
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Mozilla Firefox just freezed the download00:00
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> it’s not going forward00:00
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I’m restarting it00:00
arraybolt3[m]OK. If it says it failed, hit the restart button again.00:01
* arraybolt3[m] grumbles at GitHub00:01
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I closed firefox and now it says i can’t open it because process are already running00:04
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> how to close all of them?00:04
arraybolt3[m]Wait for it and then try to open it again.00:04
arraybolt3[m]Really, though, with how much trouble GitHub is causing, you may want to just give up and stick with Fedora or some other Linux distro. There's a Fedora KDE spin if you want something more like Kubuntu.00:05
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://imgur.com/a/BTypUdI00:06
arraybolt3[m]Oh. OK, in that instance, open System Monitor, and end any Firefox process that's running.00:06
arraybolt3[m]There should be a Search button in System Monitor that lets you find Firefox (it's in the upper-right hand corner).00:07
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> yep done00:09
arraybolt3[m](Just a clarification - we don't have to give up on this if you're happy to keep trying. I just hate that you're having this much trouble trying to just get Linux running on your laptop.)00:16
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Yeah man, I appreciate you so much for what are you doing00:17
arraybolt3[m]The last thing I can think of for trying to get the download to work right would be, Open up Files, navigate to your flash drive, right-click in the empty spot of the drive, and click "Open in Terminal" or something like that.00:18
arraybolt3[m]Then trun "wget https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/KubuntuPreinstalled/releases/download/7.31.2022/kubuntu.gz.1" and wait for it to download. If that works, then do "wget https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/KubuntuPreinstalled/releases/download/7.31.2022/kubuntu.gz.2", and if that works, do "wget https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/KubuntuPreinstalled/releases/download/7.31.2022/kubuntu.gz.3". If that works, then all three files are downloaded and we00:19
arraybolt3[m]can finally try to flash them again.00:19
arraybolt3[m](Replace "trun" with "run", silly typo)00:20
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> well i could download the first file on the pendrive but the it disappeared from the file manager00:26
arraybolt3[m]:( wow, guess the pendrive must be messed up then?00:26
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> idk, it is shown in disks00:27
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> but not in file manager00:27
arraybolt3[m]Try closing and reopening file manager maybe?00:27
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> and now of course mozilla fails downloading every file00:27
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> tried (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Try closing and reopening file manager maybe?)00:27
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> same thing for the 64 GB pendrive00:29
arraybolt3[m]If that doesn't work, then I think we're stuck. All of the "download and flash in one go" commands fail, the flash drive is failing, and I already know that RAM can't hold it all, so... I guess that's all we can do. I mean, you could try to boot from the 64 GB drive and flash Kubuntu to the SD card.00:29
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> it has like a problem with pendrives00:29
arraybolt3[m]That's just so weird. Maybe your whole system would work better if you booted from the SD card? I mean, how big is your SD card?00:29
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> 8GB, i use that because work better than 8GB pendrive (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> That's just so weird. Maybe your whole system would work better if you booted from the SD card? I mean, how big is your SD card?)00:30
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Can’t we make these stuff from windows?00:30
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> like downloading and others stuffs00:30
arraybolt3[m]Possibly, but if GitHub is the problem for some of it, Windows probably won't help much.00:30
arraybolt3[m](I could be wrong, but that's what I'd think.)00:31
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> understood00:31
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Well, we can try this tomorrow, it’s 2:30 a.m. here, i’m going to sleep00:31
arraybolt3[m]OK. Sorry it's still not working, glad that Fedora is starting to work better!00:31
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> yess, thx for everything man00:32
arraybolt3[m]👍️ Glad to be able to help!00:32
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IrcsomeBot<Oov> hi02:54
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: 👋03:01
BluesKajHi all12:12
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Good morning, I tried Pop_OS and it recognizes my SSD in disks (with all partition) but not during installation, after trying the installation it disappeared also from disks (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> OK. Sorry it's still not working, glad that Fedora is starting to work better!)13:08
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Idk, maybe it is related with mounting disks13:08
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: Really? OK, that's odd and cool. Are you able to access the SSD with the file manager?13:17
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://imgur.com/a/8J3yxaC13:18
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I can’t from file manager13:18
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: Can you give me the URL after running "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999"?13:20
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://imgur.com/a/dguEoof13:24
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: You have to be connected to the Internet to make that command work.13:24
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> ahh okay13:25
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: If that's not an option at the moment, just run "lsblk" and then send a picture of the screen.13:25
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://termbin.com/wyd613:25
