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morganuOK answering 1. I took card 1 out and put it in the slot of card 2 and put card 2 in the slot that card one was in. (I made this up to see if it made a difference.)00:20
morganu3. OK I will run it with one SIMM and then the other and see what's up.00:22
morganuI dont know about other versions of memtest.  or "the iso from memtest itself that is compatible)  Memterst is program not an iso that makes a bootable disk to use to test the memory. afaik.00:23
morganu4. I have no overclocking and the most fancy thing I have done are some ubuntu tweaks to the dic.00:24
morganu5. When I say "locks up" I means slows down to unusable. Looks locked to me and mouse freezes but then releases, only to apparnetly freeze when I do anything but rebooting fixes it. Or quitting chrome if I catch it when it just startes to slow. (ditto with Firefox)00:25
morganuOK I have mentioned what I can tomreyn and oerheks .  I dont know how uefi fits in. As you kow I have been mentioning this for 2 years.00:26
morganuIt was tomreyn who helped me check the temps.00:27
tomreynmorganu: use the free version here https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm00:45
greyboredIs there a way to install the "Ubuntu Server (minimized)" option via autoinstall? Using the yaml config generated with autoinstall installs a non-minimized setup.02:13
ravagegreybored, https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall also maybe ask in #ubuntu-server02:15
greyboredravage: thanks. I've looked over the doc but nothing is mentioned. I'll ping #ubuntu-server.02:18
ravagegreybored, https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html maybe the examples can be helpful02:22
pluggerhi all-im having some drama with apt does anyone have any suggestions here is what ive done so far and what im getting back02:24
pluggerin short i cant upgrade 3 packages, they are being held back and im not sure how to remedy the situation or if i even need to(perhaps i just need to edit my sources config)02:26
oerhekstry apt dist-upgrade02:26
ravageplugger, what does "apt policy python3-distupgrade" say?02:26
ravageit is shown as a phased update here at 0% rollout02:27
pluggerwhen run this still gets held back  python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk02:27
ravagein that case all you have to to is wait. you can also explicitly install the packages with "apt install python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk"02:28
oerheksmaybe you need a reboot, after that recent kernel update? check if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists02:28
Bashing-om!info python3-distupgrade jammy02:28
ubottupython3-distupgrade (1:22.04.12, jammy): manage release upgrades. In component main, is standard. Built by ubuntu-release-upgrader. Size 104 kB / 632 kB02:28
pluggerthis is the policy02:28
pluggerthanks im a slow reader typer got the above02:29
pluggerwill reboot and report back how it went, thank you all very much02:29
ravageapt should really show a better message than just "held back" for phased updates02:31
ravagehttps://people.canonical.com/%7Eubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html has a list of those updates.02:37
oerheksravage, solution already exists, but should be integrated in the messages,  /var/run/reboot-required02:38
pluggerhi all the same results after reboot but am reading this page re "phased updates"; which i only just became aware of cuz of y'all and bashingom02:49
pluggerthanks so much this was very interesting to find out about/stumble onto thanks to your feedback02:50
pluggerassuming this applies to my situation yeah? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates02:50
pluggerBashing-om, does this invoke a bot that is present on the channel or on your system?" "!info python3-distupgrade jammy" is it possible to browse the bots information02:54
pluggerfound what i need never mind google is my friend now =)02:56
Bashing-om!ubottu | plugger02:56
ubottuplugger: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone02:56
pluggerthanks dude02:56
pluggercool =)02:57
ravageif you want to test the bot you can just PM it. it replies there too02:57
pluggerthats sick (really good)02:58
ubottuPlease investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"02:58
pluggerhaving trouble getting any factoids replied to in the #ubuntu-bots channel, here are my commands-what am i doing wrong03:27
plugger" !ubottu search repeat patience" or "/msg ubottu search repeat patience"03:28
pluggerthe bot channels open up but not found is always the reply and i have gotten repeat patience from the factoid page-what gives03:29
Bashing-om!patience | plugger03:32
ubottuplugger: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/03:32
