carding and assigning to waveform ? [15:32] ok [15:32] Thanks! [15:32] Does anyone else see any foundations bugs on this list? [15:33] I see nothing [15:34] #topic Team proposed-migration report [15:34] #link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs [15:34] * jawn-smith scrolls past the hefty list of MIR related issues [15:35] curl was with alexghiti [15:35] I retried the zlib issues [15:35] It is fixed and waiting for a sponsor [15:35] Oh great [15:35] Thanks! [15:35] I can look into sponsoring that [15:35] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/curl/+bug/1982545 [15:35] Launchpad bug 1982545 in curl (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on riscv64" [Undecided, New] [15:36] I'll put that on my list [15:36] gcc-12 missing builds [15:37] Seems like a doko task, yes? [15:37] wrt. MIR issues: I think we can actually resolve the usb-creator case: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libisoburn/+bug/1977959/comments/18 needs an AA to demote a leaf binary. CC sil2100 [15:37] Launchpad bug 1977959 in libisoburn (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libisoburn, libburn, libisofs" [Undecided, In Progress] [15:38] basically demoting the "xorriso-tcltk" binary package [15:38] this will unblock libisoburn and thus usb-creator, too [15:38] jawn-smith: the missing builds are a LP/IS issue [15:38] doko: do they just need to be retried? [15:40] Okay so we'll wait on LP team to fix that [15:42] slyon: did you have an AA in mind to do the demotion? [15:42] Or a bug filed to get that done? [15:42] I put one in CC up there :) [15:42] oh you sure did, thanks! [15:43] otherwise, it already shows up in the AAs list of component-mismatches: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.html – so should be resolved eventually, no need for an extra bug [15:46] irssi sounds like a dependency issue [15:46] schopin has volunteered to follow up on that [15:47] zlib appears to need an investigation: any volunteers? [15:47] ogayot: zlib? [15:48] ack [15:48] Thanks! [15:48] fwupd is something I've worked on before so I'll investigate that [15:48] the snelin vs sqlite3 probably needs a retry [15:49] This libgd-perl stuff is a dependency wait issue [15:50] bdrung: Do you mind looking into that to see if there's anything we can do at the moment? [15:50] okay. I can do. [15:50] Thanks! [15:50] any volunteers for apt? [15:51] juliank: apt? [15:51] I guess [15:51] waveform is taking sbuild [15:51] Thanks juliank! [15:51] systemd: slyon? [15:51] yes! [15:51] Thanks! [15:53] Alright that's it for proposed migration this week [15:53] #topic AOB [15:54] apport bug #1967965 - should we card that as well? [15:54] Bug 1967965 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-kde: 'Other problem' and 'Display' options are swapped" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1967965 [15:55] doko: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs [15:56] doko: sorry, this one: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#libisoburn [15:56] (i.e. we need to demote the xorriso-tcltk binary) [15:57] Normally we don't do flavor-specific bugs but this one might be worth it [15:58] because it is affecting the quality of the bug reports and infromation we get [15:59] Okay let's card that bug [15:59] #endmeeting [15:59] Meeting ended at 15:59:39 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-07-28-15.01.moin.txt [15:59] slyon: done [16:00] thanks o/