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> no, i just hadn’t connected (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @I_it_depends_I: If that's not an option at the moment, just run "lsblk" and then send a picture of the screen.)13:26
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Btw Pop_Os seems to work really well on this computer respect to fedora13:27
arraybolt3[m]Sure looks like it's working mighty good if it can detect the SSD. That's so weird, it looks like it's detecting it just fine. Can you try to install and show me the error it gives?13:28
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> which one? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/af33044a/file_58501.jpg13:30
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/48bc722a/file_58502.jpg13:31
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: ??? That's... wrong.13:31
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I clicked on custom13:32
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: I wonder if Windows on this laptop is doing something quirky to the partition table that's causing all our woes here.13:32
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, I know, you did it right, but your laptop is being rebellious.13:32
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> In the left it shows me partitions, in the right no : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/caa79d7b/file_58503.jpg13:34
arraybolt3[m]You've got the wrong disk selected in GParted - see the drop-down in the upper-right corner? Click it and then click /dev/sda.13:35
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Can’t select that, it doesn’t show13:36
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> i’m restarting and redoing that13:36
ElliriaHey there. Is there a way to get the icons on the Desktop to appear from the top down instead of from left to right?13:38
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> strange thing : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6b4e4fc7/file_58504.jpg13:39
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I can boot two times from the flash drive13:39
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I’ll try the first-one13:40
arraybolt3[m]Welcome to the world of buggy firmware. :D13:40
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> An important thing: when i flashed this drive I used Rufus, but with Pop_Os I couldn’t choose between MPR or GPT, it was set on MPR, could it be a problem?13:41
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: If it boots, you're probably OK.13:42
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> ok13:42
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> After rebooting, it gives me always this error when I click during the custom installation on “Manage Partition” (that opens GParted) : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/05cade71/file_58505.jpg13:43
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Before I clicked on Ignore, if I click on Retry nothing happens13:43
arraybolt3[m]Bah, sounds like the same problem that was causing the SSD to not be recognized at all.13:43
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> But in disks again it shows partitions13:44
arraybolt3[m]I think the Linux kernel is just buggy here (or Samsung's stuff is, one of the two). Your laptop uses a very weird kind of SSD called an eUFS chip, which is Samsung's doing. Linux is supposed to support it, but as you can see...13:44
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> mhh interesting13:45
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> The problem is that it doesn’t let me install Pop_os on the drive, it gives me an error of installation (maybe because Pop_Os is bigger than Fedora and the flash drive of 8GB doesn’t work?)13:46
arraybolt3[m]It's not letting you install Pop!_OS to the SSD probably because of those pesky input/output errors. Or do you mean you can't even install it to your 64GB drive? Or are you booting the ISO from the 64 GB drive and trying to install to the 8 GB drive?13:46
arraybolt3[m](If you're trying to install to the 8 GB drive, that almost certainly won't work - flash to the 8GB drive and install to the 64 GB.)13:47
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Before I was flashing from 8GB and trying to install on 64 one (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> It's not letting you install Pop!_OS to the SSD probably because of those pesky input/output errors. Or do you mean you can't even install it to your 64GB drive? Or are you booting the ISO from the 64 GB drive and trying to install to the 8 GB drive?)13:47
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Btw in Clean installation this appears : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6691a4d1/file_58506.jpg13:48
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: OK, try clicking Custom when you go to install this time.13:48
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> okay (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @I_it_depends_I: OK, try clicking Custom when you go to install this time.)13:48
arraybolt3[m]Is it just not showing the 64 GB drive?13:48
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Apparently no (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Is it just not showing the 64 GB drive?)13:49
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> i’m atm flashed with 64 GB and have no others drive in13:49
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> it’s the internal ssd (re @I_it_depends_I: )13:49
arraybolt3[m]Oh. That's the problem. Flash to the 8 GB and then boot from that.13:49
arraybolt3[m]You can't install to the same drive you're booted from.13:50
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> yep yep, i was talking about the ssd, I wasn’t clear13:50
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> In this moment i wasnt trying to install on usb13:50
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> just showing u that in clean installation something of ssd is recognized13:50
arraybolt3[m]OK, that makes sense. It's interesting that it's kinda sorta accessing the SSD but not quite doing it right. Sounds like a kernel bug to me.13:51
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Yes maybe, now i’ll reboot from 8gb sd flashed drive (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> OK, that makes sense. It's interesting that it's kinda sorta accessing the SSD but not quite doing it right. Sounds like a kernel bug to me.)13:52