arraybolt3[m]plugger: Just in case it's not obvious, Bashing-om was showing you the syntax for calling bot commands, not telling you to be patient. Just !<command here> | <user to direct it to, optionally with any added info>03:41
arraybolt3[m]plugger: So if a user is misbehaving and I want to tell the operators exactly who is doing things that are harmful and what has gone wrong, I might use "!ops | user123 is disrupting the channel". (Don't actually call the !ops command here, it's the IRC equivalent of a fire alarm.)03:42
arraybolt3[m](At least in this room.)03:42
Bashing-om!cookie | arraybolt3[m]03:43
ubottuarraybolt3[m]: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:43
arraybolt3[m]Bashing-om: 😋03:44
arraybolt3[m]nino_: Hello! How can we help you?03:44
arraybolt3[m]plugger: Also, the whole Ubottu factoid database can be found here: https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi03:45
nino_dont know what to do with my ubuntu. any suggestions03:47
omgubuntuOMG! Ubuntu!03:59
SpeedrunnerG55i did a big nono and ran wine as root, other than sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .wine and sudo rm -rf /root/.wine is there anything else i need to do?04:28
pluggerthanks guys re "!patience | plugger", laughed my head off but im glad it was mentioned ha ha06:07
pluggerhttp://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins dead link any ideas06:16
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SpeedrunnerG55can i run cinebench?06:45
alocerHello Chat.07:41
liaison-ggccHow do I use this application to my benefit? I am new to Linux07:59
alocerwhat application?08:03
wwwiI download openoffice for ubuntu, the deb distribution, I opened the zipped file, but I don't know which file to run08:24
wwwiany ideas?08:24
ravagewwwi, why dont you use the version that comes with Ubuntu?08:27
ravageit is called libreoffice08:28
wwwiravage, ok thanks08:35
alocerliaison-ggcc: Thats the question, isn't it? Why are we even here? are we real, or bots?08:52
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pluggerwwwi, Make sure to save documents according to what the person opening need are;the program they will use to open it with09:45
manwhowouldbekinGreetings, all! Every now and then (several times a day), my USB keyboard stops responding on Ubuntu 22.04 (used to happen on Ubuntu 20.04 as well). To get it working again I have to unplug and plug the cable back in. I am inspecting the system logs to figure out what the issue is but am not sure how to distill it from the logs. Any suggestions are appreciated. https://pastebin.com/TSWhRPhV10:23
manwhowouldbekinP.S. There are also a lot of SSL handshake errors in that log. What are those about?10:24
ravagetry another USB port and keyboard. im pretty sure this is a hardware problem10:25
manwhowouldbekinravage, Tried a different port. Same issue.10:27
ravagethen try another keyboard and try the current keyboard on another computer10:28
ravageyour SSL errors may be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/194189110:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1941891 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Constant and frequent SSL handshake errors in logs" [Undecided, New]10:28
_WEZ_SSL is deprecated, broken and not used anymore, so of course you will get SSL errors.10:29
pluggerwhen sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade will apt look for any available cpu microcode updates? are there any caveats10:31
pluggerlike enabling additional drivers in the gui or editing the sources list10:32
ravageplugger, only if you have the amd or intel microcode package installed10:32
pluggeri get microcode update driver v2.2. when run dmesg | grep microcode10:33
ravagethe driver is in the kernel i suppose?10:34
ravageis does not say anything about using any microcode update10:35
pluggerhow would i enable this for an amd64 phenom 2 cpu10:36
ravage!info amd64-microcode10:36
ubottuamd64-microcode (3.20191218.1ubuntu2, jammy): Processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs. In component main, is extra. Built by amd64-microcode. Size 32 kB / 76 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, x32.)10:36
plugger"sudo apt update && sudo apt install amd64-microcode" ?10:36
ravagenot sure if you get any updates from this decade.  phenom 2 is really old and EOL10:38
pluggeryeah i know10:38
pluggerrofl thought id have a look10:38
pluggers nothing for me =(10:39
vboxhelpi can not find virtualbox installed using apt or dpkg, how can i listed installed application?11:49
vboxhelpi think i installed it with dpkg -i vbox.deb, why is it not listed in dpkg or apt?11:50
lotuspsychjevboxhelp: apt policy virtualbox11:50
