
greyboredIs there a way to install the "Ubuntu Server (minimized)" option via autoinstall? Using the yaml config generated with autoinstall installs the standard "Ubuntu Server" option.02:19
greybored^^ this is me trying to automated via pxe install. 02:22
=== DArqueBish0p is now known as DArqueBishop
ahasenackwaveform: hi, I suspect you might have an armhf host at hand, with an ubuntu install? If yes, could you check what ls -lad /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/ returns please?14:22
ahasenackmy pi3 with raspbian doesn't have that directory14:22
waveformahasenack, sure -- just a mo14:23
waveformahasenack, ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/': No such file or directory14:23
ahasenackis that running jammy, kinetic, or what?14:24
waveformthere is /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf14:24
waveformjammy even :)14:24
ahasenackgnueabihf? Did your cat approach the keyboard, or is that really the name?14:24
ahasenackabi hard float?14:24
waveformno, that's really the name :)14:24
waveformand yes hard-float variant of the ARM ABI14:25
ahasenackcould I persuade you to install samba there (and remove later), and check if that directory shows up?14:25
ahasenackI'm specifically looking for the armhf version of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/samba-bgqd14:26
waveformactually I think that box already has samba installed ... let me just check ...14:27
waveformoh, no it doesn't -- just cifs-utils14:27
ahasenackthe client-side bit14:27
waveformjust a mo -- I'll spin up a fresh armhf card and stuff it in another pi (don't particularly want to mess with that pi as it runs a ton of monitoring stuff in the loft!)14:29
ahasenacksure, thanks14:29
ahasenackarmhf is annoying to get, arm64 is much easier14:29
waveformindeed -- oh, actually, just a mo -- I can just do this in a container on my main dev pi (which runs arm64 but is happy spinning up armhf lxd containers)14:30
ahasenackits cpu allows that?14:30
ahasenacklet me check if mine does too14:31
waveformwell ... it works, put it that way :)14:31
ahasenackI thought you need a cpu which supported 32bit emulation14:31
ahasenackand not many apparently do14:31
waveform(I use it all the time for building armhf test packages / debugging armhf bits that don't require kernel stuff)14:31
ahasenackah, kernel stuff14:31
ahasenackthat's the thing that just a few cpus have14:31
waveformyeah, it's still running on an arm64 kernel so it's no use for debugging armhf kernel stuff -- need to reboot into a separate image for that (or try full VMs but there's not much doing that on a pi -- faster to just flash a card)14:32
waveformahasenack, from the samba installation in an armhf container: everything's still under /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf14:35
ahasenackok, thanks a lot14:35
waveformno prob14:35
ahasenacklooks like the @{multiarch} macro in apparmor won't work for armhf then14:35
ahasenackas it defines just *-linux-gnu14:35
ahasenackoh, wait14:36
ahasenackI missed another star14:36
waveformhmmm, that *ought* to be okay14:36
lucasmoura@rbasak, thanks for the review on ubuntu-advantage-tools 27.10. I have removed the ca-certificates dependency from the PR and answered the other points you made about the release. Let me know if there are any points that need clarification for this release14:53
BlohshHi there, how to prevent netscan on a dedicated server?15:31
Blohshso users having nat vps on it cannot attempt to do netscan15:31
oerheksPSAD can do a good job, https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-block-port-scan-attacks-with-psad-on-ubuntu-debian/15:37
Blohshoerheks, thanks! i'll test.15:54
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arthurvkI have gathered some extra benchmarks to see where my degraded php/redis comes from and I tried on bcc-tools' runqlat program on a couple of identical vm's running Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 with stock and HWE kernel versions: https://pastebin.com/3zg41QAn (simple php redis set benchmark) https://pastebin.com/Gm3pSKc2 (results)22:58
arthurvkI also included results from Debian 11 with 5.18 from backports, this combo is so much faster than all Ubuntu/kernel combo's :( 23:00
athosI wonder if we could isolate those... possibly starting with verifying if these is seen with either redis (in other environments?) or php (no redis). Then checking which specific codepaths are causing the delays... sth similar to what we did with that other php performance issue mentioned here23:09
athosarthurvk: it would be nice if you could file a bug with your nice findings so far (thanks btw)23:09

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