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> and try to install on 64 GB one (re @I_it_depends_I: Yes maybe, now i’ll reboot from 8gb sd flashed drive)13:53
arraybolt3[m]That's what I'd try to do. We know that has a good chance of working.13:53
arraybolt3[m](Sooner or later we're gonna get some distro to work hopefully! It may not even end up being Kubuntu, but if we throw enough spaghetti against the wall, something should stick eventually!)13:54
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> ahahahahaha13:54
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> i hope that13:54
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Here I am, whith the flash 8gb and the 64 Gb on which i want to install this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/34785fbd/file_58507.jpg13:55
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Here I am, with the flash 8gb and the 64 Gb on which i want to install this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/34785fbd/file_58507.jpg13:55
arraybolt3[m]Yay. OK, actually, back up and use "Clean" instead.13:56
arraybolt3[m](I think hit "Cancel Installation".)13:56
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I want to erase everything from 64 (atm there is flashed pop_OS13:56
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I want to erase everything from 64 (atm there is flashed pop_OS)13:56
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> okay (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Yay. OK, actually, back up and use "Clean" instead.)13:56
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, and the Clean installation should do that.13:56
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> So just select the pendrive and “Erase and Install”, right?13:57
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I’ve done that before but it gave me an error13:57
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/151af605/file_58508.jpg13:57
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, Erase and Install should do it.13:58
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> we’ll see13:59
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> As before, it stuck at 75%14:04
arraybolt3[m]Can you just wait for it?14:04
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/2dc9e9cc/file_58509.jpg14:04
arraybolt3[m]And if so, what's the error?14:04
arraybolt3[m]Or does it give an error message after a while?14:04
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> then failed : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/35c51956/file_58510.jpg14:04
arraybolt3[m]OK, "cat /tmp/installer.log | nc termbin.com 9999" while connected to the Internet, then send the link.14:05
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> https://termbin.com/s9v414:07
arraybolt3@I_it_depends_I: Blah. Looks like one of the drives is damaged or your ISO is corrupted.14:08
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Yep, think is a problem of flashdrive14:09
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> in fact balenaetcher couldnt flash it but rufus could14:10
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> for the 8GB one, but no problem with both balenaetcher and rufus with the 64 one14:10
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, that definitely sounds like drive problems. You may want to consider buying some new drives.14:11
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Yep, think i’ll do thst14:11
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Also because Pop_Os seems to be really fast, surely faster than windows in almost everything14:12
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Hate to ask you this thing in a Kubuntu group, but do you know other distro that could work and that are generally better than Pop_Os (just to know, I think that this distro works well, but maybe there are others)14:14
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Another thing, in Pop_Os the some device audio is detected but it’s “dummy audio”, is it a problem of some driver or things like that? Could they be solved?14:15
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> And also: I’m gonna buy a micro SD because i can put it directly into the computer (so that i will forget that) what speed is necessary for a well working thing?14:23
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I can confirm that now that I installed on an sd of 128 GB, the unique problem is the “dummy output” and the blutooth (re @I_it_depends_I: Also because Pop_Os seems to be really fast, surely faster than windows in almost everything)15:34
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I can confirm that now that I installed that OS on an sd of 128 GB, the unique problem is the “dummy output” and the blutooth (re @I_it_depends_I: Also because Pop_Os seems to be really fast, surely faster than windows in almost everything)15:41
arraybolt3[m]Sorry to have been gone for so long, had a small explosion in the development side of things.15:57
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: The dummy output problem might be solvable if it's just missing firmware, so maybe trying "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" and sending me the URL will help. Also do "sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" and send that link too.15:58
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Okay, sending it15:59
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: As for SD card speed, higher is obviously better, but you don't have to go crazy. 90 MB/s should be more than sufficient, though 130 MB/s would make the system snappier.15:59
arraybolt3[m](I was comfortable with a system that only has around 12 MB/s - now I do have some patience, and apps didn't exactly pop onto the screen in an instant, but it was more than livable.)16:01
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> 120MB/s then are good16:01
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> think I made some mistake : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/c7516600/file_58511.jpg16:03
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> I installed things to try to make it works16:03
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> when i rebooted on it this appeared16:04
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> At worst i’ll reinstall the Os16:04