vboxhelplotuspsychje thanks, it shows as not installed.11:51
lotuspsychjevboxhelp: install the one from the ubuntu repos11:52
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox11:52
ubottuvirtualbox (6.1.34-dfsg-3~ubuntu1.22.04.1, jammy): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by virtualbox. Size 22,618 kB / 108,523 kB. (Only available for amd64.)11:52
vboxhelpi am running it now, so I know it is installed, maybe I installed it with some .run script from there website.11:52
vboxhelpwhy goal here is to figure out what has been installed, delete everything and start from scratch. is there any other tools I can use to track down what and how it was installed?11:53
lotuspsychjevboxhelp: some external debs might drag in external ppa's too, wich this channel dont support11:53
EriC^^vboxhelp: you'd have to see the .run file if it has any uninstall feature, also doing `which virtualbox` might give more info where it's installed11:53
vboxhelpis there some kind of log I can use to track down what I did, as i seem to have deleted whatever deb file i used to install it11:54
vboxhelpEriC^^ thanks11:54
lotuspsychjevboxhelp: /var/log/dpkg logs might also help11:55
EriC^^vboxhelp: you could see your browser history/downloads and download it again or see the docs of the maintainer11:55
EriC^^vboxhelp: your bash history or roots could show the commands you used to install also11:55
vboxhelpdpkg logs is a good idea, this will not be to large and maybe there something in there I can find. I could also grab the version number from the installed copy and look at their website for a matching deb or .run script11:56
ikoniadpkg logs won't show anything unless you installed package11:56
vboxhelpikonia true, maybe it can help prove i didnt use a deb file to install it, then i can go on the theory it was a .run script11:57
ikoniayou don't need to prove that11:57
ikoniayou've already proven you didn't when you did a policy check11:57
vboxhelpikonia i checked apt and dpkg I can not find a policy command, where can I find info on this command?12:00
ikoniavboxhelp: you did it earlier12:00
ikoniayou've already checked12:00
vboxhelpi found it dpkg-cache12:00
ikoniayou've already done it and proved you've not installed a package12:00
vboxhelpikonia ok i read the help file for apt-cache policy, everything we have dont so far assumes the package is called virtualbox. What if the .deb file I installed was not called virtualbox, or was some alpha version i downloaded from the website.12:08
vboxhelpThere are the ways I know how to search for installed packages, am i missing any other important commands?12:08
vboxhelpapt search12:08
vboxhelpapt show12:08
vboxhelpapt list12:08
vboxhelpapt-cache policy12:08
ikoniavboxhelp: we already know you've not installed it with a package12:09
EriC^^vboxhelp: try "dpkg -S `which virtualbox`"12:09
EriC^^if the file was part of dpkg it should give you the package12:09
vboxhelpI do not know that, can you tell me so I understand and learn from this.12:09
vboxhelpEriC^^ that is a good idea, i didnt know you could do that.12:09
vboxhelpEriC^^ ok this is great idea, i read the man page like 5x and was to stupid to figure this out.12:12
vboxhelpso there is no package that contains this path so it was installed some other way.12:13
ikoniayes, we know this12:13
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BluesKajHi all12:43
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ChunkyzBluesKaj: can we help with something? 🙃13:09
gordonjcpBluesKaj: afternoon13:10
BluesKajhi gordonjcp13:10
Maikhi BluesKaj13:10
Maikhey gordonjcp, decided to come back? :)13:10
ChunkyzChannel is a joke. Supposedly it's a support channel. Give up. Bye.13:11
Maikgordonjcp: never mind, mistaken you for someone else.13:13
BluesKajheh, good riddance to Chunkyz13:14
gordonjcpMaik: I've been here for quite a bit, I just (surprisingly) don't say a lot13:15
gordonjcpBluesKaj: they seem a bit sensitive13:16
gordonjcpwonder what that little outburst was about13:16
gordonjcpAnyone needing support?13:17
BluesKajhe's got some kind of "ot" stick up his ass13:17
gordonjcpNo? Then let the idle chatter resume13:17
gordonjcpsee this is precisely why I set up a forum called "rangerovers.pub", because the guy who ran "rangerovers.net" wanted it to be for discussing on-topic repairs and modifications only13:18
* summonner winds up the chatterbox13:18
InPhaseHas anyone been tracking the progress on that constant snap update 13 day notification bug that has been plaguing 22.04?14:32
InPhaseI figured that would be a quick fix since it's probably plaguing everyone, but it still seems to be around.14:33
leftyfbInPhase: did you file a bug?14:33
InPhaseleftyfb: I try to avoid refiling known bugs.  :)14:34
