
mupBug #1938296 opened: MaaS 3.0 incorrectly calculates the amount of free space on drive <seg> <sts> <MAAS:New> <MAAS 3.0:New> <MAAS 3.2:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1938296>11:13
mupBug #1939949 opened: snap.maas.supervisor DENIED <maas> <MAAS:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939949>19:39
mupBug #1939949 changed: snap.maas.supervisor DENIED <maas> <MAAS:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939949>19:45
mupBug #1939949 opened: snap.maas.supervisor DENIED <maas> <MAAS:New> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1939949>19:48
BedManHi there arif-ali 20:30
BedManif there is anyone paying attention here, I've a maas question/problem - I've got 5 addresses that are showing up in DNS, but aren't able to be deleted from either the gui or command line interfances...21:26
BedMando I need to edit the zone/db files that bind keeps under the covers of the maas snap?21:27
=== mpontillo_ is now known as mpontillo

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