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> problem is that i can’t write there16:04
arraybolt3[m]OK, one moment...16:05
arraybolt3[m]@I_it_depends_I: So, at this weird prompt, would you mind typing "ls /dev" and then showing me the screen?16:06
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> If i have to reinstall the Os it’s not a problem16:06
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Keyboard doesn’t work there16:06
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> that’s the fact16:07
arraybolt3[m]Oh happy day! </sarcsam>16:07
arraybolt3[m]OK, yeah, if the keyboard won't even work here, then... I guess reinstall time it is.16:07
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Okay thx16:08
arraybolt3[m]If we could type commands into that handy prompt, we could likely recover it, but no keyboard = no fixing it.16:08
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> It’s sad because if in the futute i did something wrong I would reinstall everything16:09
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> this “Refresh Install” could be useful? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/cbf701ba/file_58512.jpg16:11
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Tried that but didnt work16:14
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> i’m doing clean installation16:14
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Btw i’ll buy a usb keyboard, that should work there16:15
arraybolt3[m]+1 on the USB keyboard16:39
oerheks-1 for pop-os17:01
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Yes, I know, but this whole ordeal is just trying to get SOME distro to run so we know what to do to get Kubuntu to run (if they want to do that once something's working). So I know this looks wildly off-topic, but it's not.17:08
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Hi17:09
IrcsomeBot<Oov> arraybolt317:09
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Hello!17:10
IrcsomeBot<Oov> How are you!17:11
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: You should've seen the run-around we've had with this system - Kubuntu, a custom Kubuntu image I built, Fedora Rawhide, Fedora 36, and now Pop!_OS, it's been crazy. Don't ever buy a Samsung Galaxy Book S, lesson learned.17:11
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Pretty good. Anything we can help with?17:11
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Yeah (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @Oov: Pretty good. Anything we can help with?)17:11
oerheksis he using wired internet during install? that could explain some questions17:12
oerheksand installing on sd card, downside is too fast shutdown..17:12
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Nope, but the Wi-Fi works. The problem I think is the kernel. Ubuntu wouldn't even let the installer boot, Rawhide and Fedora 36 would, Pop would. The internal SSD isn't even visible no matter which distro we use (thanks to Samsung's eUFS chip).17:12
arraybolt3[m](Actually, that's not totally true, Pop can see the partitions on the eUFS chip, but that's about it - it gets spurious IO errors and can't install to the free partition.)17:13
oerheksdisable secureboot?17:13
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Pretty sure we did that.17:13
oerhekswell, good luck with that17:14
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: It's a 2020 laptop with extremely funky hardware, it's not like this was unexpected, but boy has it been confusing.17:14
arraybolt3[m]Thanks, we're gonna need it!17:15
oerhekstoo new hardware .. bios update?17:15
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: I'm not finding any updates for the laptop.17:16
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Maybe Windows Update will do it, that's what it looks like Samsung uses to distribute BIOS updates (or something?)17:18
arraybolt3[m]Actually here it is. @I_it_depends_I: BIOS update might help some of your problems. https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/computers-it/samsung-galaxy-book-bios-update-ver-p17cfd-fails/td-p/526041617:19
oerheksno idea, check the laptop model + bios update + linux..17:20
IrcsomeBot<Oov> With meta+w  and kde connect (re @Oov: Yeah)17:22
arraybolt3[m]@Oov: Sorry for my absence, I'm dealing with multiple things at once over on my end.17:41
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> wow thx (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Actually here it is. @I_it_depends_I: BIOS update might help some of your problems. https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/computers-it/samsung-galaxy-book-bios-update-ver-p17cfd-fails/td-p/5260416)17:47
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> Btw idk why but i can’t install pop_os again, it gives me the error17:48
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> with this could I install Kubuntu? (maybe?) (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Actually here it is. @I_it_depends_I: BIOS update might help some of your problems. https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/computers-it/samsung-galaxy-book-bios-update-ver-p17cfd-fails/td-p/5260416)17:49
IrcsomeBot<I_it_depends_I> (sorry for my absence, i wasnt at home)17:49
IrcsomeBot<Oov> I understand don't be sorry :-) (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @Oov: Sorry for my absence, I'm dealing with multiple things at once over on my end.)17:57
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Hello i need help with noson flatpak on kubuntu18:23
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Amazon prime music not playing music18:23
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> But my sonos spundbar is sern in the app and it says this action not working. Just tune in working18:24
oerhekswhy flatpak, noson is available as snap https://snapcraft.io/noson18:29
oerheksand looking for issues, users can connect with cli, not the gui ..18:29
olinahi all. I would appriciate some help with kubuntu network setup.18:41
user|65Boa tarde a todos.19:00
user|65Estou com problemas no SSDM Login. Depois de definir o papel de parede, a tela de login ficou bugada. Como restauro ao original?19:01
user|65I'm having trouble with SSDM Login. After setting the wallpaper, the login screen became buggy. How do I restore the original?19:02
mparilloI always find that using System Settings to reset the Global Theme back to breeze, and then Login Screen (SDDM) Apply Plasma Settings.20:12
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