leftyfbInPhase: do you have a link to the existing bug?14:35
InPhaseWell it's not googling well right now because the Internet is flooded by higher ranked links of people complaining about it.14:36
leftyfbInPhase: this channel is primarily volunteers who provide support. There is no expectation that Ubuntu/Canonical engineers are monitoring the chat and will respond with progress on bug reports.14:36
leftyfbInPhase: I would try to track down the bug and add yourself as a watcher. That is the best way to keep up to date on progress14:37
InPhaseleftyfb: Hence why I am asking if other users who had been bothered by it had payed closer attention to it than I did.14:37
leftyfbif you can't find the bug, there's a good chance once hasn't been files and nobody is working on fixing it. In which case, you should file a bug14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1963819 in snapd "Firefox Snap automatically updated while in use causes crash" [Undecided, In Progress]14:37
ioriathe fix might be sudo snap refresh14:38
leftyfbthat is a bug with Firefox, not snap14:38
ioriabig discussion here : https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/v2j60h/pending_update_of_firefox_snap_close_the_app_to/14:38
leftyfbInPhase: did you try the workaround in the bug report?14:39
ravagehttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/wip-refresh-app-awareness/10736/90 firefox should not update while its running anymore with the current stable snapd version14:40
leftyfbactually, it looks like the behavior I get in Thunderbird seems to have been implemented in the Firefox snap as well. You should be getting a popup warning when FF needs to be restarted14:40
ravageit still shows that annoying update notification that basically does nothing. to be fixed14:40
InPhaseleftyfb: Sure.  And it just comes back.14:40
leftyfbInPhase: maybe chime in on the bug report then so they know14:40
ravageuntil then close firefox and manually update with "sudo snap refresh"14:41
InPhaseleftyfb: I appreciate the general sentiment, but obviously this one is not suffering from a lack of developer awareness.  :)14:41
leftyfbInPhase: ok, please add yourself as a watcher to the bug to get further updates on it14:42
leftyfbInPhase: I can guarantee you none of the Mozilla engineers are monitoring this chat14:42
InPhaseleftyfb: Thanks, I don't need that energy.  I was asking for info, and understand how open source development works, as I participate in it.  Community discussion is a fair part of it too.14:43
ograthe notification feature lives in snapd ... updating any snaps while they are running is bad ...14:44
ogra... this is why it was added ... but it has UX issues that need solving14:44
ogra(and whch are being solved now ... )14:45
InPhaseioria: It looks like this was filed all over the place, but one of the links on your reddit discussion link appears to be the bug report most likely to lead to a fix.  Thanks.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/196381914:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1963819 in snapd "Firefox Snap automatically updated while in use causes crash" [Undecided, In Progress]14:46
ioriaInPhase, ok14:46
ograeither way, the thread ravage linked to above is the main place where things are discussed and tracked for the snap update feature ...14:48
gordonjcpwhat's the magic incantation to make update-manager update a machine to the newest Ubuntu?14:49
ogrado-release-update -d14:49
oerhekswait for august 414:49
ioriai suggest to use also the -c flag, first14:49
ograwaiting for aug. 4th will give you the latest LTS ...14:49
ogra(not the "latest ubuntu" 🙂 )14:50
leftyfbgordonjcp: in 3 days, you'll get a notification to update14:50
gordonjcpleftyfb: from impish?14:50
ogranope, from impish you should be able to update right now with just calling do-release-update14:50
leftyfb!eol | gordonjcp14:50
ubottugordonjcp: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:50
gordonjcpbut yes, do-release-update not update-manager, that's what I was getting wrong14:51
leftyfb!eolupgrade | gordonjcp14:51
gordonjcpleftyfb: yes, I know it's EOL, that's why I'm upgrading14:51
leftyfbgordonjcp: I was trying to get you the link to the EOL upgrade instructions14:51
gordonjcpleftyfb: I haven't upgraded from one version to another before14:51
gordonjcpleftyfb: do-release-upgrade seems to be doing the job14:51
gordonjcpleftyfb: previously I've always just removed the disk, stuck a new one in, and done a clean install14:52
gordonjcpbut the computer shop is shut for the local fair fortnight14:52
leftyfbgordonjcp: in my opinion, that is the best route14:52
gordonjcpleftyfb: I have disks going back something like 15 years14:52
gordonjcpleftyfb: some of them contain condensed copies of at least another ten year's worth14:52
