
faekjarzCan i change mount options, "-o discard" in particular, WHILE the XFS remains mounted?01:46
sarnoldcheck the manpage, look for "remount"01:47
av2156anyone using lxd containers ?01:55
av2156i am having name resolution error, kinda new to this thing01:56
av2156cant ping anything, cant sync repos either01:57
faekjarzsarnold: thanks (Arch wiki says nope: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=143254)01:58
sarnoldfaekjarz: dang :(02:00
sarnoldav2156: if you're using a bridge .. adding an interface to the bridge means the interface will stop doing networking. you have to add the IP address "of the machine" to the bridge..02:01
sarnoldav2156: there's probably dozens of reasons why you'd be seeing the problems you're seeing, but this "assign an address to the bridge" linux behaviour is very surprising and a common stumbling block02:02
av2156sarnold should I share container config ? 02:05
av2156and how can i add the ip to the bridge, sorry i dont know02:05
sarnoldav2156: you can manipulate bridges with the 'bridge' command and 'ip' command, but ideally you'd get your system networking configured via netplan or systemd-networkd or /etc/network/interfaces (or whatever you're using) so it'll work on boot directly.. but fiddling around with the manual commands to debug if that's the problem is a good first step02:07
sarnoldav2156: I'm not actually all that familiar with using lxd as an 'exposed service' sort of tool, I've mainly used it just to get shells of different releases :(02:08
av2156thanks sarnold for the details, i really wish i got understand this, guess its finally time to learn about linux networking in detail02:12
av2156been ignoring that from a very long time02:13
sarnoldav2156: yeah, I say that myself from time to time :)02:13
sarnoldav2156: I'm off for the night, good luck :)02:13
feurigav2156: the #lxd channel is pretty helpful02:24
av2156yes they are, its just time zones02:24
=== scoobydoob is now known as scoobydoo
blackboxswathos: just for FYI I've cc'd you as on a cloud-init initial ansible support for ansible-pull based 15:18
athosblackboxsw: ack!15:18
athosI will get to those ansible related pings asap, btw :)15:19
blackboxswno rush at all just wanted you to have context of what cloud-init is thinking for the first part of ansible early boot support at https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1579 expect this to grow to support more complex use cases15:19
ubottuPull 1579 in canonical/cloud-init "Add Ansible Config Module" [Open]15:19
ahasenacksarnold: do you still have your huge mirror of all of ubuntu?18:25
ahasenackunpackeg source packages?18:25
ahasenackI was wondering if we could check how many packages offer an ufw profile. And if you have it per ubuntu release, if we see a change in that number from LTS to LTS for example18:32
ahasenackI don't recall seeing many new ufw profiles being added, or changed, in the distro18:32
ahasenackthe list in the output of `apt-cache rdepends ufw` is pretty small, but I don't think ufw would ever be a hard depend in a package18:33
ahasenacklooks like it's always Suggests perhaps?18:34
sarnoldahasenack: I do, but I think this one's more easily answered via apt-file:18:49
sarnold$ apt-file search /etc/ufw/applications.d/18:49
sarnoldapache2: /etc/ufw/applications.d/apache2-utils.ufw.profile18:49
sarnoldbind9: /etc/ufw/applications.d/bind918:49
ahasenackah, indeed, had forgotten about that18:49
sarnoldthat's only 18 in focal :( the last time I went looking for this I was shocked just how small that list is. the gufw front-end has way more:18:50
sarnold$ apt-file search /etc/gufw/app_profiles/ | wc -l18:50
sarnoldbut I think the only way to consume these is to actually use that gui18:51
ahasenackif it's a frontend, how can it have more?18:51
ahasenackyeah, I was checking things we added to ubuntu a while back, and if we kept maintaining them18:51
ahasenackI've seen some fall through the cracks18:51
ahasenackI think ufw is one of them18:51
ahasenackapparmor is another I think, any new profile we get is either for snaps, or comes from upstream, but is then shipped in the apparmor-profiles package, not in the package itself18:52
ahasenackor apparmor-profiles-extra18:52
sarnold*ugh* that -extras package imho should go away18:52
sarnoldthey're not maintained enough to suggest to folks that they're ready for use; they're "a starting point to build from", but people just blindly cp * /etc/apparmor.d/ and then gobs of stuff doesn't work18:53
ahasenackbut the same for apparmor-profiles18:53
ahasenackand that one comes from src:apparmor-profiles18:53
ahasenackso to update one, you have to update apparmor, which is annoying from an SRU perspective18:53
sarnoldthat's not *quite* as bad, but also yeah18:53
JanCfor some applications it would make more sense to have a tool create ufw/apparmor profiles based on the configuration...19:07
ahasenackalso true19:07
ahasenackand to be honest, I can never remember the ufw syntax19:08
ahasenackfor something just a tiny bit above the usual "ufw allow <app>"19:08
ahasenackfor example, "ufw allow app from" would have been intuitive, but doesn't work19:08
ahasenackthe command line is either super simple (ufw allow <app>) or a fork of a full iptables command line (anything other then the simple ufw allow <app>)19:09
ahasenackand I think it's also breaking lxd networking, but I would have to recheck that again19:10
ahasenackI remember that whenever I enabled ufw, containers would start having networking problems19:10
ahasenacksarnold: I counted 18 in bionic, you counted 18 in focal, and in jammy I count 1919:20
ahasenack(ufw profiles)19:20
ahasenackwonder which one is the new one19:20
sarnoldahasenack: hah, I didn't expect the list to *grow*19:20
ahasenackI'm guessing squid-openssl19:20
ahasenackjust because I remember it's a new package19:20
ahasenackscript is still running19:20
sarnoldcat a b | sort | uniq -c | sort -n  is one of my favourite things :)19:20
ahasenackhm, not so simple, some went away, new ones came in19:21
sarnoldoh dang that requires a smarter tool, heh19:21
ahasenack"coturn" disappeared19:21
ahasenackso did "nitroshare"19:21
ahasenackoh well19:22
sarnoldno jammy https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coturn https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nitroshare19:22
ahasenackstill, a net gain of 1 :)19:22

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