[01:08] * guiverc notes no new daily.. i know about soft-freeze, but didn't expect RC till monday; older casper my main watch point [01:15] I think sil2100 built some pre-RC isos yesterday. [01:15] :) I gathered that from his chosen wording. [01:16] Not sure if you noticed but I updated the release notes. [01:17] yeah I noted that; I haven't noticed a change but only glanced at it (~a min ago actually) [01:22] the "Resolved Bugs" section can be removed I think kc2bez[m] ; BTRFS issue seems resolved given testing by @Leokolb, I can run another test if confirmation helpful, but I gather we've got that resolved (the text could be reword to say resolved; but why not just remove it?) [01:23] if the intention of the paragraph was to say you shouldn't get that issue anymore with 22.04.1, I missed that from my reading. [01:27] Good point. I guess I was thinking we should note bugs that were in previous release notes and now resolved. It should probably be reworded to note that better. [01:28] :) want me to have a go? or you happy to. [01:28] Sure go ahead. [01:33] I will give it a look in my morning. [01:34] yeah, I just started an QA-test install so it's only one 'ball in the air' currently [01:38] paragraph changed... returning to UWN