gordonjcpI have one of those blue moving crates full of old hard disks, it weighs at least 80kg, and I have no idea how I'm going to get it out of my mate's workshop and into the car14:53
gordonjcpI can barely lift it14:54
leftyfbgordonjcp: take some drives out and put them into another container. But we're getting a bit offtopic here.14:55
gordonjcpleftyfb: that's too simple and straightforward for me to have ever thought of14:55
gordonjcpbut yes, and also yes14:55
=== Bencraft14191 is now known as Bencraft1419
enzodead chat right?15:41
ioriadefine 'dead' please15:42
lotuspsychjecan we help you enzo15:42
enzooh, forget it, im more like a discord user15:42
enzofirst time using irc15:43
enzoooooooohhh its a support channel15:46
jellyhi.  I've just upgraded a laptop from 18.04 to 20.04.  Using the default DE.  How do I set theme for Qt5 apps (like keepassxc) to match the dark theme for GTK3/Gnome apps?15:50
ioriajelly, you can try with  qt5ct15:58
jellyioria, that seems to be good enough, thanks.  I found some cruft from appmenu-qt5 (from 16.04?) that was in the way and cleaned it up.16:11
quantum_I am looking under setttings --> keyboard --> view and customize shortcuts --> Sounds and Media , and it has all the keyboard shortcuts marked as disabled. Is there a way to select a keyboard type or something that will assign all these keys to the proper values16:58
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loganrunis there some place to select the actual keyboard type or something like that16:59
loganrunanyone online?17:01
realivanjxwhat kind of keyboard type17:02
realivanjxwhat r u trying to do17:02
loganrunget the standard keyboard defaults for the special keys set up like usual17:03
loganrunthere must be some way to select keyboard type17:04
realivanjxyou probably need custom software from your keyboard's vendor17:04
KNERDwhat do you mean "type"? The brand or language ?17:05
loganrunna, on other ubuntu setups it works fine17:05
realivanjxif you are talking about the fn keys then it should just work17:05
loganrunfor example the speaker keys should increase and decrease the volume, but there is no mapping for any of that type of key17:06
loganrunthen there is the pause/play key and skip forward and backwards, the mute key etc17:07
loganrunI am probably go through and define each one manually but there should be someone to get the typical default keyboard setup17:08
realivanjxi think they should just work because it uses standard keyboard mapping. on laptops you have similar feature with fn keys17:10
loganrunon a desktop,and it shows disabled for all the sound and media shortcuts for example, and it would accept the key if I press it17:10
loganrunguess something is wrong at the hardware level it seems like.17:11
oerheksnormaly a multimedia keyboard , certainly logitech, is good detected.17:14
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nelohola a todos los camaradas !18:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:18
UsukaHow to install Ubuntu on non-GPT disk?18:39
ikoniasame as a gpt disk18:39
ikoniainstaller handles it for you18:39
jhutchinsUsuka: What format specifically?18:49
UsukaIn sense specifically? I may install Ubu 22.04 in dualboot with shindows7, but ubu wants to format my disk table into gpt, but shindows needs mbr.18:50
ikoniayou mean 'windows' ?18:51
ikoniaso use the correct names please so people know what you're talking about18:51
UsukaOkay, I don't use windows. I'll erase it.18:55
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.18:55
jhutchinsReally?  5 years out of date?18:55
ikoniawhich bit's 5 years18:56
jhutchinsikonia: Are you not seeing 7.10 there?19:01
jhutchinsSorry, that one.19:01
UsukaAnd one more question. How to install non-snap Firefox? In a virtual machine snapped Firefox hangs so much19:02
Usuka*lags, etc.19:02
jhutchinsIs http://us.archive.ubuntu.com actually the main archive for the current release/19:03
ograjhutchins, for a small portion of users it is ...19:07
ogra(the istaller automaticlly picks the closest country mirror )19:08
jhutchinsogra: So *.archive.ubuntu.com - why are current packages in "archive"?19:11
jhutchinsarchive != current19:11
ograyou mean it should be renamed to current.ubuntu.com ?19:12
jhutchinsI guess if you only use the GUI it doesn't mattter.19:13
jhutchinsogra: There are several more logical options.19:13
ograit is the archive of packages ... the naming is originating from debian ... i dont think renaming the archive servers has ever been discussed in debian (or ubuntu) ...19:14
jhutchinsogra: archives in debian are older releases.19:15
jhutchinsI suppose we could call it obsolete.debian.com on the theory that anything pre-compiled is obsolete.19:15
ogranot sure what you mean ... we're not gentoo ... everything is pre-compiled19:17
ograhmm, and you are correct, debian renamed them to archive.d.o ... it *used* to be the the debian name of the main package archive when we started though ...19:19
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ogralooks like it is now the equivalent of old-releases.u.c19:20
five61BTRFS folk, is it possible to mount single disk from RAID1 as read-write so I can replace the failed disk?19:26
five61only "mount -o degraded,ro" works, "rw" tells me "writable mount is not allowed due to too many missing devices"19:27
five61and if not, how am I supposed to recover from this situation?19:27
ogrause your backup ?19:27
sarnoldzfs has a dedicated zpool replace command19:27
sarnolddoes btrfs have a similar 'replace the drive' kind of command?19:28
five61I am thankfully just experimenting with btrfs, no actual data is at risk19:28
five61the "replace" command in btrfs apparently requires a RW mount of the data19:28
five61but to RW mount the data you need both disks19:28
five61which sounds ridiculous to me, as how would you possibly ever recover if one disk goes bad?19:28
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five61I saw some mentions of "you have only once chance to mount RW" bug in 2017, I would have thought that is fixed now19:29
jhutchinsogra: So what's the name of the current repos if not archive?19:30
ogra"if not archive" ?19:30
ograit is (and has always been) archive.ubuntu.com ... for mirrors you prefix it with the country code19:31
ogra(which the installer does by default on new installs, pointing to the closest mirror in your timezone)19:31
ograEOL releases of ubuntu are moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com ...19:32
five61nevermind on my issue, I had set up the raid mode incorrectly...19:44
sarnoldah that's a good thing to find out *before* you need it :D19:46
carnophage2is it unadvisable to set an on startup cron job to update/upgrade?20:16
carnophage2I don't see any reason not to do it, but I wanted to consult my ubuntu higher powers.20:17
oerheksno, it is an option in the update settings20:17
oerheksalso  unattended updates20:17
carnophage2where is this available?20:17
carnophage2software updates?20:18
oerheksand  for server, install unattended-upgrades20:18
oerheksyes, the gui20:18
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carnophage2Thank you, I see that this is more or less enabled.  Good for me!  Thank you so much.20:20
oerhekshave fun!20:20
leftyfbcarnophage2: also look into apticron for notifications of updates20:23
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arraybolt3[m]Hey Bash wizards. Does anyone know how to download three separate files, concatenating them together, and pass them down a pipeline properly in one command? I'm trying to download three files at once, concatenate them, decompress them, and flash the result with wget -O - url1 url2 url3 | zcat | dd of=/dev/sda bs=4M. It starts correctly but then gives a broken pipe error.23:12
arraybolt3[m](Each file is a release binary from a GitHub repo.)23:13
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: this is the grossest thought I've had all week.. cat <(curl -s url1) <(curl -s url2) <(curl -s url3) | ... see if that does the trick23:16
arraybolt3[m]If only Curl could pull the urls at all 🤣23:17
arraybolt3[m]For some reason Curl can't do it. Maybe wget could?23:17
sarnoldI figured curl because its default of dumping to stdout really annoys me, but here it kinda fits..23:18
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: I tried replacing your curl lines with wget -O - to see if it works, it looks hopeful.23:22
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: yay :) i wonder why wget works when curl doesn't; are they blocking by useragent string?23:25
arraybolt3[m]No, the GitHub URL redirects to a different URL which redirects to another different URL I think.23:26
arraybolt3[m]curl can't handle the redirects, but wget apparently can.23:26
sarnoldoh weird23:27
lhxSo... how do I upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04? It's saying the impish repos are all gone and I can't do a `do-release-upgrade`23:47
lhxcan't install anything either23:47
Bashing-om!eol | lhx23:49
ubottulhx: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:49
lhxyeah, I just saw I need to manually edit sources.list23:51
kronos003I'm thinking about making the jump to ubuntu from fedora on my personal worksation. I've been reading a lot on reddit about the ubuntu user experience. Is there anybody here who has made the jump from fedoraand would be willing to share their experience so far?23:54

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